Sunday, November 25, 2012

Muchness Madness in Eclipsed Gemini

Tis already the season for muchness and madness made much more curious by Wednesday’s Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini (6:46 AM, PST).  Quick-witted incessant buzz will burn the Net circuits with a fidgety restlessness that will be hard to follow. This Gemini Full Moon will hang out in the shadows of the Earth for a few hours, just enough time to reboot.

The warm-up comes Tuesday when Mars, newly in Capricorn, joins Pluto at 12:12 PM.  This gives you the power to take on any opponent and win, including your own limiting beliefs.

We greet the month of December this Saturday with the need to get our expectations in line with reality.  Excess is rampant, both as overindulgence and setting the bar way too high.

Still you won’t be discouraged.  You have the gift of a positive attitude from the Sagittarius Sun, and a little help from Dr. Seuss:  

“When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,
when you start to get mad...
You should do what I do...
Just tell yourself, Ducky,
You’re really quite lucky!
Some people are much more...
Oh ever so much more...
Oh, muchly much much more
Unlucky than you!”

The Force of muchness is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of November 25, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
As you begin your week, the Sagittarius Sun’s hopped up on lightning strikes, and you feel like a teenager on energy drinks. You’ll be able to win the game, but your nervous system gets fried!  There’s a spartan quality to your Tuesday when you find yourself faced with some hard work and the endurance to handle it.  It may appear that all the red lights are out of sync and randomly limiting your movements.  Use the delays to pray.  Expansive Jupiter gets in the mix this Wednesday when the Gemini Full Moon is eclipsed by the Earth at 6:46 AM, PST.  Ideas will be flying, some into the outer realms of reality where you’ll never see them again!  Take notes.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Taking care of responsibilities is almost a pleasure as you begin this week with the Moon in your sign.  You feel so good that a little overindulgence won’t hurt your bottom line.  Then Tuesday you’ll find the strength for the most taxing of jobs, and you’ll have more than normal endurance to pull it off.  The Lunar Eclipse this Wednesday will have the Earth blocking the Sun’s light from shining on the Moon.  If you feel you used to be more muchier, now is your chance to much up.  Take your determination and practicality and up your earnings!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’re in for another dose of brains-on-fire for the beginning of your week.   Tuesday may find you with an urge to erupt in anger and frustration at seemingly meaningless obstacles in your path, but you’ll still be able to accomplish feats of endurance that you didn’t know were possible.  This Wednesday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (6:46 AM, PST) is the moment to find your muchness!  You’re literally buzzing with resourceful new ideas, seeds that need planting.   

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
If you need to pull off a move with military precision, this is your time to do it.  You’ll handle difficult situations very well, but you may resent that you have to be the one to do the work.  Too muchness is everywhere this Wednesday, making the Gemini Full Moon Eclipse a trigger for hair brained ideas running rampant all around you.  Pulling in, briefly cutting off the stimuli, will sharpen your famous antenna so you can filter the buzz.  The Moon comes home to you in Cancer this Friday at 5:55 AM, PST.  She’ll set your home fires burning, but a rebellious log or two will send some sparks flying.  Relax, but with a cautious eye.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Sunday finds you with an inner tension between fulfilling your responsibilities and going off for some play time.  Don’t let seriousness settle the dispute!  You’re muchier when you play.  Monday the god of lightning strikes repeated home runs for you with the Sagittarius Sun shouting “go for it!”  Strength, even in the face of danger, is yours this Tuesday so that you can pull the solution out of chaos when the Eclipse occurs Wednesday.  You achieve all things splendid by daring to believe in your muchness, that something inside you is superior to circumstances.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Your week starts with butterflies in your tense stomach.  Not ulcers, just anticipating the new discoveries of the coming week.  (It’ll be late Monday evening before you realize you haven’t eaten all day!)  When the Full Moon Eclipse stuns you Wednesday morning, be sure to avoid the muchness of spreading yourself too thin, trying to be of service to too many too often.  You’re so much muchier when you take control and organize the mess around you.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
As you begin your week your feet are on stable ground, but your head is swirling with pleasurable delights!  You get some marching orders this Tuesday that may try your patience, since Saturn insists you knuckle down and finish your “chores” before going out to play.  During this Wednesdays Full Moon Eclipse, the Sun in adventurous Sagittarius opposes the Moon in curious Gemini.  Cupid knocks on the door of your heart, which is longing for romance.  And the Gemini Moon holds the hidden, sustaining power of your ability to love.  Your muchness comes out of these shadows as Grace itself.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Sunday’s Moon, newly in Taurus, opposes the goddess of love (Venus is now in Scorpio) leaving your overly sensitive self feeling unloved.  You can’t drown this in chocolate!  The truth is your muchness is a sultry mystique, sometimes too powerful for others to handle.  Warrior Mars pairs up with your ruling planet Pluto this Tuesday to bring you incredible endurance and the capacity for hard work.  Wednesday’s Eclipse occurs in your house of death and regeneration, you have the power to think way out of the box.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
The happily optimistic Sagittarius Sun bursts out of the starting gate for the work week this Monday. Tuesday could be trying unless you hang on to your natural optimism.  Warrior Mars is on a mission of military precision, and he insists that you get organized, very organized, and you resent the rigidity.  Relief comes in a big ball of energy this Wednesday when you can take advantage of the power outage during the Eclipse to restart your engines and steer in the direction of your muchness--that easy straightforward honesty that is so needed in this world.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You already have support for very productive activity when a tortoise Taurus Moon crosses your finish line Sunday at 4:19 AM, PST, a big win is ahead. The positive side of your Tuesday is the joining of Warrior Mars and Serious Saturn in Capricorn, who are a very resourceful pair.  You have tremendous energy to take positive action--do it. Remember, the measure of misery is the distance between your expectations and your reality.  Happiness is right now, right where you are.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Positive thinking comes naturally, including bursts of “aha” experiences.  Tuesday may have its frustrating moments when you feel you’re efforts are thwarted at every turn.  It’s not really Murphy’s Law, it’s more like locks (temporary!) on the doors of your self-expression.  Let it serve the purpose of routing you to a more creative solution.  One door closes, another opens Wednesday during the Full Moon Eclipse.  Your muchness is loaded with originality.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Running on empty doesn’t serve you.  Maybe the practical Taurus Moon packed you an energy snack for this week’s race, but you didn’t slow down long enough to eat it?  Thank goodness you’ll naturally have a bigger dose of caution and prudence than usual starting this Tuesday, which sets the stage for you to get tremendous amounts of work done.  Your best use of Wednesday’s Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini is to employ the muchness of your Einstein's brain to sort the big buzz of original ideas that will be flying too high for most people to catch.  

“Today you are You,
that is truer than true.  
There is no one alive
who is Youer than You!”  *Dr. Seuss

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jupiter's Cornucopia

The goddess of love has her mystique on this Thursday as she strikes up a happy harmony with dreamy Neptune.  Great servings of compassion and tenderness grace your Thanksgiving table.  

The Force of thank you is with us.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of November 18, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You’re a freewheeling thinker with concerns for the state of humanity.  Monday’s Aquarius Moon has you thinking globally, until you meet a strong headwind of criticism from a backpedaling Mental Mercury in Scorpio.  Ignore the sharp tongues.  Truth is not brutal, it’s kind.  On Wednesday the Sun heats itself up with a move into Jupiter’s home, fiery Sagittarius.  You get the combustible best of this harmonic Sun sign, being an adventurous traveler from one wonderful Thanksgiving table to another and another.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
If your thinking has gotten too cool and divorced from feeling, the remedy arrives Tuesday morning with the sweetly poetic Pisces Moon.  This Moon dissolves even hard hearts with compassion, a perfect time to mend fences.  A mysteriously cloaked Venus, now in Scorpio, strikes up a beautiful harmony with Visionary Neptune in the early hours of Thanksgiving day.  Your Thanksgiving will be filled with music, art, and poetry from a cornucopia of friendships.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
When the lover of luxury, Venus, gets into an extremist collusion with bountiful Jupiter in Gemini this Tuesday, you’d better freeze your credit cards in a block of dry ice!  But  hearts melt when the Sun hops into Sagittarius Wednesday, making a warmly creative time for your relationships.  Keep in mind that the Sagittarius Sun shines his unfiltered truth on all your communications.  Slips of the tongue are inevitable, but true.  Still, Jupiter in your sign is the cornucopia of Thanksgiving.  This holiday season is filled with enormous generosity, from you and to you.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Tuesday is a lovely day for dreamers like you.  The boundaryless Moon in Pisces pairs with Visionary Neptune at 9:38 AM, PST, offering you the “opportunity” to be vulnerable where your feelings are concerned.  Caution too, as you’re very impressionable.   The goddess of love sails into Scorpio’s deep passions beginning this Wednesday.  Anything about your relationships that’s avoided scrutiny until now is now open to investigation.  Especially those feelings hidden under the flimsy covers of superficiality and “niceness.”  You’ve got a Thanksgiving for truth telling.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
It’s a push-me pull-you.  Sunday evening the cool headed Aquarius Moon gets in a fight for her freedom with restrictive Saturn (1:10 PM, PST).  Unless you protest, Saturn’s serious status quo walls are likely to remain standing, even after the onslaught of Aquarius’s new ideas.  Lighten your load of responsibility by sharing (sometimes called delegating) the work.   Your spirit is filled with joy and open hearted forgiveness for Thanksgiving, just don’t expect everyone else to be on the same wavelength.  That’s why they need you!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Retrograde Mental Mercury (Virgo’s ruling planet), backpedalling in the sleuthy waters of Scorpio, is joined with the Sun to start your week with the creativity to act on your ideas.  You’re not long on objectivity this week, but you make up for it with mental stamina.  Your love life takes on renewed passion beginning Wednesday when the goddess of love wades into Scorpio.  Venus in Scorpio is nobody's fool.  Neither are you.  Powerful relationship issues will demand your attention this holiday season.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The Moon lifts off into the humanitarian ivory tower of Aquarius in the wee hours of Sunday morning (4:10 AM, PST) sending a fresh breeze through your mind.  She opens with some sparkling and unconventional new ideas but you have to manufacture the oomph to utilize them.  Venus, your constant muse, enters intensely passionate Scorpio at 5:20 PM, PST, on Wednesday.  Desires take on an erotic intensity as well as a sharp eye on deception.  You’re guaranteed to taste the delights of Jupiter’s cornucopia this Thanksgiving.  Overflowing with intensely felt gratitude.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
The Moon sinks into sweetwater Pisces at 8:55 AM, PST, Monday morning.  Your week is off to a spiritual start that accelerates into a new dimension of empathic understanding on Tuesday.  Wednesday the Sun jumps into fiery Sagittarius, making it harder to know what is enough.  Especially when a passionate Venus enters your sign at 5:20 PM, PST, on Wednesday.  But Mars in sure-footed Capricorn makes an easy alliance with Serious Saturn in Scorpio this Saturday.  A perfect day for taking care of chores and cleaning up the emotional debris of yesterdays.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Monday’s Moody Moon is unusually objective and even aloof in Aquarius, while Mental Mercury is loaded with Scorpio’s emotional intensity.  You’ll feel like you moved in with an odd couple, cold yet intense like an inactive volcano.  A tense impatience.  Something’s gotta give.  Wednesday the Sun jumps into your expansive sign.  Muchness is on your plate of 3 meals, 4 snacks and dessert!  For you it’s truly a time of giving, but it also has an air of excess until December 21st.  Shoppers beware.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Mars has been in Capricorn since Friday night the 16th, so you can expect concrete results from your hard work.  Tuesday proves to be a day to forgive, and know that is the key to happiness.  A compassionate Moon fills your image of yourself with unconditional love.  Mars in Capricorn is unexpectedly struck by lightning (2:05 AM PST) on Friday.  Sparks will fly.  Uranus moves you to be a little impatient, not a bad thing for Capricorn.  You want more freedom now.   

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
The sympathetic Moon in Aquarius arrives at 4:10 AM. PST, Sunday, starting your week with flashes of intuition.  Your home is a friendly gathering place for friends and groups.  The Moon hurries into impatient Aries on Thanksgiving day at 5:11 PM, PST. Expect the conversation to heat up.  She’s on her way to meet up with the god of lightning quick changes this Friday.  It’s easy for you to turn Aries enthusiasm into Aquarian gratitude for peace.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Tuesday the Pisces Moon makes connections with most of the zodiac, giving you a sweet spirituality, thoughtful altruistic action, and enough orderliness to finally make those changes you’ve been writing about.  Wednesday the Sun moves in Sagittarius, and the Moon newly in Aries lights up your Thanksgiving dinner.  This could be too much electric current for soft or mushy feelings.  Sometimes gratitude is most felt through your thoughts.   

Sunday, November 11, 2012

SuperMoon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

As unrelenting solar energy is briefly blocked by the solar eclipse, it’s your chance to reboot.  Change your mental channel.  Raise the bar of your spiritual understanding. The perfect alignment of Earth, Moon and Sun (syzygy) will occur Tuesday at 2:09 PM PST.  This SuperMoon in Scorpio is at perigee, closest to the earth, pulling the tides of change.  

Neptune has just turned direct in Pisces, making a lovely harmonic trine with Saturn in Scorpio, adding depth of compassion to a seriousness about the spiritual work to be done.  

Mercury in retrograde motion slips back into Scorpio at 11:43 PM, PST, Tuesday where he’ll be at his shapeshifting best for the next 20 days.  

Are you counting?  Yep, that’s Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio!  Warrior Mars adds stabilizing, ambitious help to this compatible team Friday when he moves into decisive Capricorn.  

The Force of moving mountains is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of November 11, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Get out your magnifying glass for a closer look under whatever covers up your fears. Your week starts with a scare designed to wake you up to a higher perspective when the Moon in Scorpio saddles up to Stern Saturn Monday morning.  All that water can put out your Aries fire unless your refuel.  Not a time to be overextended. Mars marches in Friday with ambitious plans is you’re willing to be patient.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
A perfect use of the serious and somewhat nostalgic mood of this Mondays Scorpio Moon would be to work on your budget and review your last quarter goals.  But take out a feather to tickle yourself periodically, and remember is all in the game.  You are in for an ambitious and profitable turn of fortune when Warrior Mars moves his action into Capricorn Friday.  Use these five weeks wisely.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Remember my prediction about the age of the Mind Meld?  Well this week is a level playing field for clarity of vision and clairvoyance.  Spook someone.  Read their mind.  The heavy dose of five planets in Scorpio as the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs Tuesday will raise your emotional intensity and some memories too.  Choose the sweet ones to remind you of how much you are loved for all that you do.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
It may feel like someone deliberately rained on your parade, but ditch the black umbrella and you’ll see some moody but mystical insights.  Practical realism is a gift of Mondays Scorpio Moon in cahoots with structured Saturn.  Your reality is love, not pain and suffering.  The SuperMoon Solar Eclipse on Tuesday puts an enormous amount of ambitious wind in your sails.  Especially after Warrior Mars moves into Capricorn this Friday, you’ll be unbeatable!  Monetary success will accompany an unusual ability to discipline your efforts and achieve your goals over the next five weeks.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Midmorning Monday a shadowy Scorpio Moon has a head on collision with Stern Saturn, mixing emotional oranges with hard to swallow apples.  Time for some sleuth work.  The scorpion devil is hiding in the details.  Examine the bottom line.  The shift into a more decisive and ambitious mode comes Friday with Warrior Mars in Capricorn’s arena of executive success.  Remember it’s the tortoise not the hare that wins the race!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Sundays Libra Moon puts you in a diplomatic mood, but you might be willing to compromise even though you shouldn’t.  Possibilities for miscommunication are high right now.  Raise yourself above the battleground of this world’s chaos, and see a lighted way to bring order and sanity to some very weary people.  Your natural CEO gifts are greatly enhanced by Friday’s shift of Mars yang energy into Capricorn’s executive suites.  Use the portal of Tuesday’s eclipse to envision your goals.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Monday’s Moon swims in the intensity of Scorpio, so you’ll have to manufacture your own joy.  But that will be easier than you might think with the extra help you get from spiritual Neptune.  Solutions from your enhanced spiritual perspective come to you in your hopes and dreams. Take time Tuesday during the SuperMoon Solar Eclipse to stop and listen.  Venus in Libra is solidly in your corner, bringing you a wealth of love and affection.  (She’s also well-heeled!)

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
A common sense approach comes naturally to you as you start this work week with the eyes of a great detective and the intuition of a born psychic.  Go ahead.  Read people’s minds.  Remind us all that there are less than 6 degrees of separation.  With the incredible power you have at this time, you can move mountains.  Five planets in your sign align with Warrior Mars beginning this Friday for one of the most productive and profitable times this year.  Don’t miss the opportunity to shift your gears in any direction you want when the Solar Eclipse occurs Tuesday.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Okay, you may feel a little cranky as the week begins.  Like someone who’s been without electricity for two weeks!  Just stay away from the melancholy pitt and you’ll find this week starts with Good Orderly Direction.  With so many planets in Scorpio, you’ll feel a underground tug to shift directions and look more closely at your motivations.  A great deal of spiritual power flows in with Tuesdays Solar Eclipse.  Slow down and savor the peace.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Self-discipline is the gift of Monday’s Scorpio Moon in conjunction with Serious Saturn.  You may not feel too happy about it, but it’s a great week to organize your work.  Include your visions, which can turn into a practical Mission Possible.  Accept your assignment.  You get all the help you need to move heaven and earth when Warrior Mars begins a five week stay in your sign this Friday.  Money and professional advancement follow your decisive, sustained discipline.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
While you were sleeping, the Moon slithered into Scorpio at 3:10 AM, PST, on Monday.  So like Scorpio!  Catching you off guard, defenseless, and ready to hear the truth.  Recently your intelligence may have collected too much evidence of suffering, so use this weeks scorpion intuition to lift your spirits to dream a possible dream.  Use the opening of the Solar Eclipse Tuesday to align yourself with the needs of yourself and your community of friends.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Memories of nights gone by will permeate your days, weaving some melancholy into the efficiency with which you begin the work week.  An old friend may get in contact with you and activate memories, some sweet some somber. You might as well get out the kleenex with your crystal ball, this is a very watery week!  Your spiritual attunement will be incredibly strong at the portal of Tuesday’s Solar Eclipse.  New Moon and new beginnings filled with magical synchronicities.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Evangelism from Soapbox Sagittarius

Let’s turn back the hands of time.  When Transformational Pluto entered the ambitious corporate world of Capricorn on January 26, 2008, the lack of fair play in global economics cracked the surface of our financial structure like hot lava.  Deals made without integrity, like debts we don’t repay, were brought to Capricorn’s supreme court of justice.  

Then the real kicker came March 11, 2011, when Rebellious Uranus entered the brains-on-fire sign of Aries, fueling an era of explosive revolutions initiated by the Arab Spring.  Battles erupted across the globe with a domineering  and privileged patriarchy, whose self-serving power trampled human rights.  We cheered the beheading of cruelty and greed.  

Election day will be a quagmire of muddled communications, with Mercury retreating into his cave at 2:57 PM, PDT.  The devil will truly be in the details.

The Force of democratic choice is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of November 4, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Your emotions have a dramatic flare that makes a visible and warm campfire that draws friends closer to you.  Sparks of the Leo lioness in you wakes up your nurturing side.  It’s satisfying to take care of someone else.  Communications turn inward for the next three weeks when Mental Mercury goes into his man cave Tuesday.  Though messages in general get mixed up, it’s a scholarly time for you.  Carpe diem is your modus operandi beginning midweek.  
Emily Dickinson says, “Forever is composed of nows.” Seize some love.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
A private place to relax and surround yourself with the pleasures of hearth and home will be the perfect start to your week.  The big news this week is Messenger Mercury taking a backward spin for the next 3 weeks.  You’re going to change your point of view through prophetic insight, provided you stop long enough to get down to your roots.  Midweek you figure out that your whole future depends on what you do today.  And that is true for all your tomorrows.  Your senses are on alert.  Taste your experiences to the utmost and reach out eagerly.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your week begins with sparks of affection that can penetrate anyone’s superficial mask.  Then when Mental Mercury turns retrograde Tuesday afternoon, your keen logic needs the sharp attention to detail that is now muddled.  You need another person’s response to your ideas in order to “see” your thoughts.  Wednesday morning is off with a bang and burst of energy when the Leo Moon makes a last minute harmonious hook-up with Warrior Mars in Sagittarius. Talk about seize the day! You’re all about Helen Keller’s “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Some tension sparks an inner urge for the security of familiar surroundings, and perhaps a purchase that beautifies your home.  Mental activity turns inward Tuesday when Messenger Mercury goes into his cave for the next three weeks.  Check and double check the fine print.  You will be one of the few who can keep an eye on the details and plan carefully.  Employers will recognize you for a job well done.  Even though it’s late in the evening, you’ll want to tidy up a bit this Wednesday when the efficient Virgo Moon posts the To-Do lists.  Try not to take it personally.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You literally get a roaring start to this week and a sunny disposition to go with it.  Monday gets passionate when your lively Leo Moon ambles in at 11:39 AM, PST.  This makes it easy for you to fall into step with signs of the times. But Tuesday communications go haywire, just as you’re ready to make your position clear.  Messages get scrambled for the next three weeks. You’ll feel like you’re in the middle of a practical joke!  Get a Virgo fact checker on your team.  The compatible intellects of Venus in Libra and Jovial Jupiter in Gemini stir some pleasurable curiosities beginning Thursday evening.  The chariot of love arrives in the wee hours of Saturday morning, making date night magic for your weekend.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Don’t let a brief episode of insecurity tempt you to keep your feelings secret, for you’ll be the one who doesn’t know how you feel.  This is especially true when Mental Mercury encourages you to withdraw into the cave with him on Tuesday.  You aren’t withdrawing to hide, but rather to reflect on the links your early conditioning has to the present.  The Virgo Moon makes a harmonious trine to Powerful Pluto on Thursday morning around 10:25.  If you need to get to the bottom of something, now’s the time.  Sleuth work for the weekend harvests some buried ideas.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
A Leo Moon begins your week with the goal of making more meaningful connections.  By Monday evening, this lioness will defeat seriousness and set the stage for you to make courageous and heartfelt decisions.  A sweet brand of loyalty to your tribe inspires you when the Loyal Leo Moon winks at Venus in Libra Tuesday, just before Messenger Mercury goes on retreat and withdraws into his visions of a better tomorrow.  The goddess of love bestows pleasures galore when she joins Jovial Jupiter for some pre-holiday gift giving Thursday.  Joy for dinner, and leftover happiness for the weekend.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Careful not to blur the lines between personal and professional relationships, for you start the week with Lion hearted courage and a public relations mojo.  Attend to any loose ends before Messenger Mercury retreats inward on Tuesday afternoon.  You’re entering a time of negotiations about property and money, remember the devil will be in the details.  Thursday evening opens up your weekend to explore a new love, a new way to feel good.  You’ll take it seriously, but being picky and exacting will benefit you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Warm hearted affection to and from your friends lights up the beginning of your week.  Electric surprises and aha opportunities arrive late Monday evening.  Beginning this Tuesday at 2:57 PM, PST, Messenger Mercury in your sign will be looking back over his shoulder for the next 3 weeks.  Your mind is on fire with ideas, moving so fast you’d better take notes.  The goddess of love will help you keep your thoughts on the light and loving side for the weekend.  Serious is not for you.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
A spotlight on family memories draws powerful, intense energy your way.  With Mental Mercury turning inward on Tuesday, you have a three week period to keep you own counsel, even when communicating to others would benefit you.  What you don’t say has great weight.  Being of service to others is primary when the Moon marches into efficient Virgo at 8:35 PM, PST, on Wednesday.  Then she creates a harmonious duo with Powerful Pluto in Capricorn Thursday morning at 10:25.  This impetus to clean out the closets in your mind helps you focus on details--something few people will be able to do while Mercury is retrograde.  Your sure-footedness is needed!   

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Affectionate big hearted love fills your relationships for a happy start to your week.  Like a sweet moment atop your favorite hillside, you feel your heart’s true desire.  A muddled thinking Mercury takes the next 3 weeks off, and your goals and expectations are up for review.  Leftover Joy from Thursday’s Venus/Jupiter pairing makes Friday a happy kick off for the weekend. Saturday the Libra Moon gets a clear pair of glasses from her introverted pal, Mental Mercury in Sagittarius.  A window of clarity for you.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Your emotions take a backseat to immediate needs and necessities, which is okay for a few days as long as you don’t pretend something is alright with you when it isn’t.  When Mental Mercury turns around Tuesday at 2:57 PM, PST, you’ll have three weeks to rethink your attitudes about career.  You have solar-powered organizational skills right now, a perfect time to revamp goals and make a plan.  It’s a prophetic time for you in the midday moments when the fog lifts.  One more step could be your tipping point.  Never, never give up.