Thursday, September 25, 2014

Giant generous Jupiter pot of gold

The first of 3 lucky pinnacles of success peeks today. This marks a 10 month period of good fortune and sudden opportunities to free yourself of self-limiting beliefs. Take a chance! Forgive yourself.

See your specific Sun sign at

Friday, September 12, 2014

Mars jumps into Sagittarius September 13th

Your inner warrior is going on a crusade for more freedom when Mars jumps into the adventurous sign of Sagittarius on September 13th. For the next 6 weeks, your actions will be as noticeable as a parade, and as hard to ignore as 76 trombones. You want to be heard!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September Forecast for your Sun Sign

May The Force be with you!
Here’s your Sun Sign Horoscope for September, 2014:
(*see September Date Nights below)

ARIES  (March 20-April 19)
When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, you’ll modify your usual individual approach to, well everything, and become more concerned about joint communications and getting the cooperation of others. Mercury will light up your curiosity about the way other people think. If there’s an issue that needs mediation or counseling, now through the 27th is the time.

September 5th Venus moves into the very very discriminating (some would say picky) sign of Virgo, where this goddess of love will fill your sixth solar house of work with needed warmth and grace. This means your relationships with co-workers will be very harmonious and friendly and conditions at the workplace will improve. Even better, this is a time when you’ll love beautiful clothing (did I hear fall wardrobe?) for it’s design and artistry.
September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) a Super Full Moon rises from the compassionate oceans of Pisces, and faces the healing Virgo Sun. This deeply empathic Moon floods your 12th solar house of compassion and makes you super sensitive and impressionable. You may feel like withdrawing in order to protect yourself, however you have the fiery energy of your Aries Sun to keep your individuality and not fall into the sentimental Pisces soup. Even so, memories flood in and tempt you to gaze into the past--always a bad idea! Place your future in the hands of Love, and forget about it.

You’re about to get all fired up on September 13th when our warrior planet Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius. For the next 6 weeks it’s “let the best woman win!” You’re highly competitive, probably in the academic arena. Plan a trip, because you won’t feel like staying home unless it offers great adventures. This is the Mars warrior who carries the olympic torch. Lead the way!
The fall equinox on the 22nd marks the time when the Sun enters Libra, and we all pray for balance between her needs and his needs. There may be a new relationship in the stars for you the next day, when the Moon joins the Libra Sun. You’re bound to take up a new resolve about your boundaries, less willing to listen to the long line of doormats giving you advice!

The jackpot days for you this month (maybe this whole year!) are around September 25th. Mark the day on your calendar and expect luck to be a deciding factor in the way your life is operating. This enables you to accomplish more than--well, almost anyone else! Head of the class! With Jupiter in Leo making a harmonious trine with the god of lightning in your sign, and remember Mars is now in the third fire sign Sagittarius, you have a triple dose of enthusiasm and optimistism. Really, the sky’s the limit. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest for you. The next dates will be March 3rd, and June 22nd, 2015. It’s a WOW.

The 27th will bring a little bit of a cool down when Mental Mercury enters the deep unfathomable waters of Scorpio. Your thoughts turn serious, as in solving elaborate mathematical equations! Only downside is that you’ll lose interest because it’s boring. But, you have too many safeguards from the Jupiter transit (above) to fall into pessimism. Still, keep your eye on wet blankets falling from the skies.

The same guy who looked too nerdy or too much trouble earlier this month, will still have a chance with you when the goddess of love moves into her home sweet home sign of Libra on the 29th. Any picky judgements you made while Venus was in Virgo will appear rosier now. At the very least, you can clear the air of misunderstandings.

“Trust the quality of what you know, not the quantity.” Mr. Miyagi

TAURUS  (April 20-May 20)
When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up the messages in your sixth solar house of work and service to others. Your mind has had lots of harmonious inspiration to heal yourself, especially regarding a green diet of healthy food, while Mental Mercury was in your buddy sign, Virgo (August 15th to September 1st). This time period was also loaded with creative ideas about how to apply Virgo’s healing hands to help others. Now, you mind turns from the practical applications of healing to the ways in which you can share your knowledge in the outer world and in your relationships. You’re inclined to read more books on healing, but it would be better to read less and apply more. You’re in for 4 weeks of intense curiosity about the behavior patterns you see in those around you. You’re willing to work hard to communicate effectively with others, to be fair and gracefully honest. You’re going for happiness in all your partnerships. And you’ll definitely succeed because...

Love moves into the space that Mercury was occupying for you--your 5th house of creativity. Creative ideas turn to loving applications. If you’ve wanted to write or journal your adventures, I hope you will use this time to do it. The goddess of love in your 5th house brings happiness in relationships, artistic inspirations, and perhaps some romance that’s grounded in what you need versus what you think you want.
September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) the Super Full Moon that rises from the compassionate oceans of Pisces, and faces the healing Virgo Sun, will be enormously powerful for you since it highlights your 5th house once again. Now you have Venus and the Full Moon in Pisces in your house of creativity and romance. This signals a time to complete a project that has great heart and meaning for you. Your heart fills with compassion and a practical spirituality that you can teach. This time period (two days before and two days after this Harvest Moon) calls you to harvest the gifts of your spontaneous inner child. Make a joyous game out of your daily routines. Put hearts and chocolate kisses on your pillow as you make the bed. Wash dishes to the rhythm of rock n roll. Play.
Warrior Mars guides your drive for getting what you want in the world. He has been in the deep waters of Scorpio since July 26th, where your power to act effectively in the outer world has been in your 7th house of partnerships. Everything about your relationships has been intense--sex, secrets, desire--and undergoing challenging transformations. Now, your inner warrior jumps to conclusions in Sagittarius on September 13th. Blatant honesty will trip lightly off your tongue! Well, maybe not lightly, given your Taurus need for determined practicality. But Mars in Sagittarius falls in your 8th house--the house of Powerful Pluto, the lord of the underworld, and a no-nonsense type of guy! Secrets are definitely going to be unearthed, within yourself and others. For the next six weeks, Mars here makes you a sleuth, determined to get to the bottom line truth.

The autumnal equinox on the 22nd, when the Sun moves into Libra, will encourage you to ask questions of yourself about the balance of work and play. The balance of her needs-his needs. In what ways are you willing to compromise, not sacrifice, in order to cooperate in having a relationship? Put on your sleuth suit. You can’t help but take a deeper look.

Once again, on September 23rd (11:13 PM, PDT), one day after the equinox, your 6th house of work and service gets another powerful occupant. The Libra New Moon. By now this is going to sound very familiar--it’s time to realign relationships that have gotten out of balance. The difference is, you now get a new start. You’ve taken stock, you know what you’re willing to let go of and what you need to add. Your work needs to come from your peace of mind.

Wake up for this! The first of 3 major planetary events occurs on September 25th. Lucky, serendipitous events, like bolts out of the blue, open up something new in your life. Please pay attention! It will be an X marks the spot for your soul’s journey. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom from a limitation that has been holding you back from the full expression of your true Self. At the next occurence, on March 3rd, the opportunities will come from a sudden inner “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event. It’s all accumulating really good stuff for an explosively expanding spirituality. The third and final harmonious trine of Uranus the god of lightning changes and Jovial Jupiter the archetypal Santa Claus, will be around June 22nd, 2015, when your serendipitous discoveries bring added wealth. I know you love that! Isn’t it worth tracking in a journal?

Finally, Messenger Mercury enters the deep waters of Scorpio on September 27th, where he will travel with Serious, but organized, Saturn until he goes retrograde (October 4th - 25th). You’ll go back and forth with the intensity of feelings in your relationships, as you search for the bottom line truths.

Venus tidied up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th) and now she enters her home sign, Libra. Yep! Again it’s your 6th house of work and service to others. Sound like a theme for you!

“Train yourself to let go...of everything you fear to lose.”  Yoda

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Your ingenious and inventive mind hardly needs more juice, but that is exactly what you’re getting when Mental Mercury moves into the intellectual sign of Libra on September 1st.  It’s wind in your sails from your favorite bookaholic friend. Mental Mercury will light up the messages in your 5th solar house of creativity and romance. Meaning your mind will be infused with the imagination of a spontaneous child--the purest form of creativity, according to the brilliant philosopher James Hillman.

Your mental library is expanding enormously throughout September, taking leaps and bounds later on the Libra New Moon September 23rd (11:13 PM, PDT). This time to plant the seeds of a new project comes just one day after the autumnal equinox on the 22nd. Meaning, you want to back off of just accumulating curious facts, and you want to quietly (yes, I know this not your natural style!) assess the places in your self and in your life where you need to let in more love. And remember, all of this is happening in your house of creativity and romance. The space of the playful inner child in you.

Venus squeezes herself into the dutiful confines of Virgo on September 5th. She is uncharacteristically picky about who she relates with until she gets back home to Libra on September 29th. Venus in Virgo is bound to be quite discriminating in her tastes, even insisting on perfection in relationships--totally impossible as that is. So, expect frustration until the 29th.
A deeply empathic SuperMoon in Pisces on September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) falls in your solar 10th solar house of career and ambitions. This is the Harvest Moon for the wisdom you have gained from life experiences, as they relate to your deepest, perhaps unconscious, hopes and dreams. Watch out for a tendency to get lost in memories and the melancholy that brings. Serious Saturn is in there too, making it easy for you to be clear headed but hard for you to let go. If you’re clinging to an ambition that just won’t quite manifest, dump it!

You get kissed with compassion on the 10th, when Venus calls up sweet memories of the love you’ve shared with others. But Neptune is a foggy guy, and delusions are possible. Best to reinterpret your past through the lens of forgiveness--and nothing is left but a blessing.

Feisty energy lands in your house of relationships beginning September 13th when warrior Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. It’s okay to let your freedom flag fly, but try not to insult those whining hanger-oners because now they will just out and out frustrate the h _ _ _ out of you!

Patience Grasshopper. What Mars really wants you to do is tell the truth, no matter what. But you’d be better off just writing about it until the 22nd, when the Sun enters tactful Libra on the autumnal equinox. That’s the time for balance between speaking your truth without restraint, and compromising graciously in your delivery so as not to offend. And, the Sun in Libra in your house of creativity and romance, calls upon your playful inner child to have some fun. Don’t think about it. Just do it. Otherwise Libra will have you weighing both sides of the coin until you’re frozen.

Now for the best of the best news ever! At least for the next year. Jovial and Generous Jupiter in Leo, the archetypal Santa Claus, is going to make the first of three lucky trines to Uranus, the god of lighting on September 25th. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Lightning bolts of sudden opportunity will strike your 11th solar house of friends, and bring lucky and expansive ideas through your 3rd house of communications. So, communications to and from friends will open up new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedoms.

On the lucky 25th event, the sudden change is internal, and the opportunity comes from the outer external world. Then, on March 3rd, the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” that is triggered by a surprising external event. This whole four leaf clover thing culminates on June 22nd, 2015, just at the time Venus will form a harmonious trine to the whole affair, sweetening your serendipitous discoveries with added wealth around June 29th. Now this is something to write about! Keep your daily journal. Otherwise you’ll fall into dreamland that won’t be productive. Jupiter often makes it look too easy.

Your ruling planet, Mental Mercury, enters the deep waters of Scorpio on September 27th, where he will travel with Serious Saturn until he goes retrograde (October 4th - 25th). Your keen intelligence gets a bit waterlogged with seriousness. In Scorpio, Mercury’s messages speak from your sixth solar house of work and service to others. It is also the house of health and healing. Pluto, lord of the underworld, is the muse for Scorpio, and a symbol for the kind of deep surgery and the “meaningful” transformations of a  friggen’ root canal. You’ll get some relief when he backs up into Libra on October 10th through November 8th, but then this whole surgical revelation thing returns until November 27th. Your hard work will pay off. The prize just won’t be too glamorous, but will be necessary. It sets the stage for the sixth of the seven revolutionary crossroads that is coming December 14th. Keep the faith.

Miyagi, “Deep in heart, [enemy] know right from wrong.” Daniel, “Then why does he still want to kill you?” “Because sometimes, what heart know, head forget.”

CANCER  (June 21-July 21)
Your mind is looking for a quiet time to mentally assess recent interactions with family members, and to see how they have affected your personal needs. Mental Mercury in the sign of Libra until the 27th, and this is a time for discussions with immediate family because you can put a voice to you innermost thoughts. Your mind is dipping into the past for memories that relate to today’s concerns, distracting you from the here and now, but also hinting at the link that could solve your current problem. Like a mental pilgrimage, you want to journey back to childhood events that are only dimly remembered, and ask someone in the family for more information. Don’t worry that your focus on the present is foggy. You’re going deep inside your feelings. Just don’t clam up! It will all become very clear after Mercury dives into Scorpio on the 27th.

Your heart shifts to more practical matters after September 5th. Venus moves from Leo to Virgo, and your love deepens and finds practical footing as you verbalize your love for those around you. This is a time to stop and say, “I love you.” Even if you think they already know it. Especially if you think they already know it.

The highlight of this month comes to you with the Harvest Moon in Pisces on September 8th. This makes a beautiful harmony with your Cancer Sun, and will bring you a healing and helping hand. Or you may offer that to someone else. Serious Saturn sits on the third leg of this grand trine in water (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces), an enormous blessing of self-confidence, psychic sensitivity, and understanding other people’s values and how they fit with your own.
Keep in mind that Stern Saturn has been in your 5th solar house of creativity and romance, so you’ve been inclined to seriousness about these matters. You want, and are willing to, make a commitment. You are keen on having loyalty and lasting value. The Harvest Moon puts the kiss of hope on your goals. You’ve had to work for the gifts that have come to you, and your disciplined approach has put practical form to your ideas.This has been a two and a half year process that’s ending December 24th.
Warrior Mars has also been in the sign of Scorpio where he has also been backing up this period of serious hard work with powerful emotions, thoroughness, and relentless courage. Now, on September 13th, Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. Time to let your freedom flag fly in your 6th house of work. You are set to achieve security and some from prominence through your work. Just beware of one issue--you will feel that you’re not being given credit for your hard work. Mars gives you a kick in the pants to be more of a self-directed entrepreneur. Ultimately, dear Cancer, you will be happiest working for yourself, being your own boss.

The fall equinox, when the hours of night and day are perfectly balanced, occurs September 22nd in your fourth solar house of home and family. This is another indication of the importance your family has for you at this time. With the Sun in Libra, your immediate environment is lit up with solar energy. In some way, you are building a home for yourself.

On September 23rd (11:13 PM, PDT), one day after the equinox, the Libra Sun meets the Libra Moon and it’s time to realign relationships that have gotten out of balance. Not that there is a 50/50 distribution of love or money or work at any time in a relationship. No, Libra might wish that it were true, but in reality the give and take in a relationships is a see-saw at best! This New Moon also falls in your house of home and family, the place in your life where you need more love and peace of mind.

Beginning September 25th the first of 3 serendipitous events, like bolts out of the blue, open up something new in your life in the areas of your career and money from career. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. On the 25th, the change is internal, the opportunity comes from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015 (yes, very very long term!), the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event. This is the time of a major internal shift in your perceptions. This culminates on June 22nd, when Venus gets in the act and closes the whole deal with a sweetening of romance and creativity through Leo. If you track this in your journal, it will reveal the path of prosperity for you.

“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” Yoda

LEO  (July 22-August 22)
Don’t expect September to be a month to settle down and relax. When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up your house of communications and the messages will be flying in! Particularly as they relate to your partnerships. You have your inbox loaded until the 27th. Group discussions, meeting new people, and traveling short distances are the wind in your sails.

You’ve enjoyed the artistic ease and enormous creativity of Venus in your sign since August 12th. The goddess of love moves into Virgo September 5th, so you can finish projects off with a touch of perfection. Virgo’s job of discernment means you decide what you love, and let go of the rest. In other words, edit. Venus is in your 2nd house of money and resources, where she will either attract more of both or you’ll overindulge and deplete both. However, Venus’ ability with relationships will help you benefit in financial negotiations. This is a good month to invest, particularly in art objects.

Monday, September 8th, a Super Full Moon rises in your corporate finance sector, where you will be particularly intuitive about making decisions regarding other people’s money. You are deeply in tune with what is unspoken and unseen, sometimes the best source of information when negotiating with others. This is the house of inheritance, not just from death but also from corporate or government money--such as tax refunds. Expect something to conclude in these areas.

If you’ve been feeling a bit sluggish about what to do and when, that’s going to be over on the 13th when warrior Mars jumps into your kindred sign, fiery Sagittarius. Now you will literally jump to conclusions that were under deliberation before. Mars here can be brutally honest. What you really want during the next six weeks, until October 25th, is the freedom to enjoy yourself and bring a little more pleasure and less seriousness into your life. In other words, don’t worry-be happy!

The fall equinox, when the hours of night and day are perfectly balanced, occurs September 22nd when the Sun enters your sister sign, graceful Libra. Your relationships are solar powered by better communications, and words said versus unsaid.

One day after the equinox, the 23rd, the Libra Sun meets the Libra Moon and you get a new perspective on a childhood issue that has been rolling around in your imagination. Notice your daydreams and fantasies for the clue. It’s time to let go and realign. this is tthe place in your life where you need more love and peace of mind.

But the really big news, the jackpot for the next 10 months, begins on the 25th with the first of 3 lucky, serendipitous events. Like bolts out of the blue, this will open up something new in your life in the areas of using your positive thinking to create a more optimistic world view. This will be a major boost in self-confidence.

What?? More confidence for the already confident king of the beasts? Yep, because this will give you the spontaneous bursts of courage to act on your most advanced ideas, particularly in the field of the teaching and educating. education. This is major, long range planetary event will span 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. On the 25th, the shift is internal, and the opportunity comes from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015, the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event. This culminates on June 22nd, when you can expect added wealth to be the sweet outcome for you, courtesy of Venus in your sign.

And speaking of the goddess of love, she will leave picky Virgo and move into her home sign of Libra on the 29th. She helped you tidy up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th). Now she sweetens your words and communications, making it easy to negotiate with diplomacy.

“No longer certain that one ever does win a war, I am. For in fighting the battles, the bloodshed, already lost we have.” Yoda

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
If you’re a September Virgo, your Happy Birthday has a bonus blessing from the Harvest Moon on September 8th. This Super Full Moon rises from the compassionate oceans of Pisces, and faces your healing Virgo Sun. Rarely have you had such an opportunity to heal yourself, and therefore others, of wounds buried deep in childhood that have affected your self worth and feelings of inadequacy.

Chiron, an orbiting comet, is the mythological wounded healer (read the introductory summary at the top of the page) rejected by his mother. So the wounding has everything to do with nurturing. He joins forces with the Moon to complete your initiation into deeper wisdom than you ever had before. It’s as if you’re completing the training as a Jedi knight, and The Force is now at your disposal!

Chiron may soon be recognized by astrologers as the true ruler of Virgo, making Virgo not just the home of health and healing, but also the home of shamanic powers. The Harvest Moon falls in your seventh solar house, making your relationships the source of your healing, and the place where your evolving spirituality gains the practical feet to walk you toward a firm belief in your own divinity.

Look for insights about your hearts desire on the 10th, when Venus calls up memories of the love you’ve shared. You are swimming in the waters of pure empathy and unconditional love.

When Mental Mercury, the traditional ruler of Virgo, moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up the messages in your second house of money and resources. Your business dealings produce practical results. Your original ideas are the source of making money.

September 5th Venus moves into your sign where this goddess of love will fill your first solar house of self-identity and self-expression with personal grace, a friendly demeanor, and enhanced physical beauty. You’ll want to add beautiful clothing to your repertoire, which won’t be a problem in terms of overindulgence since Venus in Virgo has such practical feet. Nevertheless, Mental Mercury is in Venus’ sign, so you might think bigger than your budget allows. Still, it’s a party and a feast for you.

September 13th your spiritual warrior amps up the adventure in your life for the next 6 weeks. Mars in Sagittarius can be brutally honest, but this is your source of truth telling without fear of judgment from others. Then, on September 23rd (11:13 PM, PDT), one day after the equinox, the Libra Sun meets the Libra Moon to begin a realignment of relationships that have gotten out of balance.

It may come at you faster than you’d like, but beginning September 25th you’re in for a 10 month series of rapid changes and sudden opportunities that will bring enormous growth to your spiritual life and bring you closer to the collective conscious of mankind.

The exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. If you make a deliberate attempt to chronicle your life events when these pinnacles occur, you’ll see clearly the path of your Soul’s journey.

On the 25th, opportunity comes to your from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015, the gifts comes from a sudden “Aha!” that will be triggered by a surprising external event. This culminates on June 22nd, with a sweet indulgence added by the goddess of love. Sort of a kiss of prophecy, but one that you’ll find quite believable.
When Messenger Mercury enters the deep waters of Scorpio on September 27th, his messages find a very effective voice in your third solar house of communications. His favorite place to be. Your mind turns to more intensely meaningful subjects, and you have midas touch for getting your point across. Mercury will move on to Libra on the 29th, helping you clear the air with someone close to you.

“Being still and doing nothing are two very different things.” The Karate Kid

LIBRA  (September 22-October 22)
September’s a bucket load of Me-Time! You’re moving into your Happy Birthday month with truly remarkable steam. Here’s the line-up: Messenger Mercury is in Libra on the 1st, the Sun, the autumnal equinox, and New Moon are all in Libra on the 22nd-23rd. Then Venus is in Libra on the 29th. Could this tip your delicate scales? Or bring you more into balance? (questions only a LIbra would ponder!)

Is it possible you’ll make up your mind quickly? For the month of September, until the 27th, you have an intense desire to express yourself. Messenger Mercury is in your first solar house of self-identity and self-expression. This is the place of the inquiring mind. Stronger will power can make you more intellectually competitive, and your fame for having an iron fist in a velvet glove will be headline news. Your mind is more active and your intelligence soars with logic and solid reasoning. The heavens open with messages, and generally you are the one who initiates them...with a sweetly said, “On the other hand,”  

Venus, your ruling planet and muse, squeezes into the tight fitting confines of Virgo on September 5th. The goddess of love is not usually so very very discriminating (some would say picky), but she is here to help you learn a very important and often ignored lesson--discernment! You simply cannot make a lover out of everyone you meet! You must pick. Choose. Virgo helps you know in your heart whether or not you actually want the thing you’re attracted to, or is it another useless excursion into self-indulgence? Picky has new meaning. It’s actually the wisdom of discernment.
Still not sure? No problem because the Full Harvest Moon on September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) adds an enormous dose of empathic understanding. Rising from the compassionate seas of Pisces, there’s a lot of healing potential if you still have memories that haunt you. The depths of childhood conditioning are in the spotlight. Plus, it lands in your 12th solar house of Pisces, making you highly sensitive to your deepest feelings, and a psychic sponge for the feelings of others. Discernment again! This is the key to your healing, and therefore your ability to heal others.

Stern Saturn adds a touch of seriousness to this Pisces Full Moon, stirring the pot of money in your house of resources. Plug the hole if you haven’t already. This will take a major shift December 24th, when you finish this two and a half year cycle.

If you’ve been riding a wave of wishful thinking, be careful of the increased fog on the 10th when Venus calls up memories of the love you’ve shared and “lost.”

You’ll feel totally recharged starting September 13th when your warrior planet Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. Let your freedom flag fly in your third solar house of communications. Bright ideas combine with a love of teaching and a few short trips into foreign lands. Sagittarius also jumps to conclusions, which doesn’t suit your sense of fair play. Still it will get you off dead center.

The fall equinox, when the hours of night and day are perfectly balanced, occurs September 22nd as the Sun enters graceful Libra. The autumnal equinox has more powerful significance for your relationships than usual, because it is the eve of the New Moon in Libra on the 23rd (11:13 PM, PDT). Relationship want to realign themselves, and all you have to do is not interfer. A new view of yourself and who you truly are waits here. Be deliberate in setting affirmations.

Help is on the way--in spades! Beginning September 25th, the first of 3 lucky, serendipitous events, like bolts out of the blue, open up something new in your life. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Lightning bolts of opportunity will come through friends and groups, and will fill your house of relationships, opening up something new. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedoms. On the 25th, Uranus is retrograde, so the change is internal, and Jupiter is direct, so the opportunity comes to you from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015, Jupiter will be retrograde so the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” within that is triggered by a surprising external event. All this wonderful expansion of your horizons culminates on June 22nd, with an added kiss from Venus, sweetening your serendipitous discoveries with added wealth around June 29th.
Messenger Mercury leaves your sign and enters the deep waters of Scorpio on September 27th, where he will travel with Serious Saturn until he goes retrograde (October 4th - 25th). In Scorpio his messages get delivered to your 2nd solar house of money and resources, which becomes a place of serious intent. He’ll back up into Libra on the 10th of October through November 8th, when he returns to Scorpio. You’ll go back and forth with the intensity of feelings related to resources and relationships, as you search for the bottom line truths.

Talk about a story with a happy ending! Venus tidied up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th), and now she enters her home sign, Libra. You can breathe a sigh of relief. You are in sync with yourself and what you want. You are personally prosperous and happy. It’s all about love!

“Never trust a spiritual leader who doesn’t dance.” Mr. Miyagi

SCORPIO  (October 23-November 21)
September is a month for the shaman in you to flourish!

Mental Mercury moves into the airy intellectual libraries of Libra on September 1st, opening up memories in your 12th solar house of the unconscious mind and collective consciousness. Your habits of thought will be strongly influenced by your childhood conditioning. Notice what bubbles up, so you can heal it with forgiveness. The shaman’s journey is about letting go of attachments, particularly to the past. This will free you to live more fully in the here and now.  

September 5th is the day Venus moves into very very discriminating (some would say picky) sign of Virgo, where love will fill your relationships with friends. You’ll want more interactions and exchange of ideas with those close to you. Messages are sweetened by the goddess of love, and your commitment to someone deepens. You take what you need, and leave the rest.

The Harvest Moon on September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) is a Super Full Moon in Pisces and very powerful for you. This is another opening of your 12th house (see Mercury above) that loads your intuition with a compassionate eye. This deeply empathic Moon floods your emotions with a sense of what is needed to heal, yourself and others. Chiron, the wounded healer, is paired with this Pisces Moon, as is Serious Saturn in Scorpio. With Chiron in the sign of Pisces, this symbolic “wounded healer” is in harmony with your Scorpio, since both are water signs of deep emotions. What gets opened up for you is a place you’re carrying shame about a part of you that has been rejected since childhood. You’ll feel it by its heaviness. This is the place where your evolving spirituality gains a foothold. You can fully embrace, if only for a moment, a firm belief in your own divinity.

This is a month about being, not doing. September 13th our warrior planet Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. You need to be quite thoughtful about your actions, because Sagittarius is so intent on freedom that you might jump into something without thinking of the consequences.

Mark your calendar for the 27th, when you’ll feel a big shift in the Force. Messenger Mercury enters your deep Scorpio waters where he will travel with Serious Saturn (and your Scorpio Sun) until he goes retrograde (October 4th - 25th). In Scorpio, you speak out from a need to express your true Self. Mercury will back up (retrograde) into Libra from October 10th to November 8th, when he returns to Scorpio. You’ll go back and forth with the intensity of feelings in your relationships, as you search for the bottom line truths.

“...for man with no forgiveness in heart, life worse punishment than death.” Mr. Miyagi The Karate Kid

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20)
You open the doors of your mind to all humanity. When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up communications in your 11th house of friends through the 27th when he moves to Scorpio and all these ideas gain intensity. Your mind turns to the exchange of ideas and you’re hungry for new knowledge. Your love of truth, already a constant theme for  you as a Sagittarius, is expanding into a beautiful impartiality. You think objectively and with great originality than usual.  from your friends and fill up your 11th solar house of

September 5th is the day Venus moves into very very discriminating (some would say picky) sign of Virgo, where this goddess of love will fill your house of career. Your ambitions get a concrete plan, and if you have detailed work to grind out, this is the time. You’ll be able to dot every i and cross every t, something that is usually confining and boring. But don’t think you’re compromising your freedom of exploration. That will never happen! Especially because...

Ready set action! You have out run your competitors, and you’re not even winded. Beginning September 13th you have 6 weeks of unusually high energy and the physical stamina to go with it. Warrior Mars will bring his action and drive to win to Sagitarius. Your natural optimism and positive thinking will go into first gear. You will accomplish whatever you set out to achieve, as long as you don’t exhaust yourself in the first week! You’ll feel like the sky's the limit, and it may be, but pace yourself. Luckily you’re not a good gambler, because you can’t pull off a poker face! You’re just so honest. That’s the wonderful truth about you that inspires people to trust you so readily.

The fall equinox, when the hours of night and day are perfectly balanced, occurs September 22nd when the Sun enters graceful Libra. And the very next day is the New Moon in Libra. It’s a good time to realign relationships that have gotten out of balance. Not that things are ever truly 50/50, but you know the key to marital happiness is always believing you’ve got the best deal. This New Moon finds you with new friends, and a renewed interest in your community. Make a contribution that lifts someone’s spirit. You’re the natural cheerleader for life, love, and peace of mind.

The best news of this month and the 10 months to come, begins on September 25th when Jovial Jupiter, the zodiac’s Santa Claus, forms a beautiful partnership with the god of lightning, Uranus. This combo may sound risky, and they do in fact encourage that in you. Not because you feel reckless, but because you’re suddenly offered just the right opportunity and you take it. The first of these 3 lucky, serendipitous events on the 25th, will come like bolts out of the blue and open up something new in your life. Particularly in the areas of creativity and teaching or publishing. Jupiter is expanding your higher mind and your horizons. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. The next pinnacle of these lucky opportunities occurs on March 3rd, 2015, when the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” This culminates on June 22nd, 2015, when your discoveries pay off in added wealth.

Mercury goes into Scorpio on the 27th, your unconscious mind gets stirred up and memories surface that need to be released with forgiveness. Mental Mercury will go retrograde October 4th, so get documents signed, launch your project before then.

And what about love and relationships? Venus tidied up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th) and now the goddess of love enters her home sign, Libra. You get in touch with your heart’s desire, which is activated in that same 11th house of friends (see above) where Messenger Mercury is waiting to help you turn on the electricity. Your already busy social life bubbles with effervescence!

“Ready are you?...a Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.” Yoda

CAPRICORN  (December 21-January 19)
When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up the messages in your solar house of career. This is where you are working on finding a balance. Thoughts of wanting stability at home in your family life, and wanting (actually, needing) success in your career will appear polarized, but your challenge is to integrate the two.

Security is a main focus for all Capricorns, asking to you decide what it really means for you. You want money, but not for the purpose of obtaining wealth and power, but rather for the security it brings. Your success is not the success that comes from hard driving ambition. You have lots of ambition, it’s your path to security, but it’s step by step hard work that gets you to the top of the mountain. It’s the relentless, and not very glamorous, style of your muse, Serious Saturn. After the 13th you’ll be energized to throw off the weight of the world that often sits on your shoulders, and know the truth about security--nothing in this physical world will give you that. As soon as something is born here, it begins to change and die. You are here to learn that your only true security comes with knowing that you are not just a body, dust to dust, you are spirit. Glorious and magnificent. Your life and your love is eternal. Actually, life and love are the same thing! True?

Relationships settle down after September 5th, when the goddess of love moves into your compatible sign, Virgo. It will be like the dust settling, and what it was hidden will be revealed to you. All the ruckus and busyness of these times has not altered the fact that you are more loved than you realize. Venus in Virgo can be quite picky, true. But she is there to show you the perfection in everything Love creates. Virgo’s wisdom comes from knowing that perfection is possible, in fact it is your birthright.  Even though the mess of daily life seems to prove otherwise. Where can you look to see your perfection? Virgo teaches you to see it in the service you offer to others. You see it in your helping hands that reach out to those as weary now as you once were.

Your Capricorn mountain rests on the fertile plains of Virgo, giving you the firm foundation you need to grow taller--reach new heights . So as the Harvest Moon approaches on September 8th, your words and thoughts are flooded with a compassion that lets you reach out empathically and experience the collective consciousness of mankind--the wisdom to know that we are not alone. Imagine you are harvesting all the loving thoughts that you’ve thought about someone else, and all the loving thoughts they’ve thought about you. Truckloads, huh? And since only loving thoughts are true, you’re gathering the reality of who you are--you are love. Take that to the bank!

This is a month when your spirituality gains the practical feet to walk you toward a firm belief in your own divinity. You get kissed by hope on September 10th, when Venus calls up memories of all the love you’ve shared.

It gets a little hot under your collar on September 13th, when warrior planet Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. It will be best to act as if nothing is a secret. And, down below your memories, you’ll find an intuitive place where you can read people’s minds. No point in anyone lying to you!

On September 23rd, one day after the equinox, we have the Libra New Moon. This time of new beginnings in partnerships falls in your career house. Fair play will be very important to you.
September 25th marks the first of 3 serendipitous events, like bolts out of the blue, that will open up something new in your life--either within your home and family, or with jointly held finances. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. The next pinnacle comes on March 3rd, 2015, and the last on June 22nd. Opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event.

Mark your calendar for the 27th when you can expect your mental processes to sharpen, particularly when it comes to getting to the bottom line solution with a problem you’ve been wrestling with. Your logic and far sighted planning takes a quantum leap ahead, and if you know your work is appreciated you work very hard. Tell your friends that it isn’t that you’re indifferent, you’re just engrossed in deep thought--like Mr. Miyagi

Mr. Miyagi tries to teach Daniel that karate is for defense only. Daniel asks; “Do you think you could break a log like that one?” Miyagi, “Don’t know. Never been attacked by tree.” The Karate Kid

AQUARIUS  (January 20-February 17)
Your mind is already comfortable in the heady ivory towers of intellectual thought, and for the month of September (until the 27th) this gets a big boost. Mental Mercury moves into the airy intellectual libraries of Libra on September 1st. Your mind is brilliant, and you have a heightened awareness of fair play. If anything needs mediation or compromise, this is the time to do it.

For you it will feel like a tight squeeze when Venus moves into Virgo on September 5th September 5th. You’ll be very very discriminating, or quite picky. If you succumb to criticism (which usually defies your logic) and looking for perfection, you may miss the soulmate standing right in front of you.

September 8th a Super Full Moon rises from the compassionate oceans of Pisces, and faces the healing Virgo Sun. This deeply empathic Moon floods your 2nd solar house of money and resources, and touches on your security needs--perhaps hitting a nerve. This is the place where your evolving spirituality shifts perspective. What does security mean to you? Hold those thoughts until the 10th, when you feel quite hopeful and your thinking is more optimistic.

September 13th our warrior planet Mars jumps into the adventurous, and brutally honest, fires of Sagittarius for a 6 week sojourn. Your strongest need, to have your freedom, gets a rocket booster from “lets travel to new unexplored territory” Sagittarius. Let your freedom flag fly.

The fall equinox, when the hours of night and day are perfectly balanced, occurs September 22nd when the Sun enters graceful Libra. Just one day before the Libra New Moon. This puts another air (intellect) sign to work in your mind. You are very logical and far sighted. A great time to set new intentions, make a new vision board.

And the best is yet to come! On September 25th, the first of 3 lucky, serendipitous opportunities open up something new in your life. This is a major, long range (ten months) planetary event and the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Lightning bolts will strike your 3rd solar house, opening up new lines of communication. Look for new experiences that offer sudden unexpected freedom. On the 25th, expect the change to be internal, and the opportunity to come from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015, the opportunity will come from a sudden “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event. This culminates on June 22nd, when both Jupiter and Uranus will be in direct motion, and the goddess of love adds a sweetness to your relationship. A sudden serendipitous discovery.  

Venus tidied up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th) and now she enters her home sign, Libra. Beginning September 25th, you get back in touch with your heart’s desire which will be connected to adventurous Sagittarius.

“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.” Kelly Harrell

PISCES  (February 18-March 19)
When Mental Mercury moves into the peaceful sign of Libra on September 1st, he will light up the messages in your 8th house of transformation and rebirth. Your mind turns to the deeper levels of problems that are before you now. You’re intent on getting to the bottom of it. And you will. It’s as if you’ve got a divining rod in your head! You can think your way there.
Beginning September 5th, the goddess of love lends you her beauty secrets, and you feel and look beautiful. You’ve got four weeks ahead of good hair days! And a great chance to value yourself more highly in every way--inside and out. This is Venus in Virgo, so don’t adopt her bad side--being critical of every little pore. Dip into your Pisces visionary box and raise your sites.

The best time of this month for you is September 8th (6:38 PM, PDT) when a Super Full Moon rises from the compassionate oceans of Pisces, and you turn to face the healing Virgo Sun. Because this Harvest Moon is accompanied by the shaman in the sky, Chiron, it holds a special gift of empathic wisdom for you. This Moon floods your emotions with memories from the past, and a chance to heal and let go. Your psychic attunement is heightened also, particularly as it relates to your relationships.

The truth teller of the zodiac, Sagittarius, has invited Warrior Mars in for a 6 week stay beginning September 13th. Your career and ambitions take a leap into more adventurous territory. You may travel for you job. Watch out for the brutally honest debates that may fly around you, and protect your sweet sensitivity by going off by yourself on occasion. It will do you good. You’ll get opportunities to speak your mind, and the truth will set you free.
On September 23rd, one day after the equinox, the Libra Sun meets the Libra Moon--a time to realign relationships that have gotten out of balance. Not that there is a 50/50 distribution of love or money or work at any time in a relationship. No, Libra might wish that it were true, but in reality the give and take in a relationships is a see-saw at best! This New Moon affects your jointly held finances. A good time to air misunderstandings and start anew.

Beginning September 25th, you’ll begin the first of 3 lucky, serendipitous events, like bolts out of the blue, open up something new in your life. This is a major, long range planetary event spanning 10 months, so the exact dates represent pinnacles when the influence is strongest. Lightning bolts of financial opportunity will come through your work or a way in which you have been of service to someone else. Expect changes in resources that offer you sudden unexpected freedom. On the 25th the change is internal, and opportunities come from the outer world. Then, on March 3rd, 2015, the opportunity comes from a sudden “Aha!” triggered by a surprising external event. The grand finale on June 22nd, has a special added attraction from Venus, the goddess of love--the kiss of hope. A sweetening of your serendipitous discoveries that will bring added wealth.

Mark your calendar for the 27th when Messenger Mercury enters the deep waters of Scorpio. This brings you an deepening of your thoughts and a more intense search into the meaning of events. You are mentally very alert and you thoughts quite logical during this time. Excellent for long range planning. You have a great opportunity to teach or write. Take advantage of this time before Mercury goes retrograde (October 4th - 25th).

Venus tidied up your finances and your relationships while she was in Virgo (September 5th - 29th). She moves into her home sign of Libra on the 29th, and your head will want to rule your heart. It’s an opportunity to balance the two, by “selling” both on the delight of following your bliss, your heart’s desire.

Your creativity is your life Force, not to be turned on and off like a spigot.

*♡ September Date Nights:  The zodiac lovers, Venus and Mars, are out of sync until the 6th. She was feeling amorous and affectionate while he was in his underwater cave contemplating the intensity of his feelings. From the 6th to the 13th, romance returns with both passion and clarity about your needs. From the 13th to the 29th, there’s a lot of ruckus from Mars who wants more adventure and excitement, while Venus in Virgo would rather keep to her regular yoga class schedule and finish cleaning the closets. How to reconcile their differences? Dance together! Take Flamenco lessons!
And, always be the first to say, “I love you.” Declare yourself in.

The stars are thoughts God is holding about you