Monday, May 30, 2011

Solar eclipse sets the stage for a vision quest

On Wednesday, June 1st we have a solar eclipse in Gemini at 2:03 p.m. PDT. We will stand briefly in the shadow of our Moon as it passes between Earth and Sun. This is the first in a series of 3 powerful eclipses occurring between now and July 1st. What will be the effect on you?

The pure in-sync vibration of the Earth, Moon and Sun at syzygy is the perfect time for a vision quest. In the recent movie Lovely Bones an adolescent girl's sudden, mysterious death leaves her suspended in the "in-between," held in a timeless force field of dreams and visions. She cannot journey onward to heaven until certain mysteries are solved and questions answered. Answers come to her in visions.

Likewise, while the sunlight is obscured during the "in-between" of this new Moon eclipse, we have a glare-less interval in which to find clues to the mysteries lying in our shadow. The conscious, linear mind of yang energy (Sun) is suspended, opening our ability to engage with our intuitive side (Moon).

If your Sun or Moon is in an earth sign, (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) you have the precision tools to dig deep, look under the rocks for clues for how to add stability and security. If it's in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), you might read from your favorite mediation book and allow an idea to lead you to a new freedom. If in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces,) you benefit from "awake dreaming" about your heart's desires. If in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), your intuition is heightened, so go with your hunches.

The solar eclipse has center stage, but this week is packed with supporting actors. The wildfire and tornado speed of events that have whizzed by us since March 11th are continuing to slow down as Aries the hare passes most of the entrepreneurial batons to the Taurus tortoise. Even so, the finish line will never stay in one place with Uranus still throwing fiery lightening bolts in Aries.

This week will end on a new note from the big guy of good fortune, Jovial Jupiter. He joins Mars, Venus and Mercury in luxurious Taurus on June 4th. Jupiter last entered Taurus on February 15, 2000. Similar issues with regard to how you use your resources will be spiraling around for you again, so that the wisdom you have gained can be applied to this new 12 year cycle.

Picture yourself running. Notice that second when your weight has left one foot, but has not yet shifted to the next. You are in between a known support and the hope of a new one.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Judy - so as a Leo I need some creativity!! When is that coming?
