Sunday, November 27, 2011

'tis the season of the Velveteen Rabbit

The love we have of a Velveteen Rabbit, worn with play, sticky with PB&J, limp from being carried around, is the deep transforming love of the one who’s been to hell and back, holding her treasures dear to her heart.

Mighty Mars has shown up with a tractor, plowing Pluto's road to loving transformation, and Venus is now supervising the dig. Three inquiring minds, one solution: Love is the Answer to the ultimate question, “why am I here?”

Use the eyes of your mother Moon to bravely stare down the harsh maximum-penalty judge, Stern Saturn. Look within to find your backbone, that strong, upright place where you are certain. Where you know exactly who you are, and what you stand for. Everything else hangs on that tree--arms extended, reaching; legs straight and firmly planted on solid ground; head stretched skyward, tuning in.

Tonight we sleep to the Moon in Aquarius. Dream a dream of peace on earth. Dream of a global handshake, where no one judges, everyone agrees to hug. Each hug ignites the recipient, who passes it on, and on. We’re all lit up, like colorful Christmas trees, growing, glowing, throughout the world.

Here’s to Monday, November 28, 2011:

Aries (March 20-April 19)
It’s a somewhat serious day meant for running down to the garden shop and ordering those tomato seeds that need time to germinate before spring planting. Winter’s coming with hibernating urges for a little extra sleep and even some laziness. Your energetic fire goes underground to molten, erupting after December 13th.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The stern influence of Saturn is no match for your familiarity with organizing and cataloging and putting form into creative projects. You’re the master sculptor who, like Michelangelo, shows up with the chisel and wheelbarrow that’s needed to free up something beautiful that wants to come into form. Productive artist is not an oxymoron to you!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Tonight you sleep to the Aquarius Moon. Perfect time for that Gemini genius to conjure up a solution to problems rolling around in your head. Dreaming into the depths of Pluto’s realm requires focus that you lack in the daylight (too many books to read!). Recite an affirmation before bed from that journal you’ve neglected. Put pencil and paper on the nightstand. Write your dreams.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Mother Moon is your natural Muse, and today she’s remembering Christmases past. Doodle some images of toys that delighted you as a child. Call a friend and challenge them to a game of listing #10 gifts that don’t cost money. You’re conjuring up your own creative juices today. Write a wish list. Know that you are secure in the arms of those who love you.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
What good is all that creativity if you can’t find your paints? The stern taskmaster Saturn is holding a free lecture today about organizing your feelings, left to right, happiest ones first. Something that feels dark may actually be a lovely shade of maroon that you need to trim out a portrait of your courageous heart. Appreciate yourself. Even courage needs feeding.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Remember having the knees of your jeans smugged by little hands sticky with PB&J? Children loosen up, even destroy, any lingering vestiges of “I can get this just right, if only I try a little harder.” You have work to be done today, but it’s an inner assignment. The Velveteen Rabbit is lovable “as is,” just like you.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Getting out of your head and into your heart (the longest journey in this lifetime!) will pay off big time. Mighty, hard-working Mars in Virgo is plowing a road ahead of you. Your job is to trust your intuition. Stop at every crossroad, and ask yourself, “which way does my heart want to go?” Don’t think. Do it.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The Moon is your Mother--the sweeter side of you who loves to help people find their way. So many lost souls out there who haven’t paid attention to the clues like you have. You’re the expert when it comes to walking around on this swiss cheese world that requires careful examination before committing. Your forte. Speak up.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Rallying the troops to line up for that global handshake, mano-a-mano, that will unite all minds, kindred or not, is your gift. Let loose your enthusiasm, no matter how zealous. Your proverbial soapbox waits for you to coral your insights into a philosophy you can believe in, and sell. It’s just like unraveling the string of lights from last Christmas, checking out what works.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
No one protects a treasure better than you. You know what’s valuable, what’s glitter. The road being cleared ahead of you by Mighty Mars in Virgo has help from Venus today, adding some colorful signposts like “Turn Right to Happiness.” It may not yet feel like downhill all the way, but that’s coming for you. Until December 13th, look under the rocks. Think about the confusion the caterpillar feels inside that cocoon.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You don’t mind a day for serious thoughts. It’s a good excuse to take to your Ivory Tower for awhile, justifying your need to take a time out to think things trough without input or feedback from your friends. The freedom to have your own interrupted space is important to you. Tonight will be such sweet dreams as Mother Moon moves into your sign around 11:00 pm. This is a night for the great magician, turning poverty into plenty.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Get a picture of Einstein. Frame it in seashells. Hang it over your desk. Let it inspire you to solve puzzles of thousands of tiny pieces into a picture of the whole that only you can visualize. Which blue piece is sky, which one sea? Practicing this discernment is the perfect exercise for you to develop your own boundaries. Some stuff belongs on the perimeter, some belongs in the center of your heart.

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