Tuesday, October 29, 2013

As light approaches, shadows deepen

Flames of revolutionary transformation flare up again, while Jupiter in Cancer sends a call to arms for the spiritual warrior in all of us.  Fight the good fight that is always within.  

Feel the pull?  A centrifugal force that’s pressing you into the outer realms of expanded consciousness.   Like being on the Tilt-A-Whirl at the circus that stretches you into an exhilarating experience even though your habit is to hunker down and hold on tighter to the safety bar.  Raise your hands in surrender and scream your way into a revelation.

What happens when the god of lightning breaks the chains off your prison doors, while the lord of the underworld shakes the splitting earth you stand on and shows you the buried treasure?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”  John F. Kennedy

Another day for Atonement.  Friday at 3:30 am we have the 4th of 7 pinnacles in the long term Revolutionary Transformation of Uranus square Pluto.  It’s a high water mark for a change in consciousness, a quantum leap in toppling patriarchal dinosaurs in favor of cooperative connections of universal oneness.  Claim your treasure and walk out into the light of revelations.  

The depths of your Soul are stirred so vigorously that small winged bits of your true Calling flutter to the surface just in time for the New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio Sunday morning.  New skin.  New intentions.

“The highest revelation is that God is in everyone.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Virgo
Even though Mars is a mighty warrior, he’s not fast enough for his goddess of love.  When an stable earth sign like Virgo meets a fiery adventurous sign like Sagittarius, its the restless adventurer (Venus) who must reel in her immediacy to have the solid grounding Virgo (Mars) can bring.  Think of a volcano.  Your date night is set to be quite explosive and transforming.  

The Force of revelation is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of October 27-November 2, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Pluto delivers the treasures you need to your 10th house of career and ambition; a highly developed willpower, farsighted leadership.  The restricting chains of obstinacy want to be broken now in order to allow you more freedom of self-expression.  Unusual scientific and intuitive talents are waiting to be freed up by discipling your restlessness.  Your chance to leap into a new beginning this week comes through your psychic sensitivity to what is unseen by most.  Expect intense emotions to accompany your revelations.  

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
Your treasure lies in the depths of your quest for a higher spiritual identity which comes through searching the inner reaches of the mind.  Yoga and meditation are powerful ways to access your heightened intuitive and clairvoyant abilities right now.  The restricting chains (habits) of simply dabbling in the cosmic soup of the collective consciousness are breaking now.  Make a commitment even though your ego says it’s not practical!  Your chance to leap into a new beginning this week comes through Scorpio in your 7th solar house of relationships. Intense encounters provide you a closer look at the role your need for emotional security plays in choosing your partners.

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
You have asked to be changed at depth.  Your treasure lies in the depths of your 8th solar house of transformation and rebirth.  Your powerful will combines with prophetic abilities to allow you to see the subtle play of energy patterns behind all events, producing insights into the new physics.  The restricting chains of over stimulating your active mind want to be broken now.  Lightning flashes reveal an open-mindedness unhampered by tradition. Your chance to leap into a new beginning comes through your house of health and healing asking you to set new intentions for a healthy diet.

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Your treasure lies in the way you allow your life to be changed through the partnerships you make.  You want to learn to be more cooperative and to share equally, which your profound insight into other people enables you to do when you chose to do it.  The restricting chains of resisting authority and routine responsibilities want to be broken in order to free your driving ambitions and your unusual style of leadership.  Your chance to leap into a new beginning on the Scorpio New Moon Eclipse comes through your creativity and romantic attractions.  This is a fertile time to birth a new life for yourself.  

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
This is a time when your work greatly improves because of advanced techniques and progressive ideas that put you ahead of the times.  Let yourself be an idealist.  Be flexible, depart from orthodox beliefs that hold you back.  Your chance to leap into a new, progressive attitude requires you to drop judgement, especially where family or co-workers is concerned.  You can’t be happy and right.  Your health is good, both physically and mentally.  You have a positive attitude and healthy habits, but too much seriousness.

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
Your treasure lies in the depths of your creative power, which can be expressed through profound works of art, intense love experiences, and fostering the growth of your talented (even genius!) children.  Your challenge is to exercise detachment from the material world and let yourself be inspired from higher levels consciousness. Look for lightning flashes that open up your telepathic “knowing” of the mysteries beyond the physical plane; of death and rebirth.  You know that the only true thing anyone can say about the past is, It’s gone.  Your chance to leap into a new consciousness requires refusing to allow the emotional leftovers of childhood to influence your thoughts.   Be curious and ditch anything that smells like monotony.  

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
Your treasure and your transformation lies in your deeply rooted heritage and your powerful connection to Mother Earth.  You are mining for gold with your ability to know her secrets, to join with the beauty of nature all around you, to know that everything is alive and speaks to you.  The god of lighting wants to free you from partnerships that inhibit your freedom and independence, and fill your life with exciting unions and inspiring friends. Your chance to leap into a new beginning comes through your ability to hold onto your resources, contain your creativity, and let it “cook.”  Own it.  Your business ability brings you material comforts and security.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
The whole zodiac tilts in your favor, making you very powerful and your opinions strong.  Your treasure lies in the depths of your penetrating mind.  You will not compromise your beliefs unless undisputed facts are put in front of you.  Originality of thinking, mental resourcefulness, help you solve scientific puzzles.  You are able to use unusual healing techniques to be of great service--or just to fix your neighbors computer!  Your challenge is to suck it up and accept the routine hum drum of life.  Life will dish up enough excitement on its own.  The Scorpio New Moon Eclipse in the wee hours of Sunday morning are your chance to reset your confidence and believe in yourself.  

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
You’re in the midst of a transformation about money and the driving ambition to accumulate it.  You have a great resourcefulness and insight in this area, and now you can expect some inside information that helps you.   You know that money is energy and abundance takes many forms.  Flashes of lightning blast through your house of creativity, putting you on the stage or onto an ingenious artistic expression.  You're under a bohemian influence and prone to the socially unconventional.  It inspires you not to the gypsy life, but to color outside the lines!  You’ll feel extremely sensitive and reluctant to say what you feel as the Scorpio New Moon Eclipse builds toward early Sunday morning.  Let yourself withdraw and listen to that deeper Voice.  

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
Oh dear Capricorn you, more than any other sign, have been undergoing a period of intense self-awareness while developing your powerful will.  You’ve been able to hide your innermost self, being somewhat a loner and aloof, until now.  There is so much more to you than you’ve manifested, until now.  Your treasure comes through your amazing survival techniques, that powers your initiative.  One outlet for your energy could be working with advanced forms of technology, very favorable for you.  Flashes of lightning shine a new light on your home and family situation.  Ready or not, you’re moving on!

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
Psychological understanding and mysticism are the cutting edges of growth and transformation for you now.  You have such easy access to unconscious material that its like bees, the messengers of the gods, are buzzing ‘round your head right now.  This is clearing a channel so that you have telepathic intuition about those you love.  Your challenge is avoid being preoccupied with problems, and instead use your intuitive powers to offer hope amidst the chaos of the world.  Lightning flashes through your third solar house of communications freeing your thinking from the influence of others.  Your mind may be restless, causing you to jump to conclusions.  So stay open.  Write.  Give your insights practical feet.  The New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, coming at the end of this week, brings recognition and puts you in the public eye.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
You have been attracting powerful friends who join you as co-creators in helping humanity.  You’re growing through the successful partnerships you’re establishing.  Its your cooperation with them that  brings you a wealth of personal knowledge.  You have unusual talents for making money, and a challenge to curb impulsive or abrupt spending.  Flashes of bright light abound in your second solar house of resources,  giving you unique insights into the use, and waste, of our natural resources.  The Scorpio New Moon Eclipse coming at the end of this week opens a window for a broader world view seen through your heart, not your head.  The universe is prompting you to go deeper into your spiritual values and let your mind travel!

✶ Astrology Wonks
The week begins with a Leo Moon snuggling up to a warm embrace with Venus in Sagittarius this Monday morning 5:26 am.  Sweet, very sweet.  Until the clean up crew of the Virgo Moon shoves a broom in your hand at 8:44 pm.  Try not to analyze everything for the next two days.

Tuesday the Virgo Moon marshals a powerfully helpful crew to organize and accomplish some hard work, especially when she conjuncts Mars at 1:05 pm.   Then you’re shouldering heavy responsibilities when Mercury conjuncts Serious Saturn at 1:47.  Don’t worry, be happy!  Self-discipline is a good thing!

The Moon in Virgo is seldom frivolous with spending, but Wednesday may be an exception for online shopping and an expansive visit to Whole Foods when the Moon squares Venus at 7:48 pm.

Friday’s the grand slam but Thursday’s the warm-up!  The fireworks flare at 3:49 am.  If you focus your will, you can accomplish great tasks.   The Moon in Libra (5:21 am) adds grace and beauty to your choices.

Friday at 3:30 am we have the 4th of 7 pinnacles in the long term Revolutionary Transformation of Uranus square Pluto.  Track your revelations:  1st was June 24, 2012; 2nd September 19th, 2012; 3rd May 20th, 2013. 

Saturday & Sunday we’ll feel the underwater pressure of the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse that occurs at 4:49 am Sunday morning.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

All mistakes are open to correction

Messenger Mercury makes a U Turn in the road ahead, retracing his path back to October 1st.  Beginning Monday, and for the next three weeks, he will help us rethink the insights we’ve had since then, repair communications that have gone awry, and erase the trail of mistakes that are now open to correction.  

“The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but not half as wise as the man who has no secrets to keep.”  E. W. Howe

Goodbye Libra, hello Scorpio.  Tuesday the Sun joins Mercury in Scorpio at 11:09 PM, PDT. Having made cooperative partnerships in Libra, we now plume their depths in Scorpio.  What is hidden below the that calm surface?  What does she know but doesn’t reveals?

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Virgo
He said _ _ _, she said _ _ _.  The need to win the argument can lock you in a rutted old problem that has nothing to do with now.  Try a little tenderness, which won’t come easily with the Moon in fiery, dramatic Leo and the Sun in silent and deadly Scorpio.  Fire and water.  If you can stand the heat without boiling over, you have a chance for steamy romance with a new depth of feeling.  But you must stay the course.

“A writer should have this little voice inside saying; Tell the truth.  Reveal a few secrets here.”  Quentin Tarantino

The Force of honesty is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of October 20-26, 2013:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You're not going to drown in the plethora of feelings that inundate you now, but it might feel like you are.  When the Sun dives into Scorpio’s deep and secretive waters this Tuesday, it may add more confusion about what you really feel than you’re used to. Especially since it’s on top of Mental Mercury’s U Turn that has you retracing your steps, your least favorite thing to do!  As an Aries you never look back, which is the charm of your aggressiveness, and the reason you never stay angry or resentful--a lesson you could teach Scorpio!

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
The push-me pull-you juggernaught of self will is being put to the test.  Are you still defending certain secrets, or are your honest convictions gaining in strength?  When the Sun moves into Scorpio this Tuesday just before midnight, you’re invited to delve into this conflict.  When your anxiety is up, you’ve chosen self will.  When your vitality is up, you’ve chosen honestly.  Tune into the tenderness of Wednesday’s Cancer Moon and feel your way into the place where your safety lies.  Reason and responsibility, your usual tools, are greatly heightened through the end of the week.

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
Who opened the dam?  A flood of memories and their accompanying feelings wash in with the Sun’s move into Scorpio this Tuesday, just one day after your muse (Mental Mercury) does a U Turn in your house of partnerships.  They’re all up for review.  Their may be some backlash from having spoken out too quickly.  Even though your words were honest, they were delivered without having all the facts.  This is the lesson Scorpio can teach you.  Be your curious self, but keep stirring your brilliant ideas until they “cook.”  That’s where the alchemy is.  

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Big ideas are topped with a layer of tenderness.  Your best days this week begin Wednesday evening and last through Saturday morning.  Thursday you get out the broom to clean up the negative spill over of a series of crisis turned to opportunities.   A big cornucopia of peaceful, easy feelings opens wide on Friday afternoon and pours out the good karma of giving and receiving help from others.  Pain dissolves in a deep pool of connectedness.  

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Saturday is your lucky day when a bright light breaks the darkness of the past.  You are determined to create something new and different, especially in the way you express yourself.  The Scorpio Sun is a drag!  Refuse to be bogged down in it’s messy cauldron of power struggles.  Your way out is through Venus in fiery Sagittarius who counsels you to be frankly outspoken and to hold on to your ideals.  Say what you wanna say even if others think you’re too idealistic for a world in which dishonesty may often seem more profitable than honesty.

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
The Scorpio Sun winks at your Virgo intensity of purpose and makes light of your secrets. When Messenger Mercury (your muse) makes his U Turn Monday, you allow yourself to simply take out the eraser and make your mistakes disappear.  They were written in #2 pencil anyway!  Never meant to be lasting.  Your appetite for life takes a lucky turn Thursday down the street of generosity.  Your healing hands have a tender touch.  Lay them on everyone you meet.  Wear your “Free Hugs” sign on your chest.  

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
You’re used to debating with yourself, and now it takes on an unusual but helpful intensity. You’re determined to get to the bottom of things.  Under the Scorpio Sun, with Messenger Mercury making a U Turn in your house of resources, you ferret out those secret treasures that you’ve been afraid to show-off.  Fear of conflict may be a strong deterrent, especially when someone’s words fall out without love.  Don’t fall for the fear and let your most honest words disappear.  With so many planets in hold-it-in water signs, the god of lightning quick insights is your best friend, and Venus in fiery Sagittarius helps you tell it like it is!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
We want to see you be brave, be above board.  Tuesday begins your birthday month, and your personal New Year.  Memories bubble beneath your calm surface in spite of yourself. Messenger Mercury in your sign has sharpened your language and your intuition for the past three weeks.  Now he takes you into the even deeper realms, where you’ve hidden treasures from your own self.  Retrace your steps back to September 29th.  Shine a light on your past resentments.  Forgive.  It’s all a perceptual game anyway!

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
In a time when so much is happening behind the scenes, you listen only to the words of love and honesty.  With the Sun’s move into secretive Scorpio this Tuesday, you’ll feel the 180 turn in direction as a confusing messy bog of words left unsaid.  Not your natural style!  However, the need to rethink your words and add in a better filter will be the gift for you from Scorpio.  You already know how to keep a secret, you just don’t value the concept.  Your wisdom knows that words kept on the inside, with no sunlight, let the shadows win.
Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
As the determined step by step Mountain Goat, you see nothing to be gained by retracing your steps.  Yet that’s what is called for beginning this Monday when your thoughts naturally turn over a rock or two.  What have you missed that’s right under your feet?  Did you misread a signpost?  You’re accustomed to climbing your way to your highest ambitions, but with the Sun’s move into Scorpio this Tuesday you need to feel your way through.  You question your purpose, even if it seems to take your from your goal.  

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
The tensions are building inside you, but you don’t want it to show.  With the Sun in secretive Scorpio beginning Tuesday, your gut reactions burn with an intensity that’s initially uncomfortable but leads you to the truth.  Let you compassionate concern for the world’s troubles take a back seat to your own desires.  This is not selfish dear Aquarian, you’re one of the great masses you want to help.  What if you trace your actions back to September 28th, and look for the places you lost your truth?  What or who got under your skin?  Say what you want to say, even if you don’t think you’re heard.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)

A harmonious time of the year starts for you this Tuesday when the Sun shines in Scorpio. Your face lights up with the truth of who you really are.  Notice your feelings Thursday, Jupiter’s traditional day of thanksgiving, opens a lucky portal for you.  Let your honest opinions fly free!  When the Scorpio Sun shines his light on Visionary Neptune (in your sign) at 3:40 PM, PDT, your spirits are lifted to spiritual truths that make you downright brave.  Let your words fall out.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lunar Eclipse in Aries

The shift hits the fan!  Friday at 4:37 PM, PDT, the Aries Moon will oppose the Libra Sun in an exact alignment with the Earth, creating a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that offers you an exquisitely brief opportunity to refresh and reload.  During this celestial timeout, as the
electromagnetic field is briefly interrupted, ask yourself: “ Am I on the beam?  How’s my balance?  Am I fulfilling my own needs at the same time I’m honoring yours?”  

In the space between breaths, that decisive moment between the inhale and exhale, you pause at the brink.  Disengage the autopilot, give the driver’s seat to God, and question your direction.   

Tuesday is a jackpot of ideas.   Warrior Mars hikes into the hard working fields of Virgo.   His lion’s courage, gathered in Leo, is put to practical use for the next seven weeks.  He’s certain that perfection is possible if all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed.    
♡ Date Night:  Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Virgo
Any weekend that starts with a Full Moon Eclipse in a fire sign is going to get hot! Relationships are in for an edgy realignment that’s very expansive, even extreme.  Since Tuesday, when Warrior Mars entered down-to-earth Virgo, the cosmic lovers are once again out of sync.  She’s all about adventure and he’s absorbed in his do-it-yourself project.  Take this space to walk parallel, yet close.

The Force of craftsmanship is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of October 13-19, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Mars enters your sign in your 6th house of work this Tuesday and for the next seven weeks you approach work with the skills and energetic hard work of a mechanical engineer.  Your self-esteem grows with knowing that it’s a job well done.  You’ll have little patience with lazy people, but remember no one moves as fast as you do!
The Aries Full Moon Eclipse in your sign will be in your 1st solar house of self-confidence, self-expression this Friday.  You're both very impressionable and very intuitive.  Expect powerful “aha’s” that change the way you feel about yourself.  

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
Cheerleading, coaching your students on to victory, comes naturally to you.  Warrior Mars enters your 5th house of creativity this Tuesday, giving you the talents of a brilliant sculptor who shapes the world into a form that’s perfect for you.  You may be uncharacteristically impatient when it comes to courtship and romance, but the aggressive energy you have in that area will help you go after what you want.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 12th house of spiritual completion this Friday.  You can get in touch with emotional gold if you let guilt wash away doubt.  

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
Home improvements and a strong need to take control of your domestic life will drive your energy for the next seven weeks.  Mars enters your 4th house of home and family this Tuesday, stirring some compulsive patterns to the surface.  Notice where you’re ready to fight for something you don’t even need!  Your do-it-yourself energy will land you in the “home” your heart desires.  The culminating energy of the Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 11th house of friends this Friday.  Time to free yourself from the opinions and reactions of friends.  Take this time to be alone and stabilize your feelings.  (Yes, this means sitting down!)

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Mars enters your 3rd house of communications this Tuesday; your mind is pinging with ideas and your inbox loaded.  The next seven weeks will be a time of quick thinking resourcefulness, the kind that people need in an emergency.  Your foot may be quick on the gas pedal too, so easy does it.   The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 10th house of career ambitions this Friday bringing to a pinnacle the projects you’ve had cookin’.  You deserve recognition for the work you’ve done, and the eclipse will bring some Thank You’s.

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
You’re focused on financial gain, which is very possible with the enterprising mind you’ll have with Warrior Mars in you house of money and resources.  For the next seven weeks, you’re keenly competitive and enterprising.  As long as you don’t spend it as fast as you make it, this will be a successful time for business.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 9th house of the higher mind this Friday so expect epiphanies and brains-on-fire.  Notice your intuitive promptings, especially if they lead you away from bias formed in childhood.  The urge for adventure is peaked, especially adventures in spiritual understanding.  

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
Warrior Mars enters your sign in your house of self-confidence this Tuesday, making the next seven weeks the most outgoing time of the year for you.  You’ll have a surgical precision in the way you approach your tasks at work.  Your organizational skills are at their all time high because they’re backed up with effective action.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 8th house of transformation this Friday, setting your feelings on fire.  It’s an inner volcano that can change the landscape for good.

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
Warrior Mars enters your 12th house of the poet and guru this Tuesday.  This is a time of self-transcendence in which ego drives take a back seat to spirituality.  You’ll march through the shadows of your unconscious mind for the next seven weeks, and ferret out the hopes and dreams that are most in tune with your destiny.   The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 7th house of  partnerships this Friday, shifting the relationship ground you’re standing on.   Being too independent cuts off the security you seek, because it denies your connectedness.  You’re very tuned in to others right now, which joins you in the spiritual union you long for the most.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
This is not a good time to go it alone, especially in business.  Warrior Mars enters your 11th house of friendships this Tuesday, making you most successful when working as part of a team.   You need to coordinate rather than lead, but without sacrificing what you want.   The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 6th house of work this Friday, bringing to a close the projects you’ve worked on and adding a focus to your health and diet.  Aries has a way of burning out destructive habits (and relationships) in the interest of traveling light and starting fresh.  Clean the slate.  Love will write it’s message in the space you leave empty.  

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
Fame is in your future during the next seven weeks.  You may not make the headlines, but your initiative and ambition are at an all time high!  Warrior Mars enters your 10th house of career ambitions this Tuesday making this a time of practical achievement and improved status.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will bring fireworks your 5th house of creativity and romance this Friday.  It’s a very fertile opportunity for you to speculate about what could be.  Remember your feelings are not facts, and act on intuition.  Take a gamble...

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
Mars enters your 9th house of higher mind this Tuesday, energizing your travel plans in both the inner and outer worlds.  That crusader for integrity, your true Self, steps up to the microphone.  You’ll assert yourself with a zeal that lets others know exactly what’s important to you.  You’re looking for experiences, adventures, that will open up new dimensions of reality.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will bring an extra beam of happiness into your home and family life this Friday.  Wherever the sparks are flying, that’s where change is needed.  

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
You may create a confrontation, or welcome one, in order to force a transformation of the old order and welcome the new.  Warrior Mars is energizing a persistence and emotional intensity that really helps you got stuff done!   For the next seven weeks you’ve got power at your fingertips (and some sexual magic to go with it!).   And if that’s not enough, the Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 3rd house of communications this Friday putting a few firecrackers in your mailbox.  Your thoughts are inflamed with imagination.  A little daydreaming would do you good.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Public relations and diplomacy are the areas where you can accomplish a great deal over the next seven weeks.   Warrior Mars enters your  7th house of relationships this Tuesday and it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy!  You’re uncharacteristically self-assertive so you can really clear the air if there are conflicts.  You’re in no mood to compromise, but your desire for harmony will energize you to work things through.  The Aries Full Moon Eclipse will be in your 2nd house of resources this Friday, suggesting a new deal.  Your hunches about the market are right on.

✶ Astrology Wonks
Sunday the show-me-the-proof Aquarius Moon stresses Serious Saturn in Scorpio at 6:21 AM, PDT, and squares Mercury at 12:57 PM.  You can see the dark side, but living in the light is a better conscious choice.  The Aquarius Moon does some serious research on the power of positive thinking, and questions it’s validity.

The Aquarius Moon is still busy on Monday when she opposes Mars in Leo at 9:29 AM.  An intellectual debate could turn angry or break the doors of perception.  Peace descends on this stressful Monday when the Moon leaves the Aquarian ivory towers of intellect for the softly poetic waters of Pisces at 2:05 PM, PDT.  Boundaries blur and edginess dissolves into the collective consciousness of empathic understanding.   

Warrior Mars cools his heels this Tuesday when he hikes into the hard working fields of Virgo at 4:04 AM, PDT.  The precision craftsman arrives, chisel in hand, ready to work out the details.  He’s off to a productive start with the help of the Pisces Moon lightning a pathway to a harmonious working relationship with Powerful Pluto and Messenger Mercury.

Venus in Sagittarius makes a sparkling trine with lightning bolt Uranus this Wednesday afternoon at 3:04 PM.  If your relationship needs some pep, this couple will light a fire of unexpected brilliance.  The Moon adds to the fireworks when she arrives in Aries Wednesday evening at 6:17 PM. Take a break before you burn out.  

The Moon in Aries sets off the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square this Thursday morning.  It’s prep work for November 1st that insists on being changed at depth.  Like it or not.  

Friday’s Lunar Eclipse at 4:37 PM, PDT, is square Jovial Jupiter in Cancer.  Bending over backwards to keep the peace at home will seem like the normal thing to do!

The Moon settles down in Taurus for a massage and a gourmet meal when she slows the emotional pace to a steady crawl this Saturday at 12:26 AM.  Finally, relax.