Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fridays are TGIF thanks to Venus

Fridays are always sweet, with hints of romance and fun. Our Friday Muse is the goddess of love herself, Venus. Picture Venus on the half-shell, rising in her glorious, languid beauty--is this woman heading to the office? I don't think so!

Here's to Fabulous Friday, November 25, 2011!

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You're naturally outgoing self will enjoy the traveling you've done this holiday, both in miles and in ideas. There are 5 planets in fire signs right now, and your energized Aries Sun makes six! That's much more than enough to keep a warm campfire going in your heart, it's a blaze of creativity. However there's an argument going on inside your head. Get into a healthy debate with someone! You won't feel like compromising, so pick a Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn referee. What you really want is to stand up for your position.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You are determined to make a "hands off!" stand today. Something that's been buried is erupting like hot lava. You won't feel like backing down on any point, and others will get a good look at the famous Taurus tenacity. But the bull doesn't mind a test or two, in fact it is a red flag challenge you welcome. Your energy is high. Do something rash!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your Olympic mental gymnastics are needed today to face some tests of misunderstandings. If your friends don't mind your unfair advantage, you might start a good debate. Or challenge them to a game of scrabble as a way to channel this energy. Soothe yourself afterwards with some music or a trip to your favorite museum.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Go ahead and snap at someone, it's better for you than holding it in. Plus it gets you out of hiding and helps you fight for your rightful territory, or more likely to protect someone in your family. Let your uncanny instincts guide you. Tension may be the leftovers on your plate today. Break it by joking about your own discomforts. Show yourself.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You've already grasped the point so you're impatient with those who don't. Remember that your natural confidence is a gift others don't have--likewise your gift of integrity. Your inner warrior is in no mood to compromise today. Actually, you never like to find yourself in a compromising situation. Right now, with five planets plus your Sun in a fire sign, you are a-glow with power. Let yourself feel it.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Surround yourself with some art today. Your best detox from Thanksgiving is to stimulate your imagination. Although you are gifted with the quick ability to separate the wheat from the chafe, a tedious job will not suit you now. Someone may ask you to justify the validity of a stand you've taken recently, and while you'll give in on small matters, you won't feel like compromising on quality issues.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Try to take in a good romantic comedy with someone you love and just enjoy the pleasant romantic fog. Today is a day you feel a soul-union with some one, or some many. Honor your special need for companionship. It's your strength. You always have an exceptional ability to "see" the dynamics working in relationships, and today it is heightened considerably. Look for the love.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
It's a walk in the garden or trip to the beach kind of day. You could benefit greatly from surrounding yourself with art and beauty. There may be a challenge or confrontation, either within yourself or with others, triggered by something trivial. You have a natural ability to assert yourself powerfully, so your growth comes with being able to compromise. Ask an Aquarian or Libran friend for advice.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Done something rash? You probably forgot that other people don't have the thick skin you do. No problem. Your delightful ability to laugh at your own foibles will win the day. You may feel like flying away from an unpleasant challenge today because you think your freedom is threatened. But consider it as an opportunity to creatively compromise. You are on fire with ideas and activities--someone else will have to stand and do the dishes. You're out of here!

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Your gift for being able to drive a hard bargain (and win fairly) makes you everyone's favorite shopping buddy. Plus, you're frugal by nature. Today especially you'll stand your proverbial solid ground, and it will be the other guy who has to back down. You're very in tune with your loved ones. so this is not a day to go it alone.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Declare today "clear the air" day and speak your mind. It's important to release the tension that has been building. In fact you'll probably invite everyone to do the same. You need to be heard. The issues you stand for now will bear fruit for you later.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
A juicy disagreement may have the benefit of making you stand up for your rights, even though you'd rather not. Some small, even insignificant, event will trigger this. You will end up feeling more optimistic. Then you can freely spend time in the dream world you love. Let your imagination fly.

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