Sunday, May 1, 2011

Astrologers Have the Treasure Map

As the planets spiral in their orbs they have pathway intercepts, near misses, head-ons, and tandems. Astrologers watch 9 planets constantly rotating around the Sun, including our Moon which orbits our Earth while Earth circles the Sun. Dizzy?

The Zodiac is actually a safe superhighway where everyone stays in their lanes and uses cruise control for consistency. There are lots of gas lamps lighting the way, and although velocities are intense, if you miss a turn you just have to hang in there until it comes around again--like driving the D.C. circumferential!

But, if you want to get to your destination, find your treasure, with fewer wrecks and less lost time, you get a navigator who can read the signposts and point you in the right direction--an astrologer with a map!

Tomorrow's New Moon in earthy Taurus (11:51 p.m. PDT) gives us some feet-on-the-ground stability in the midst of tornados of 6 on-fire planets in Aries that have had us zooming over the speed limit since mid-April--and will continue until May 10th. This New Moon doesn't just want us to pay the bills, it also wants a pedicure and massage to please the senses as well. Taurus will take care of business, but with an eye to grace and comfort. The New and Full Moons each month are vibrational STOP signs. Stop to plant new ideas and set goals on the New Moon, then STOP to harvest the results on the Full Moon. It makes the journey more pleasant, Taurus' style.

1 comment:

  1. Judith - thank you so much. It is so helpful to know what part the planets are playing in my life drama.
    Love Lynne
