Monday, November 21, 2011

Mighty Mars rules busy Tuesdays

The Sun's back in a fire sign, Sagittarius, after a wet and cool underground dig through Scorpio. This straight-shooter Sun immediately connects with the god of lightening, and you're in for some exciting new discoveries.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
This afternoon brings so much adventurous energy that everyone around you better step aside. You're going to tell it like it is, letting the thoughts in your head fly straight and uncensored right out of your mouth. But this is what keeps your creative juices flowing. Today's the birth of a new perspective.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You could find that priceless antique hidden in Aunt Mary's attic. By organizing all that "junk" no one else wanted, you've earned yourself a bonus. Hidden resources will just seem to pop up, or come sit in your lap today! Just don't let your reluctance to embrace something different masquerade as being "in charge." You don't want to be "in charge" of a rut!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You're the mercurial master who knows the sleight-of-hand to make seriousness vanish--it's a blight on the land. There's magic in the electrified airwaves today and your ingenious mind seizes every new idea. Take it in, let it digest before you spread it on Facebook. Remember, you're not just a conduit for exciting news, you're the generator.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Some steam and internal combustion rumbling around inside you today, but you feel like keeping it to yourself. Let the power quietly build, then you can step out on a bit of a limb and take charge of making those changes at home. You may think something in your life isn't turning out as you think it should. This will pass with the Moon tomorrow. It's just a temporary wet blanket from your old "friend" guilt. What you're really working on is the birth of a new you.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
The Sun is back into a creative synergy with you through December 21st. This directs those lightening bolts of "aha" ideas squarely at your regal head. But, to prevent a wildfire, keep the focus of the changes you want to make on yourself. That should be easy today since your emotions have a serious edge. You want more support than you think you're getting. Get yourself a grounding rod now--Thanksgiving day is going to knock your socks off!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You're not usually a gambler, but today could be your jackpot! The rewards are coming in for all that ambitious hard work which started November 10th. Make a note of any opportunities that come your way today--they will be your guiding stars through June, 2012. Life is flowing your way.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You feel like keeping your deepest thoughts to yourself. But that would separate you from others and set you up for loneliness. Lower your expectations, more in line with reality, and you'll be happy. See yourself through the eyes of someone who adores you. Adopt that vision.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
A subtle surge of power bubbles up into your need to expand your life, but in your limitless good feelings you could take it too far. But then some indulgences come with the holiday territory. Right? Just don't cut yourself off from your feelings--they're the conduit to your awesome intuition!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Now is your time to shine as you approach your birthday, your Personal New Year. Listen to the urges to change an attitude, the tension nagging you to let go of the old. Isn't there a trip you've been longing to take?

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Today's a big payoff for riding that merry-go-round over and over again--the brass ring is your for the taking. Don't overlook any "chance" happening, it could be the door to a treasure held in store for you since February, 2008. Relax. Look up.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You've turned your mind to some serious subjects, but today you can birth some equally weighty but effective solutions. Your thinking is orderly and clear. Trust it. If you have something to say, now is the time to be heard. You're our expert on freedom.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
The warrior energies of Might Mars are working to bring a personal issue, in which you had to take the initiative, to a climax. You passed the test if you faced an interpersonal conflict and stood your ground--wobbly or not. You're due for a triumphal drum roll, just for making the effort and having compassion for yourself.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the New Moon PrepKit.

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