Friday, May 20, 2011

Bay Area "Rapture" will be Sweet Words of Love

The May 21st prediction for a doomsday in which Christian true believers will be transported to heaven in a "Rapture," while the unbelievers will sit here waiting for Armageddon, is not born out in our Celestial Map for tomorrow.

Imagine what a judgement day job it will be to decide who's truly saved, who's only a little saved, and who's not even playing that game. Actually, it could be a relief to know you're not a true believer. Think of the potential disappointment!

Even if Christ were to show up and defeat the anti-Christ and send Satan to hell for 1,000 years--hey, we've got our emergency readiness plan written in the stars for this love-on-earth event.

The world isn't ending in the San Francisco Bay Area. Oh no, here we have a beautiful lineup of the planets of sweet love--Venus and Mars are snuggled up side by side in pleasure-lovin' Taurus. Plus, this goddess of Love and the god Eros are laying in the arms of love's messenger, Mercury. A perfect recipe for romance.

To sweeten the picture still further, this lineup is in perfect harmony with Pluto, the god of transformation. Harmonious change is happening on a deep level.

How will this affect you personally?

If you're a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, you will be singing love songs. If you're an Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo you will be electrified with good fortune. If you're a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius you'll want to write a serious book about it. And if you're a Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer you'll experience deeply transforming intuitive feelings of love.

Do we have any "doomsday" astrological vibes? No, but we do have a Capricorn Moon in stress aspect to Jupiter, but this only means we'll have larger than life feelings about everything. And Saturn is at odds with Pluto, meaning we'll struggle against the chains that restrict us.

Maybe hate will blow itself up, and we will awaken tomorrow to remember an ancient belief--that when there is economic hardship, it can serve to resurrect one true belief--Love is free.

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