Sunday, April 28, 2013

Taurus makes dollars and sense

The fireworks are over, the last spark has fallen to the ground in Taurus where the ashes fertilize all that’s been planted during the last six weeks.  Explosively creative but often impulsive bursts of ideas that seemed like genius at the time are facing the reality testing of the practical Taurus bull.  Ideas must make dollars and common sense.

"Is Wall Street the rightful master of our economic fate? Or should we chose a broader form of sovereignty?" Thomas Frank

The Taurus bull, the symbol of Wall Street, takes a fixed stance on finances.  Under it’s methodical influence, you’ll find yourself slow to act, but strong and unyielding when you do.

This Wednesday Messenger Mercury takes his shoes off, puts up his feet for a comfortable break in Taurus. Yet the urge, actually a necessity, to transform old ways of thinking is acute.  As we get nearer to the May 20th pinnacle you must decide to be a change agent, or have change happen to you.  

♡ Date Night:  Venus and Mars together in Taurus
With both of the zodiac’s lovers in Taurus, the erotic way of life is alive and well!  Puritanical prudence and the repression of sexuality is out, in favor of the enjoyment and pleasure that make life fun.  These lovers insist on comfort, beautiful surroundings, music and art.  Compatibility is further enhanced by having their minds in sync, and loaded with imagery.  A picture is literally worth a thousand words, though the sweet smell of roses is just as tantalizing.

The Force of resources is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of April 28-May 4, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Sunday morning It’s best to just sleep in, then shake off those bothersome dreams of the past.  Last month you fell into a burning ring of fire, and now it’s going out.  You may feel a little deflated, but you could use some rest!  This is actually a good thing, and a natural progression; you’ve pioneered something new and now you need to stop and nurture these seedling ideas.  Beginning Wednesday, you’re only looking for concrete gains which you’ll have in the areas of writing, publishing,and teaching. You’re absolutely methodical about it!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
People have to wave a red flag in front of the Taurus bull to get her to charge!  You are slow to anger and much prefer the comfort of quiet stability, which you have plenty of this week.  After a long journey (roughly the past 6 weeks) through some frustrating, busy times, you once again feel at home with yourself.  Your powers of concentration, which are already quite good, reach new heights of effectiveness. Take your beautiful mind out for a walk in some new territory, just to make sure you don’t lose this excellent opportunity because you get stuck in an obstinate Taurus rut.  
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Beginning this Wednesday, you’ll notice that your thoughts are drifting through the house of memories and past experiences.  Remember, the only true thing you know about the past is it’s gone!  Your heavyweight thinking is based more on feelings than on logic, and valuable ideas will come to you intuitively or psychically.  Your imagination is very active, from now until May 16th.  Gear up for that date, it’s when Messenger Mercury flies into Gemini.  For now, behind the scenes is just right.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You won’t feel like fighting for yourself, but if you get pushed to the wall you’ll stand up against any obstacle like the proverbial Taurus bull.  You have no trouble hanging onto your money, especially now. You want it for security and the comforts it brings, never out of greed.  You fall into the sea of tranquility Friday Morning when the Moon sails into the sweet waters of Pisces.  Like diving into a pool of empathy, you’ll feel everything around you with sympathy and compassion.  Your friends have a strong influence on your decisions for the next three weeks, and visa versa.  People are drawn to your love of truth and impartial sense of justice.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
If you see some dark clouds this Sunday morning, remember it only seems to block the Sun that still shines.  All the fired-up mental activity you’ve enjoyed for the past three weeks settles into reliable, profitable form.  Focus on learning something new that will further your career.  You don’t wait for luck, since you make your own success through deliberate planning.  There are a few tight spots this week since the squeeze is on between practical Taurus wanting to accumulate a little dough, and Stern Saturn throwing obstacles across your path that force you to change plans.   You have the mind of a political strategist for the next three weeks.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You have great determination and perseverance, once you chose a course of action. Let's hope you have your thinking cap on, because things are coming to a head this Thursday. Projects
you began about three weeks ago must be tested out to see if they have lasting power and sustainability. This weekend a poetic Moon in Pisces tempts you to fall deeper in love and resolve to leave your walls down, your heart open. Revolutionary changes are still brewing just below the surfaces of what looks like solid ground.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Your spirits are a little dampened so your breakfast cereal looks soggy Sunday morning.  But hang on, you’re going to get a clear headed and uplifting breath of hope in the latter part of the afternoon.  Another cool breeze blows in Wednesday morning that gets your mind off yourself and on to the needs of a broader community.  Don’t worry, you won’t ditch everything and run off to join the Peace Corps.  Trust that you’ll come up with the right, practical solution. Your vibrant mind has less activity, especially after Wednesday, because now you’re ready to dig deeper.  Your thinking takes a scientific bent that can ferret out secrets and discover hidden motivations in yourself and others.  You gotta know how it works before you can fix it!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Avoid criticizing yourself or others and you’re in for a wonderful three weeks ahead.  Wednesday morning you’ll notice your mind marching to a practical very practical Taurus drummer.  Your shrewd business mind finds easy expression in the management of your finances and material goods.  This helps you make plans that work. Your best bet now is to work in a cooperative partnership, not alone, in the area of sales, public relations or the law.  You want mental companionship.  If there is anything that needs mediation, you are the one to do it.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
The Moon is in Sagittarius as you start this week.  You’ll have an excess of benevolent kindness, which is great, but you’ll lack discrimination in doling it out.  Extravagance will seem normal.  Wait until Wednesday before giving away the farm.  Then you’ll be keenly alert in your thinking, even methodical when it comes to details.  With half the zodiac now in earthy practicality and the watery depths of imagination, you may feel like someone clipped your wings.  Falling to earth isn’t all bad.  It’s just not as much fun!  Any course of action that requires skilled craftsmanship and great patience will work out well for you.  Just don’t expect a quick response.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’re in for a time of putting life and work into good orderly direction, which you’re really going to need by this Tuesday.  Use Monday to validate your dreams with concrete planning, and try not to get so serious about it all.  You’re headed for the time of your life with most of the zodiac now in signs of earthy practicality and “just give me the bottom line.”  Your cup of tea.  Your intellectual interest in creative endeavors is peaked, and you can make fun out of mentally competitive games.  Challenge someone to chess!

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Use Sunday to catch some surprising inspirations, put them into written form, and share them with a friend.  You’re motivated to share big doses of benevolent kindnesses.  By midweek in particular, your focus is on your ancestral lineage, it’s gifts, and how you want to pay it forward.  Home will feel very important to you, and you even welcome some changeable conditions there.  You’re now in the times of the tortoise, not the hare, and you’re intrigued about the idea of carrying your home with you everywhere.  You can, and you want to, be able to tune out extraneous “stuff” so you can have time to think.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
With Mental Mercury’s move into Taurus midweek, your mind is Einstein!  Expect your communications to be brilliant.  Your mind is agile and your thoughts loaded with originality.  Friday evening finds the Moon in your sign, and you’re uplifted by renewed hope and faith in the goodness of human beings, no matter how ragged or unwell they appear.  It’s a romantic and inspirational time in your life.  Whisper sweet nothings in his ear, and see your fears turn to faith.  Romance is not only in the air you breathe, it is the red thread connecting your hearts.  

✶ Astrology Wonks
The Taurus Sun opposes Serious Saturn at 1:26 AM, PDT, this Sunday.  Wet blankets and seriousness.
The Moon is in Sagittarius as we start this week, and she opposes Jovial Jupiter Sunday morning at 8:09 AM, PDT.  Excess of feelings.
Mars, newly in Taurus, has a stressful opposition with Stern Saturn this Tuesday at 10:11 PM, PDT.
This Wednesday (8:37 AM, PDT) Messenger Mercury moves into the comfy security of Taurus the bull.  Later, the Sun in Taurus makes a lovely and stabilizing harmonic with bottom-line Pluto (10:35 AM).  A 180 for an idea to turn profit.  

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Scorpio Eclipse makes Moonquakes

Three celestial bodies yoked together in precise alignment, Earth-Moon-Sun, occurs this Thursday at 12:58 PM, PDT, at the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse.  Thanks to Apollo astronauts, we know that this syzygy increases the gravitational pull to such a degree that it triggers a seismic event on the Moon, a Moonquake.  
An eclipse provides a turning point, a moment to reboot our energies and the direction of our lives.  Just as ocean tides are indisputably raised during a Full Moon Eclipse, so are the aggressive energies we feel.  A Full Moon marks a culminating cycle in our lives.  In Scorpio it means looking fearlessly at our woundedness, the underbelly of our hatred, and shining the light of wisdom on the treasures of love kept hidden.

Scorpio’s archetypal lord of the underworld, Darth Vader, is unmasked.  

“The search for love is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with the awareness of Love’s presence.”  A Course In Miracles

Date Night:  Venus and Mars
The goddess of love is in a luxuriously romantic mood, and Mars is, believe it or not,  feeling loyal and wanting a steadfast relationship.  The problem is, who will be the pursuer?  With both lovers in Taurus, they could just lounge around the comforts of their home, waiting for someone else to make the first move.  Pick someplace beautiful to share together, and definitely get off the couch!

The Force of unmasking is with you.

Here’s your horoscope for the week of April 21-27, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You feel the fires of impatience lift slowly, and your focus on the tasks at hand gets gradually clearer.  Even though the down to earth pleasures of Taurus are prominent, you still have a mind that is quicker than usual and loaded with inspiration.  Look at what you possess.  What are must-haves and what can be left behind?  Thursday’s Full Moon in Scorpio intensifies your need to deal with matters of ultimate concern; death, regeneration, and transformation.  The ash from your fires is a rich fertilizer for a new garden.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Well Taurus you are finally coming home to your self, after some jumpy months of frazzled nerves.  Mars, Sun and Venus are in your sign, enhancing your green thumb when it comes to money, love, and even gardens.  If you’re not too busy writing a love sonnet, it’s a good time to invest money and put plans into action.  The Scorpio Full Moon is an eclipse that increases your need to integrate your conscious will with your deeper feelings and desires.  Whim is never your motivation, but it’s especially unprofitable now.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You generally think too much, and even read too much, but this week it’s time to apply what you know you know.  The Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse requires you to look deeper into the murky waters of what motivates you; deeper than is comfortable.  Use your curiosity to lead you to unmasking the desires that lead you to your career choices.  Since change comes so easily to you, the opportunity to reboot this Thursday can truly be a time to see exactly where your over-thinking has ignored a true need.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
People around you see you as wonderful and amazing.  You’ve had more than a wink and a prayer of good fortune and organizational help since last October, and this week you’ll feel a culminating energy to projects or changes you initiated then.  
Though you’re shy about revealing yourself, your courage to look another squarely in the eye is enormous.
The Scorpio eclipse this Thursday pulls you to “hang the moon,” using your best spiritual attitude, uncritical awe.  Awesome you!

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You’re being called back to your senses, and to what feeds your heart in the physical world.  The powerful eclipse this Thursday gives you a moment in time to feel the lifting of the veil that reveals the full-on truth of who stands before you.   The fires you’ve felt during the past six weeks gave you the power to initiate.  Now earthy Taurus shows up with a bulldozer to plough the fields, which ordinarily you want no part of.  Keep in mind that in the wake of a wildfire, accumulations of dead and useless material is gone, while a new diversity of life springs up.  That’s your process now.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You are in a position to help someone out of a well worn emotional groove.  Your practical assessment of the costs of being tied to the past make your insights alchemical.  The Scorpio Eclipse this Thursday at midday confers a decidedly strengthened willpower to some intense activity.  You’re more aggressive and self-assertive and you’ll brook no interference with your decisions.  The Scorpio eagle is in your corner, suggesting you repair and refurbish your nest.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
There are some decidedly masculine aspects flying around this week’s Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio.  Your very feminine muse, Venus, finds the energy of the strong and biased emotions of Scorpio’s willfulness to be crude, or at least off-putting.  Your diplomacy may have to take a backseat to Scorpio’s unbridled passions, like jealousy and revenge.  Still, if you can join with someone in an agreed upon objective that you both think is worthwhile, no sacrifice will seem too great.  Thursday’s a great time to reboot the old tape about people pleasing.  Delete, delete!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Your powerful muse, the eagle, has had a lot of wildlife kills attributed to it’s prowess that in fact were the work of others.  Likewise, you power is often misunderstood because others feel intimidated by you, whether you intend it or not.  This week, leading up to the potent Full Moon Eclipse in your sign this Thursday, you’ll feel like restructuring your nest, including the family members in it!  Your defenses are strong, and you’ll be somewhat resistant to a differing point of view because you’re so sure of yourself.  Allow some worldly pleasures.  Do something that delights you.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Your fire hasn’t gone out, it’s just burned out the useless and outworn on it’s way to new territory.  Your mental processes are very sharp, looking for new ideas.  It’s like your mind is a fast paced hare, and your movements are like the tortoise.  If you feel out of sync, frustrating yourself because you don’t think something’s moving fast enough, use the noon hour of Thursday’s Eclipse to reboot your mental pace to a slower mph.  You’ll feel more focused.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Last week you started to feel like “finally, things are going my way.”  Although nothing is really coming to you easily (but Capricorn is so well suited to hard work!), it is coming to you with a dose of comfort and worldly pleasures.  Thursday, around high noon, stop yourself in your tracks long enough to absorb some new information that’s accompanied by some very intense feelings.  You’re not being shown how to get ahead, or climb the ladder of success.  Rather, it’s about the remodeling blueprints scatter all over your dining room table.  The May 20th pinnacle is coming fast.  Beheading your inner dictator should be in the plans, but it must be preceded by uprooting the past.  

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Your heart is in the right place, your vision is expansive, but your audience this week is likely to be involved in power plays!  The ones that benefit only themselves.  Hang on to your high hopes, even though right now you feel like that little ol’ ant!  Even the dark underworld of Scorpio’s domain cannot resist the light of your knowledge.  Your compassion and faith is strong.  Just slow down and use the eclipse to release what no longer serves you.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
You can look for harmony in your home, luck with money, and an intense and powerful drive that gets you to the bottom of what ails you, or anyone who seeks your advice.  Your mental processes may still be short circuiting now and then, but what you lack in clarity you make up for in willpower.  Your usual shyness takes a big back seat to the urge to fly.  Never ask a sparrow how the eagle flies, for those with little wings cannot advise you on this awesome flight.  Use the eclipse to lift off!

✶ Astrology Wonks
Syzygy, a straight line configuration of three celestial bodies, means yoked together either by conjunction (New Moon) or opposition (Full Moon).  
No earthquake fears!  The mass of the Earth is 82 times greater than the Moon’s, reducing the likelihood of earthquakes during syzygy.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Awkward April

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world or a desire to enjoy the world.  This makes it hard to plan the day.  E.B. White

Your persistence is finally paying off and you’re getting that zoning restriction lifted that frees your growing business to expand but you have to elbow your way through crowds of protestors to get into the courthouse where you have a 10:00 am appointment that until an hour ago was 11:00 but got moved up and it’s now 10:20 so you’re running in hopes the judge will see you anyway.

Burning desire.  That’s April in a nutshell.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.  Napoleon Hill

♡ Date Night:  Venus and Mars in sensuous Taurus
Venus and Mars, together in Taurus, are happily enjoying the pleasures of life, feeding each other with sensual delights.  This weekend your relationship is solar-powered, you’re emotionally in sync, and passions are cooking artfully on a slow, steady flame.  This feast is meant for immediate consumption!   
The Force of burning desire is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of April 14-20, 2013:

(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
The cauldron of creativity you’ve been constantly stirring for the past month must pass one last challenge in order for you to bring something new into your life.  The god of lightning quick change, who’s been totally in your corner, is in a awkward tension with the stern and too serious requirements of a restrictive set of standards.  You have a strong desire to break through anything that’s holding back your freedom.  “Every person who wins at any undertaking must be willing to cut all sources of retreat.”  (Napoleon Hill)  Love this about yourself dear Aries, you know nothing about retreat!  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The parade of five planets, previously clustered in Aries, start a slow crawl into Taurus this week.  Venus brings you constant, lasting affections beginning Monday.  The Sun enters your sign this Friday at 3:03 PM, and you’re on your way to your solar New Year on your birthday.  Then Wall Street Warrior Mars adds actions that make money beginning this Saturday.  Great deeds are calling you through this powerful alignment.  You’ll discover that you love your life, and feel a deep sense of well being.  “Love and desire are the spirit’s wings to great deeds.” (Goethe)  This weekend in particular you’ll find you have a genius for organizing your projects, getting what you want most; practical results.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Believe it or not, Monday is your lucky day for fortunate actions that put you in the sunny spotlight.  A Gemini Moon starts your week with incredible generosity of spirit and an opportunity for adventure and travel.  Take advantage of the wind in your sails, especially midweek when you’ll be full throttle.  You can get more done than your usual multi-tasking self can imagine!  “Go forward with the great desire that beats at the door of your heart.” (Helen Keller)  Jovial Jupiter is in your sign for another two months (since June 12, 2012) bringing a culmination to the gifts that are expanding your horizons, almost effortlessly.  Sit still long enough to unwrap them!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You’re being challenged by an inner duel between wanting more freedom and having to deal with annoying and persistent restrictions to your efforts.  Help arrives this week starting Monday when Venus moves into earthy Taurus, and turns your appreciative attention to adding values and valuables to your life that you love because they bring you comfort and a sense of security.  Venus will also beautify your home and surroundings over the next three weeks.  By Saturday you find the peace of mind you thought you lost, and you feel much more hopeful.  “It’s not that we ask for too much, it’s that we settle for far too little.” A Course In Miracles

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Use the tailwinds you’ve been given to push your project to completion.  Ideas that got sluggishly waterlogged over the past two months are drying out, and you need to put them into immediate action.  Wednesday you feel triply blessed!  You’ve got a roaring fire now, but fire moves on quickly.  You know that the higher your goal, the greater the need for that deep foundation you been building.  “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.” (Kiyosaki)  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Your mind-body connection has open lines of communication and messages are flowing easily between them.  It’s as if you’ve completed that awesome journey out of your head and into your heart.  Your natural commitment to excellence, even perfection, gradually fuels your energy throughout this week.  By this Saturday evening you’ll be in the race with a winning combo of intelligence paired with pragmatism.  “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal...that brings success.”  (Mario Andretti)  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Indulge in a big dose of optimism that’s coming your way, and you’ll start your week off with pleasurable adventures and high hopes (highly justified!).  Put away your defensiveness.  Remember the wisdom of Star Trek’s Scotty, “Our shields are draining our energy.”  Venus moves away from opposing your Sun and into her vacation home in sensuous Taurus (Libra is her true home).  You find you’re willing to commit, if it looks like security and steadfastness are part of the deal.  You always love to be in love, and now money and a bit of opulence sweetens the pot.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
You’ve been hanging on, but your nerves are frayed at the edges!  Early this week the goddess of love takes a comfortable seat in Taurus and helps you understand the misunderstandings.  The past three to four weeks of rather impulsive energy may have left a resentment or two, but the ideas that came too fast are now falling to earth where they can take root.  Warrior Mars marches into security conscious Taurus this Saturday, sits down in your house of relationships, and asks you to free yourself from oppressive dictators (especially those inside your head!).  “Safe” is not free.  “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desirable.” (Robert Frost)  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Awkward April may challenge your patience (not your strong suit to begin with!) by seemingly throwing up hurdles on your path.  It’s just that life has been moving too fast to keep up, even though it’s been loaded with positive gifts and opportunities.  Around midweek you get solar-powered with warrior energy, which is invigorating and full of the innovation and the courage you need to bring projects from the past three to four weeks into conclusion.  For you in particular, this is so true; “All that spirits desire, spirits attain.” (Kahlil Gibran).  You know thoughts determine your reality.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
“Do not impose on others what you do not desire yourself.” (Confucius)  If you’ve let yourself be moved by the itch to break out of your comfort zone, you’ll find that this week starts a period of gradual return on your investments.  Nerves that have been a little fried get some wonderful, down to earth, relief Saturday when Warrior Mars marches onto the solid ground of Taurus.  You get a 42 day liberty!  You’ll feel stronger, but you’re also more unyielding.  Too much of being “dug in” creates an imprisoning rut.  Still, you can expect your desires to produce concrete results in the areas of creativity, romance, and children.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Remind yourself that there’s plenty of time.  Your mental processes catch fire with revolutionary new ideas, and you know just the one that only you can accomplish.  It’s placed at your feet, with optimism, this Sunday.  You feel more inspired than you have for some time, and you can see the how-to with clear vision.  As this week unfolds, you find practical ways and means that hinge on taking life a little slower.  Keep your eye on your prize values.  “We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.”  (Barack Obama)

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Focus on what you desire, not what you fear, and enjoy the awe and wonder.  Your anxieties were stirred up by all the planets in fiery Aries, but this week your energy gradually comes back down to earth and to a grounded understanding of the spiritual mysteries still floating inside your head.  Out of the haze of too muchness, you hitch a ride on the steadfast Taurus tortoise who’s headed toward the finish line with your projects.  Streamline your ideas.  They’re taking practical form, gradually, beginning this week.  “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”  (Neil Armstrong)

✶ Astrology Wonks
The parade of planets, previously clustered in Aries, start a slow crawl into Taurus this week; Venus on Monday (12:24 AM, PDT), the Sun on Friday afternoon at 3:03, and Mars this Saturday (4:48 AM, PDT).  

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Moon Breakthroughs

Pure expression of individual power is strongest in Aries, where our minds emerge from a protective chrysalis into the the majesty of being our true selves.  

Wednesday’s fiery New Moon in Aries gives us a pat on the back and a kick in the pants.

Aries is home for the aggressive warrior, Mars, whose sword is always unsheathed. This week’s energy has a readiness to fight against interference, which is accompanied by an intense self-awareness, strong will, and abundant vitality.  

The tension that has built up for quite awhile finds release this Friday, lIke thunderclouds or tectonic plates shifting, energy gets  rearranged.  You will break through something that has been restricting your freedom.  

Brains-on-fire is back!  This Saturday Mental Mercury ends a prolonged 67 day stay in the dreamy, out-of-it waters of Pisces, and begins an expansive adventure in Aries.  For the next 18 days, our mental processes quicken, bursting with new ideas.  Mercury’s move into Aries closes the week on a note of brilliant excitement about who you are and what you have to offer the world!  

Take a leap of faith, like Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade. The bridge is there if you believe it is.

Date Night:  Venus and Mars
If it weren’t for Venus standing close by, the raw energy of Aries impatience would have no charm or soft edges.  Thankfully, Venus adds some honey to your words, and some appreciation of the beauty of a vulnerable new relationship.  Her happy and playful partnership with Mars creates passion and romance enough to temper the impatience you feel.  

The Force of a leap of faith is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of April 7-13, 2013:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Rarely have we seen an Aries fail who has thoroughly embraced her power!  Sunday is your only chance for downtime, and try to sleep in Monday morning.  After that your activity level accelerates, picking up speed all the way to Wednesday’s New Moon in Aries.  You’ll have sparks flying from your fingertips!  Take advantage of this time to name your intentions, using your Aries gift of surrounding yourself with boundless new possibilities.  History is highly overrated as guide to anything!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’re not interested in waiting for the voice of experience, the wisdom of age, or actually any advice whatsoever!  Under this week’s fiery New Moon, success assured by an undaunted falling down seven times and getting up eight!  Your mind and your feet are running too fast, so the universe will drop a few golden apples to keep your attention on your path.  The emphasis now is in your twelfth house of hopes, dreams and visions.  Read some Emily Dickinson; Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.  Slow and steady is good dear Taurus, but sometimes a sprint toward your goal is in divine order.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Can you have too much creative fire?  Only if you don’t draw a circle around your project and set limits on who can participate with you.  Even if you lose it, the beautiful thing about fighting with Aries energy is that it’s over quickly and you’ll never look back.  It’s forgotten. The powerfully innovative New Moon this Wednesday morning occurs in your first house of self-expression and self-confidence.  Expect your personal power to be fueled to the max!  Like an enthusiastic traveler with no experience whatsoever, you embark on a new path.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Sudden bursts of independence stokes the leader in you to surge ahead, with or without a good plan!  There’s so much fire in your belly that you can cook up a new job or even a whole new career!  Even if your temper flares under this Aries impatience, you’ll blow up quickly and just as quickly move on.  Careful not to make your boss, or someone in authority, your target.  You’ll work better by yourself right now.  On this week’s New Moon (Wednesday morning) you’ll find than you can love your protective outer shell, especially now when bombs are bursting in air!  It serves you well.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
It’s a slow roll out of bed this Monday morning, with your mind still half asleep in Pisces.  But hang onto your fire extinguisher because beginning Monday afternoon you get a high octane kick start from the approaching New Moon in Aries.  Step out in childlike faith, believing in your big courageous heart to bridge any gaps in understanding.  This Saturday is your mind’s wake up call.  18 days ahead of mental adventures into foreign realms.  Laugh and be happy.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Half of the zodiac will be in the sign of Aries by the end of this week, tilting the whirl of action to sudden flare-ups.  If anyone tries to get in your way, or interfere with your plans, watch out!  You’re not in the mood to be inhibited by anyone or anything.  Expect flashes of psychic intuition, a deep sensitivity to unseen forces, and an intensity about renewing your spiritual path.  Trust yourself to dip into your sensuality.  Feeling your way through the myriad ideas hurling through your mind will be more profitable than a logical approach.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
With what looks like audacity and bravery, you step out in faith this week, believing in love.  Wednesday morning the Sun and Moon are joined in Aries fires of creation.  This New Moon is in your seventh house of relationships, urging you to spread your wings and invoke your power as a spiritual warrior.  More than any other sign, Libra is here to teach cooperation.  Notice this Saturday, when your mental gears light up with new ideas of how to love in relationships.  The old rules no longer work.  Partnerships are forming way out-of-the-box!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Ride the waves of this week’s New Moon cycle like a pro surfer who catches the rhythm of the universe and effortlessly comes to shore.  It’s all new territory!  You’re mind is moving out of a deeply imaginative space into a forward drive to action.  This occurs in your sixth house of healing, work, and service.  With five planets in the fires of Aries, you’re going to get steamed up!  Transmute that fire into your intentions and you’ll manifest miracles.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You get a slow wind up Sunday and Monday morning, but then your world starts heading for warp speed.  With half the zodiac in the sign of your harmonious partner Aries, you have more than the wind at your back.  You have your own launch pad!  Dry off the soggy ideas that seemed to vague to pursue.  It all becomes crystal clear to you, especially this Saturday.  No time for regrets, or caution!

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Let it blow itself up, and just move on.  Except for Sagittarius, no sign is less likely to hold a resentment than Aries.  Aries simply wastes no time on regrets.  So all the fire down below that’s being fueled by Wednesday’s New Moon occurs in your fourth house of home and family.  Use your words, not your fists, and express yourself with unadulterated honesty.  Trying to contain your anger will only leave you in a slow burn.  What you need right now is a happy, meaningful home life and you’re not in the mood to tolerate less.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Even though it’s sometimes “ready, fire, aim!” the load of Aries planets brings you an easy push into action on the ideas that have been percolating for the past 67 days.  Get your thoughts out of the lofty ivory tower in your mind.  You can bring your ideas to fruition beginning this Saturday, when some rusty wheels start moving again.  Efforts to communicate that have been frustrating or misunderstood will now become clear.  If you need to get your point across to someone, you’ll have lots of mental wind in your sails to do it.  Writing and teaching are favored.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
This Sunday evening the Pisces Moon pulls up to the docks to get her mail and messages.  Keep your receiving channel open for news.  Spend Monday morning at your vision board, to inspire yourself through the busy week ahead when the pace quickens to an unnerving degree.  Like the innocent Fool in the tarot deck, it’s time to tuck in your terror and leap.  Trust your intuition.  You’re an Aries pioneer of new paths.