Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Moon Breakthroughs

Pure expression of individual power is strongest in Aries, where our minds emerge from a protective chrysalis into the the majesty of being our true selves.  

Wednesday’s fiery New Moon in Aries gives us a pat on the back and a kick in the pants.

Aries is home for the aggressive warrior, Mars, whose sword is always unsheathed. This week’s energy has a readiness to fight against interference, which is accompanied by an intense self-awareness, strong will, and abundant vitality.  

The tension that has built up for quite awhile finds release this Friday, lIke thunderclouds or tectonic plates shifting, energy gets  rearranged.  You will break through something that has been restricting your freedom.  

Brains-on-fire is back!  This Saturday Mental Mercury ends a prolonged 67 day stay in the dreamy, out-of-it waters of Pisces, and begins an expansive adventure in Aries.  For the next 18 days, our mental processes quicken, bursting with new ideas.  Mercury’s move into Aries closes the week on a note of brilliant excitement about who you are and what you have to offer the world!  

Take a leap of faith, like Indiana Jones in The Last Crusade. The bridge is there if you believe it is.

Date Night:  Venus and Mars
If it weren’t for Venus standing close by, the raw energy of Aries impatience would have no charm or soft edges.  Thankfully, Venus adds some honey to your words, and some appreciation of the beauty of a vulnerable new relationship.  Her happy and playful partnership with Mars creates passion and romance enough to temper the impatience you feel.  

The Force of a leap of faith is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of April 7-13, 2013:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Rarely have we seen an Aries fail who has thoroughly embraced her power!  Sunday is your only chance for downtime, and try to sleep in Monday morning.  After that your activity level accelerates, picking up speed all the way to Wednesday’s New Moon in Aries.  You’ll have sparks flying from your fingertips!  Take advantage of this time to name your intentions, using your Aries gift of surrounding yourself with boundless new possibilities.  History is highly overrated as guide to anything!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’re not interested in waiting for the voice of experience, the wisdom of age, or actually any advice whatsoever!  Under this week’s fiery New Moon, success assured by an undaunted falling down seven times and getting up eight!  Your mind and your feet are running too fast, so the universe will drop a few golden apples to keep your attention on your path.  The emphasis now is in your twelfth house of hopes, dreams and visions.  Read some Emily Dickinson; Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.  Slow and steady is good dear Taurus, but sometimes a sprint toward your goal is in divine order.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Can you have too much creative fire?  Only if you don’t draw a circle around your project and set limits on who can participate with you.  Even if you lose it, the beautiful thing about fighting with Aries energy is that it’s over quickly and you’ll never look back.  It’s forgotten. The powerfully innovative New Moon this Wednesday morning occurs in your first house of self-expression and self-confidence.  Expect your personal power to be fueled to the max!  Like an enthusiastic traveler with no experience whatsoever, you embark on a new path.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Sudden bursts of independence stokes the leader in you to surge ahead, with or without a good plan!  There’s so much fire in your belly that you can cook up a new job or even a whole new career!  Even if your temper flares under this Aries impatience, you’ll blow up quickly and just as quickly move on.  Careful not to make your boss, or someone in authority, your target.  You’ll work better by yourself right now.  On this week’s New Moon (Wednesday morning) you’ll find than you can love your protective outer shell, especially now when bombs are bursting in air!  It serves you well.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
It’s a slow roll out of bed this Monday morning, with your mind still half asleep in Pisces.  But hang onto your fire extinguisher because beginning Monday afternoon you get a high octane kick start from the approaching New Moon in Aries.  Step out in childlike faith, believing in your big courageous heart to bridge any gaps in understanding.  This Saturday is your mind’s wake up call.  18 days ahead of mental adventures into foreign realms.  Laugh and be happy.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Half of the zodiac will be in the sign of Aries by the end of this week, tilting the whirl of action to sudden flare-ups.  If anyone tries to get in your way, or interfere with your plans, watch out!  You’re not in the mood to be inhibited by anyone or anything.  Expect flashes of psychic intuition, a deep sensitivity to unseen forces, and an intensity about renewing your spiritual path.  Trust yourself to dip into your sensuality.  Feeling your way through the myriad ideas hurling through your mind will be more profitable than a logical approach.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
With what looks like audacity and bravery, you step out in faith this week, believing in love.  Wednesday morning the Sun and Moon are joined in Aries fires of creation.  This New Moon is in your seventh house of relationships, urging you to spread your wings and invoke your power as a spiritual warrior.  More than any other sign, Libra is here to teach cooperation.  Notice this Saturday, when your mental gears light up with new ideas of how to love in relationships.  The old rules no longer work.  Partnerships are forming way out-of-the-box!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Ride the waves of this week’s New Moon cycle like a pro surfer who catches the rhythm of the universe and effortlessly comes to shore.  It’s all new territory!  You’re mind is moving out of a deeply imaginative space into a forward drive to action.  This occurs in your sixth house of healing, work, and service.  With five planets in the fires of Aries, you’re going to get steamed up!  Transmute that fire into your intentions and you’ll manifest miracles.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You get a slow wind up Sunday and Monday morning, but then your world starts heading for warp speed.  With half the zodiac in the sign of your harmonious partner Aries, you have more than the wind at your back.  You have your own launch pad!  Dry off the soggy ideas that seemed to vague to pursue.  It all becomes crystal clear to you, especially this Saturday.  No time for regrets, or caution!

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Let it blow itself up, and just move on.  Except for Sagittarius, no sign is less likely to hold a resentment than Aries.  Aries simply wastes no time on regrets.  So all the fire down below that’s being fueled by Wednesday’s New Moon occurs in your fourth house of home and family.  Use your words, not your fists, and express yourself with unadulterated honesty.  Trying to contain your anger will only leave you in a slow burn.  What you need right now is a happy, meaningful home life and you’re not in the mood to tolerate less.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Even though it’s sometimes “ready, fire, aim!” the load of Aries planets brings you an easy push into action on the ideas that have been percolating for the past 67 days.  Get your thoughts out of the lofty ivory tower in your mind.  You can bring your ideas to fruition beginning this Saturday, when some rusty wheels start moving again.  Efforts to communicate that have been frustrating or misunderstood will now become clear.  If you need to get your point across to someone, you’ll have lots of mental wind in your sails to do it.  Writing and teaching are favored.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
This Sunday evening the Pisces Moon pulls up to the docks to get her mail and messages.  Keep your receiving channel open for news.  Spend Monday morning at your vision board, to inspire yourself through the busy week ahead when the pace quickens to an unnerving degree.  Like the innocent Fool in the tarot deck, it’s time to tuck in your terror and leap.  Trust your intuition.  You’re an Aries pioneer of new paths.

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