Monday, May 30, 2011

Solar eclipse sets the stage for a vision quest

On Wednesday, June 1st we have a solar eclipse in Gemini at 2:03 p.m. PDT. We will stand briefly in the shadow of our Moon as it passes between Earth and Sun. This is the first in a series of 3 powerful eclipses occurring between now and July 1st. What will be the effect on you?

The pure in-sync vibration of the Earth, Moon and Sun at syzygy is the perfect time for a vision quest. In the recent movie Lovely Bones an adolescent girl's sudden, mysterious death leaves her suspended in the "in-between," held in a timeless force field of dreams and visions. She cannot journey onward to heaven until certain mysteries are solved and questions answered. Answers come to her in visions.

Likewise, while the sunlight is obscured during the "in-between" of this new Moon eclipse, we have a glare-less interval in which to find clues to the mysteries lying in our shadow. The conscious, linear mind of yang energy (Sun) is suspended, opening our ability to engage with our intuitive side (Moon).

If your Sun or Moon is in an earth sign, (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) you have the precision tools to dig deep, look under the rocks for clues for how to add stability and security. If it's in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), you might read from your favorite mediation book and allow an idea to lead you to a new freedom. If in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces,) you benefit from "awake dreaming" about your heart's desires. If in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), your intuition is heightened, so go with your hunches.

The solar eclipse has center stage, but this week is packed with supporting actors. The wildfire and tornado speed of events that have whizzed by us since March 11th are continuing to slow down as Aries the hare passes most of the entrepreneurial batons to the Taurus tortoise. Even so, the finish line will never stay in one place with Uranus still throwing fiery lightening bolts in Aries.

This week will end on a new note from the big guy of good fortune, Jovial Jupiter. He joins Mars, Venus and Mercury in luxurious Taurus on June 4th. Jupiter last entered Taurus on February 15, 2000. Similar issues with regard to how you use your resources will be spiraling around for you again, so that the wisdom you have gained can be applied to this new 12 year cycle.

Picture yourself running. Notice that second when your weight has left one foot, but has not yet shifted to the next. You are in between a known support and the hope of a new one.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Zodius Week Ahead for May 22nd

Feeling bright and curious?

That's because the Sun entered airy Gemini yesterday at 2:22 a.m., PDT. It's all about communicating ideas. It's talk, chat, text, write and talk some more--until June 21st, when the Sun moves into let's-stay-home-and-cook Cancer.

Variety is now the spice of your life. You'll be prone to multi-tasking and lots of double-booked socializing. Air signs are about the intellect, and Gemini is a two-track thinker (or maybe eight-track!).

Gemini's ruler, the winged-messenger Mercury, is still in Taurus. Bright ideas about your resources, and collecting valuable things, fit this week's vibes.

Venus and Mars also continue to stay together in Taurus as in-sync bedfellows, lounging around until June 9th. This pair says send flowers for no particular reason. Write a love sonnet. Make those loving connections in your relationships solid. That will be your emergency preparedness kit for the upcoming lineup of 3 solar eclipses that will begin June 1st.

Draw on the ingenuity and inventive imagination of the Gemini Sun, and join the ranks of the thoughtful non-conformist. Protests around the globe may escalate too, since Jupiter and Uranus are still in fiery Aires--demanding action.

Mercury never sleeps, which may be why a Gemini gets so wired. Messages are flying everywhere, all the time, joining our minds into one collective consciousness. Even our random and never-really-private thoughts have potent energy and impact.

Stop and think. What might happen if you use Mercury to load the airwaves with your bright ideas--news about better ways of doing things, messages that say every life matters, knowledge that every loving thought lasts forever?

Quiet thoughts count. Maybe more than those shouted. Bottom line? Your hear but your own voice.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bay Area "Rapture" will be Sweet Words of Love

The May 21st prediction for a doomsday in which Christian true believers will be transported to heaven in a "Rapture," while the unbelievers will sit here waiting for Armageddon, is not born out in our Celestial Map for tomorrow.

Imagine what a judgement day job it will be to decide who's truly saved, who's only a little saved, and who's not even playing that game. Actually, it could be a relief to know you're not a true believer. Think of the potential disappointment!

Even if Christ were to show up and defeat the anti-Christ and send Satan to hell for 1,000 years--hey, we've got our emergency readiness plan written in the stars for this love-on-earth event.

The world isn't ending in the San Francisco Bay Area. Oh no, here we have a beautiful lineup of the planets of sweet love--Venus and Mars are snuggled up side by side in pleasure-lovin' Taurus. Plus, this goddess of Love and the god Eros are laying in the arms of love's messenger, Mercury. A perfect recipe for romance.

To sweeten the picture still further, this lineup is in perfect harmony with Pluto, the god of transformation. Harmonious change is happening on a deep level.

How will this affect you personally?

If you're a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, you will be singing love songs. If you're an Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo you will be electrified with good fortune. If you're a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius you'll want to write a serious book about it. And if you're a Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer you'll experience deeply transforming intuitive feelings of love.

Do we have any "doomsday" astrological vibes? No, but we do have a Capricorn Moon in stress aspect to Jupiter, but this only means we'll have larger than life feelings about everything. And Saturn is at odds with Pluto, meaning we'll struggle against the chains that restrict us.

Maybe hate will blow itself up, and we will awaken tomorrow to remember an ancient belief--that when there is economic hardship, it can serve to resurrect one true belief--Love is free.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zodius Week Ahead for May 15th

Today the moon is in even-handed, languid Libra. It's a good day to pay attention to balancing your relationship issues, weighing the pro's and con's and reading a book on it. Libra likes to think things over first, listening to both sides, then arriving at a fair conclusion. Decision? Maybe not. But a sense of the harmony and balance needed to make a relationship work? Oh, definitely.

The Moon is Full in Scorpio on Tuesday, May 17th, at 4:10 a.m., PDT. That means it's in exact 26 degree opposition to the Taurus Sun. The most beautiful Moonrise will be Tuesday evening at 9:03 p.m., 48 minutes after Sunset. The deep waters of Scorpio's desires and sensuality will find a compatible mate in earthy Taurus' love of physical comforts, art, music and beauty. Practical, resourceful Taurus can give shape to Scorpio's usually hidden desires. A lovely, sensuous day, which could also include collecting money or other things of value to you.

It's been hard to keep up with raging rivers, raging winds, raging people! We've all been moving too fast with 5 planets in hurry-up Aries. But hang on, that race is just about over. Now, one by one, 4 of those planets are moving into Taurus. We're going from warp speed to layback in a 7 day span!

The fires cooled a little when the Sun went into earthy, show-me-the-money Taurus on April 20th, however the very next day art-&-creativity Venus went into fiery Aries. Earth can smother fire, putting out the flames of passion and creativity.

Now we organize, plan, and make tangible all that creativity, but clearing away the wreckage must come first. Gather up those stickies from all around the house, the bills crammed into odd drawers, wipe the sawdust off the desktop and get to work. The slow, stable tortoise still beats the hare to the finish line.

Here's the Celestial Map for launching a new project now: Mars came down to earth in Taurus on May 11th and is joined by Venus and Mercury today. That's go-get-it-now Mars, followed by it-must-be-beautifully-creative Venus, hand in hand with let's-talk-about-it Mercury. Grab the idea, make it artfully creative, and sell it.

Jupiter will add glorious good fortune and opportunity to this Taurus mix on June 5th. The big guy's just dumb lucky, win-the-lottery generous. Mark your calendar.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Astrologers Have the Treasure Map

As the planets spiral in their orbs they have pathway intercepts, near misses, head-ons, and tandems. Astrologers watch 9 planets constantly rotating around the Sun, including our Moon which orbits our Earth while Earth circles the Sun. Dizzy?

The Zodiac is actually a safe superhighway where everyone stays in their lanes and uses cruise control for consistency. There are lots of gas lamps lighting the way, and although velocities are intense, if you miss a turn you just have to hang in there until it comes around again--like driving the D.C. circumferential!

But, if you want to get to your destination, find your treasure, with fewer wrecks and less lost time, you get a navigator who can read the signposts and point you in the right direction--an astrologer with a map!

Tomorrow's New Moon in earthy Taurus (11:51 p.m. PDT) gives us some feet-on-the-ground stability in the midst of tornados of 6 on-fire planets in Aries that have had us zooming over the speed limit since mid-April--and will continue until May 10th. This New Moon doesn't just want us to pay the bills, it also wants a pedicure and massage to please the senses as well. Taurus will take care of business, but with an eye to grace and comfort. The New and Full Moons each month are vibrational STOP signs. Stop to plant new ideas and set goals on the New Moon, then STOP to harvest the results on the Full Moon. It makes the journey more pleasant, Taurus' style.