Monday, January 30, 2012

Mars has a sweet tooth

Warrior Mars in Virgo is wearing his shield of self-confidence and brandishing his sword of courage. He’s defending the right of the Taurus Moon to assert herself, and claim the love and friendship that belongs to her in truth. Imagine this godly guardian running interference for you while your carry your heart's desire over the finish line.
The Force of courage is with you.
Goodbye to January on Tuesday the 31st, 2012.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The Great Defender of your right to speak your mind is in your 6th solar house of work and service, giving you a dose of courage to assert yourself and take the initiative. You are a natural born leader to begin with, but this energy will propel you out into the world to lead others in some way. This will suit you just fine, since this such a good time to be with friends and those you love. Venus is still gracing your mind with a deeper compassion, and the beauty of unconditional love.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Courageous Mars is standing firm in your 5th solar house of creativity and romance. A dose of courage, to assert yourself, and take the initiative. You’ve never lacked the zest to get out in the world, but what Mars wants to help you with now is blasting out of a safe, comfortable rut. A caring helping hand will come through your 11th house of friendships. Love relationships will benefit from the deeply compassionate heart that you bring to your interactions with others right now.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You have the feeling that you life is made so much richer because of the wonderful family and friends you have. Mars is holding a protective shield over your 4th solar house of home. You’re working on the depth and inner integration of forgotten parts of your self through tapping into your roots. Your words carry the weight of your increased confidence and courage, so others will listen and pay attention. You teach in order to learn.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
The dynamic energy from warrior Mars is putting assertive action into your 3rd solar house of communications. You have a strong need to speak up for yourself, to do it forcefully, but without being offensive. Other people will respect your ability to speak your mind and ask for what you want. Plus, you have the straight-forward yet loving energy of Venus to smooth out any wrinkles. If you’ve had an estrangement or other difficulty in your relationships, today’s easy Venus/Moon blessing will help you straighten it out.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Matters relating to ownership and possessions are spotlighted by Mighty Mars being in your house of resources. This is the area for asserting yourself today and taking a powerful stand. Any projects that you start under this influence will have the benefit of your enduring persistence, so it’s likely to be done well and to be completed. The beautiful influence of Venus softens your 8th solar house of transformation, making it easier to see where changes are needed.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Warrior Mars is energizing your 1st solar house of individuality. This is the place to take a deep breath and assert what is distinctive about you. Chances are that individual differences will be appreciated, given new life. Since this assertive energy is in the sign of Taurus and Virgo, it’s a great time to calculate your taxes, review your budget, or discuss financial issues with your partner. Venus is beautifying your house of partnerships. You can restore communications, and even mend a broken relationship, under today’s loving vibes.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Courage is sitting in your 12th solar house of the collective mind. The presence of warrior Mars here gives you the courage to let go of the past, in preparation for a rebirth of consciousness. A sense of excited readiness is behind all your efforts right now, including making a forceful pitch for your opinions on how things should be done. Mars wants you to clear a path, and make a clean slate by erasing old beliefs that do not serve you. Venus is beautifying the relationships in your 6th house of work. You have an easy rapport with clients and co-workers.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
With the sweet blessings of Venus in your 5th solar house of romance, It’s a great time to be in love. You feel empathicly tuned-in to your partner, and vice versa. This holds true for new, or old, romances. Your relationship will be characterized by an easy, compassionate rapport. Mighty Mars is energizing your 11th house, putting your organizational skills to work for creative social change. The energy here can also turn to positive rebellion against an oppressive group or group policy. In either case, you can assert yourself now with appropriate force--you can really make a difference.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Mars is empowering you with forceful energy in your 10th solar house of ambitions. It’s in precise Virgo, so it’s a great day for organizing a business plan, or just collecting your receipts for taxes. You have the steadiness of purpose to see it through, paying close attention to the details. Just be careful, since Virgo is involved, not to focus on the head of the pin--keep the overall picture in mind. It’s also a wonderful day to enjoy being with family and friends. It will bring a very pleasant respite to the otherwise challenging times.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Count the ways your life is made richer because of your family and friends. Venus is beautifying your 3rd solar house of communications, so you words have the forcefulness of Mighty Mars and the grace of Venus. Absolutely perfect combination for getting your point across, even to a difficult audience. You have the courage and confidence to go out and get what you want today, and you’ll probably take a leadership role in making it happen.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Venus and the Moon have gotten together to help you celebrate the wealth you possess in your family and your home. You’ll have very loving and compassionate feelings toward family and friends today, and that’s where you’ll want to spend your time. At the same time, Warrior Mars is picking up steam to help you confront issues of trust and responsibility. The typical rash action that Mars often inspires is moderated by it’s placement in Virgo. Therefore, you have sustained, focused energy to get things done. Just be sure to also give this energy a physical outlet in exercise and activity.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Invite some friends for tea and sympathy. Even holding a light-hearted “pity party” will mend fences and restore a loving balance to your relationships. Warrior Mars is throwing a lot of assertive energy into your 7th solar house of relationships, helping you take a stand and get your point across. Venus is beautifying your self-concept, putting a soft, pink spotlight on your distinct individuality. Initiative and daring are your keynotes.

Taurus is never too much!

You really can’t have too much of a good thing when it’s coming from sensuous but steady Taurus. Jupiter joins the Moon in this Venus-ruled sign, to start our day in joy. Loving all the comforts and pleasures of life, Taurus nevertheless keeps a frugal eye on the resources. This turns into an intense encounter group when transformational Pluto joins in around 3:30 this afternoon. The happy beginning to this Monday deepens into an intensity of feeling that requires our attention. All good fortune.
The Force of reason is with you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
It’s a down to earth good feeling that starts your Monday morning, compliments of Jovial Jupiter’s optimistic meeting with the Taurus Moon. If you can slow yourself down a bit, you’ll get in sync with an energy that your rapid-fire pioneering spirit usually misses--Taurus will see a project through to the end. Stay clear of trivia, but otherwise it’s a great day for completion of any task.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’ll wake up thinking your dreams have come true! There’s a happy connection between the Taurus Moon and Jovial Jupiter, also in Taurus. Double dip of cloud nine confidence and well being. Your emotions are on an even keel. Yet, the depth of feeling you bring to your relationships today will enhance the intimacy and solidify your bond. So go ahead and tell someone what you really think--it will only draw you closer.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Monday morning has a bright, buoyant spirit to it that starts your week off right. If you can adjust to a slower more precise pace, you can benefit from this steady Taurus energy. It’s not a time to hold your feelings in, so if you have something difficult to say--say it. But use email so you can edit out the blatantly over the top emotions (a tendency today) in favor of more reason. This can also work the other way around too--someone may have something difficult to express to you. Either way, communications may arrive with a lot of uncensored feeling.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Looking out at the world this Monday morning, you’ll see blessings and opportunities ahead of you. You’re up-beat and expecting the best life has to offer, thanks to some Taurus coaching from Jovial Jupiter. There’s an energy in today’s stars that attracts wealth and the good things of life to your front door. At the same time, if there’s something you’ve left unsaid, because the content is rather intense, this is a good time to open up the conversation. Your motives are clear and healthy, and you’ll welcome the increased intimacy it brings.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You wake up on the right side of the bed this morning. Extraordinary for a back to work Monday, but you feel cheerful and confident. Your persistence is strong, and a key trait of today’s Taurus Moon. You don’t want to participate in meaningless chit chat, since you have more intimate communications in mind. If you can curb some of your regal fierceness, you’ll enjoy a sharper, sustained focus on your work.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
There’s a feeling of optimism, generosity and the sense that everything is all right with the world. Your feelings are steady and stable under the comforting influence of Jupiter and the Moon in Taurus. This could be a very lucky aspect for you as it makes a harmonic to your Sun. Separately, the channels of communication are running very deep. Nothing superficial will do. In fact, you can become obsessed with an idea, unable to loosen it’s grip on your thinking. Not stalking or fatal attraction stuff, but definitely intense. You want to deepen your relationships.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
It’s like you have your own personal cheerleader who spent the night in your dreams, encouraging you to have more faith and hope. Good start for a Monday morning. With the Moon in money-wise Taurus, your thoughts turn to matters of financial security and the comforts of home. You could also find the right resources (Taurus) to fuel a new idea (Aquarius) that positions you as a leader. Communications today have a depth and intensity that’s designed to improve your relationships by adding depth of understanding. If you’d held in some feelings, perhaps our of fear, now is the time to release them.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The sunshine of high hopes brightens your morning, and you may find yourself feeling more self-confident and positive. Twin Taurus planets, the Moon and Jovial Jupiter, add good fortune and luck to your day. You’ll enjoy the good things of life, and you may want to add to the comforts of your home in some way. Your feelings have an added intensity to them, almost obsessive, that requires you to use caution choosing your words. Emotions may trump reason. It’s a gift when you risk sharing just a little bit more intimately. You understand the reciprocity of giving and receiving being one endless loop.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
The day begins on a high note of cheerful optimism. Common sense makes a come back. Your communications might be very subjective today, since the emotional Moon is in stress aspect with messenger Mercury, but the depth of feeling puts you in touch. Fortunately the Moon is in level headed Taurus, and Mercury is in objective Aquarius, so you will find just the right words to express an inner emotional tension, and thereby release it. Lady luck is offering a hand, so that you find the resources you need.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’ll wake up this Monday morning with an assured, self-confident attitude. You’re hopeful enough to reach out to the world in a wide, optimistic stretch. Opportunities, and even just plain ol’ dumb luck, are waiting for you on your doorstep. Generous Jupiter and a languid, happy Moon are in your harmonic sign, Taurus. This helps you put material goods and resources in order. On the emotional level, you’re looking for powerful interactions, and you’re ready to engage fully.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’re thinking with your heart more than your head, so loving kindness pours out to all those around you. You’re up on the right side of the bed this Monday morning, feeling self-assured and hopeful about your day. It will be easy to weather a couple of jittery notes--just stay away from trivial pursuits. You nerves may be on edge today while your mind gets wrapped up in some obsessive thought. The real difficulty is that the past is interfering with your present experience. Be here now. Easy.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Your kind-heartedness radiates out to others, as you wake up feeling that all is well in your world. And this Monday morning it’s true. A gentle sense of ease, happiness and optimism help contribute to what may look like a “lucky” day--really it’s the power of your positive thinking. Woven throughout the afternoon is an edgy vibe to your emotions. If you feel jittery, it’s a sign that you have some pent up feelings (leftovers) that need release. Talk it out.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to create a vicious cycle

A rainmaker has been called in to your town to end the drought. He conjures up one little rain cloud. It seems to hoover over your head, no one else’s, casting dark shadows. You mood dampens. In your gloom it seems like a good idea to go home, alone. You isolate. You talk to your gloom. It talks back. Nothing good comes of this. You both decide you’re alone because no one likes you. The phone rings. You don’t answer. Why bother with people who don’t like you anyway? Your friends stop calling. See? You were right. Nobody likes you.

The moral of the story? Never talk to gloom. Wait it out with a good book, a warm comforter, and a purring kitty in your lap.
The Force of hope is with you.

Sunny Sunday, January 29, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The Moon is still in your sign until 10:30 this evening, so you’re full of warm, good feelings. Something like an oppressive dark cloud may drift by--don’t follow it. Let it pass as unnoticed as possible. It’s just a temporary block to the Sun, which is still shining. Turn your attention to your kindness in helping others. You’ll feel sympathetic today with a genuine interest in other’s well being.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The hot-blooded Aries Moon is in your 12th house of tea and sympathy. You’re inspired to help others, and you enjoy doing so. You don’t think of it as work, even though Saturn might try to throw in some burdensome duties. Tonight at 10:29 the Moon moves into Venus ruled Taurus. You’ll enjoy a deep sense of well-being. Even if other things are challenging, this gives you a breather for the next couple of days.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your friendships are spotlighted by a warm Aries Moon, adding spontaneity and fun. But the curmudgeonly old father Saturn would send your friends home early to do their chores. Meet his opposition with curiosity, not obedience. He might try to rain on your romance, or your playfulness with your children. But the only way he can dampen your spirits is if you agree to withdraw. Put yourself out there.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Emotions may be a little too intense for your tastes right now, with the heated Aries Moon in your 10th house of ambitions and career. There’s opposition from take-everything-too-seriously Saturn in your house of home and your place of comfort. Don’t sit at home alone or you may feel lonely. But hang on, tonight the Moon shifts in your favor and you’ll feel much more relaxed--even dreamy. The Taurus Moon comes in at 10:30 giving you a sigh of relief and a sense of security.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Your adventurous spirit is getting a big boost from having the spontaneous Aries Moon in your 9th house of exploration. Today there’s a temporary glitch (best way to think of it) from way-too-serious Saturn who’ll encourage you to pull back. Don’t listen to anyone who would discourage you, especially your own inner critic. This evening you’ll enjoy some relaxed time with your mind, to explore your dreams.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You have the energy to get to the bottom of things, particularly in the realm of feelings. The intense Aries Moon in your 8th house of transformation will add a hyper-alertness to your emotions. You’ll definitely tune in to the moods of those around you, like it or not. Walk away from negative or discordant situations and people--you sensitivity is high and your boundaries weak. Tonight the Moon moves into your harmonic friend, Taurus. You’ll feel a sigh of relief and relaxation.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The Moon is in your 7th house of relationships, sparking an emotional intensity. Yet there’s frustration as Saturn opposes you by inhibiting your initiative. You could feel stuck with some very sensitive feelings that you don’t want to share. This leaves you feeling cut off and lonely. Invite your sadness in for tea. Insist that it mind it’s manners, be polite, and only speak if spoken to. Give it no power. Just a couple of sugars.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Serious, patriarchal Saturn has been in your 12th house of compassion and visions for some time now, giving form to your hopes, dreams and wishes. It’s also been an influence for clearing out old structures to make room for the new. Today Saturn is being down right oppositional toward the passionate Aries Moon, putting dark shadows over your emotions. This is a passing storm, don’t worry. Hold your positive dreams in your mind. Tonight a wave of refreshing relaxation comes in with the Taurus Moon, your compatible buddy.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
With the creative Aries Moon in your 5th house of romance, children and creativity you are on fire with intense emotions. You’re very tuned-in to the moods of those around you, so be careful to surround yourself with positive people. Your friends could give you well-meaning but discouraging advice. Saturn in your house of friends adds seriousness, yes, but it also gives sober, stable commitment to one another. If anything today starts to feel like a wet blanket on your picnic, walk away.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
The intense, heated Aries Moon is in your 4th house of home, stirring up feelings. Don’t do anything rash. The stern father-figure is opposing this Moon, putting a chill in the air and taking up space in your favorite easy chair. Annoying. But tonight around 10:30 you’ll feel relaxation come in with the Taurus Moon. The next couple of days will favor any intuitive decisions you make regarding business and resources. You get a big deep breath of relief.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’ve had a prolonged period of the big Stern Saturn adding seriousness and a grounded realism to your communications. It’s as if the beautiful idealism you hold for humanity needed a more concrete form of expression. Saturn would have you bring three pages of text down to three very concise sentences. Today you may feel this as an emotional squeeze. Then this evening your mind relaxes, and your ideas are free to roam again.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
You’re feeling practical, determined and very resourceful with the pioneering Aries Moon in your 2nd house. However, there’s an oppositional force to your emotions, which may leave you feeling cut off from others. You may find yourself wanting to just be left alone--don’t bother me. Stay positive and don’t isolate. By this evening the tide turns and a loving Taurus Moon sails in with soft, fluffy pillows for you to relax and rest. And Monday morning will have a fabulous start for you. Stay tuned.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sparkle, spontaneity, and surprises

You gotta love unfamiliar territory. Have you heard this old psychology joke?
A woman’s walking down the street one night, and sees a man on his hands and knees searching the sidewalk. She’s curious. “Are you ok?” The guy looks up, “I’ve lost my keys!” “Oh, I’ll help you,” she says, “where did you see them last?” He points down the block, “over there.” Scratching her head, perplexed, “then why are you looking here?” “Because the lighting’s better, and I’m more familiar with the territory.”
The Force of flexibility is with you.
Saturday, January 28, 2012.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Just open your front door and you’ll find all the excitement you need for one day. You’re going to meet someone new, and it will be exciting and bring freshness into your life--something unexpected. Every now and then the Great Liberator, Uranus, likes to break a lock so you can solve an old puzzle. Go ahead, it’s easy. You should have butterflies in your stomach.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
A happy surprise awaits your today, but you’re going to have to bend a little to pick it up. The stars have a liberation in mind for you, part of which is built into the delivery system--you’ll have to be flexible to open the gift. Generous Jupiter is still working his magic in Taurus, and today he gets an assist from Mental Mercury--you’re thinking way too small. Look at the big picture, the details will take care of themselves.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Got a problem that’s stale, moldy and stuffed in the back of your mind? Well, crank it out for some sunlight and a fresh approach. Now you can see it as an interesting challenge, not a stubborn puzzle. With Mercury whispering brilliant ideas in your ear and the Sun solar-powering your thoughts, you’ll just see the solution in your mind’s eye. Hint: It won’t be what you expected!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Knock, knock, there’s a surprise at the door. What is it? You have to open up to see it! Or, you can say, “I don’t like surprises” and it will fly away. The god of lightening quick events is playing around in your thoughts, setting brush fires to old, dead debris. This is how he liberates you to more fully express your true self--you can’t rely on “this is just how it’s done.” You have to raise your sights to find a new way. Today you have plenty of breathing room.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
The universe would like to burn up your to-do list today, so you’ll be open to an unexpected event (trust me, it will be good for you!). Why? How? It will free you from some limiting person or circumstance that is holding you back from fully expressing who you really are. It’s a gift from the Great Liberator, Uranus, special delivery around 10:25 this morning. Open the door!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
If you try to stick to your plan for the day, in the face of unexpected events that would redirect you, you’ll create your own distress. The universe would like to upset your apple cart today, not to make you miserable, but rather to help you loosen up those demands you make on yourself! Feelings can snowball, especially if you have be repressing or ignoring them--just not taking the time to be quiet with yourself. They burst out with an obsessive momentum, simply because the tension needs a release. Pluto only unearths things in order to bring them back to life. Resurrection.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
A happy surprise comes today in the form of finding an unexpected solution to an old, unresolved problem. Uranus, the Great Liberator, is in cahoots with the messenger planet to bring you fresh news, fresh ideas. Jovial Jupiter is in the act today also, expanding your vision. He wants you to look up and say, “I can see my whole life from here.” Never mind the details, you don’t want to know the latitude and longitude. The sunny horizon will do just fine.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The universe would like to pleasantly surprise you today, so don’t greet the news with suspicion and slam the door in it’s face! Unexpected events from the god of lightening are always designed to free up some part of your life that has been held back. This will involve communications, and your self-expression. If this comes in an encounter with someone else, it’s to reveal your true desires.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Be curious. Ask unsettling questions. Raise every rigid habit to scrutiny--dump most of them. The Great Liberator has joined forces with the messenger planet to open your mind to a fresh view of a problem--probably an old one. No fear. It’s in your best interests. A lovely sense of well-being and ease is woven through the day, making life’s hassles seem small. The Sun winks at the Aries Moon, saying “easy does it girlfriend.”

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
When the shut off valve has been wrenched too tight, leaks spring out. If you dig in your heels and resist changes, then events today will seem to you to be disruptive. They really aren’t, it’s only a lack of flexibility that’s causing the tension. Either you’ve taken a stubborn stance or someone in your life is doing that with you. Today’s surprises are designed to break the tension and open up a new way to look at an old devil. Use your famous Capricorn humor--a la Jim Carrey (January 17, 1962).

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Oh boy, hot dog, new, fresh solutions to old, unresolved problems! The god of lightening quick changes is playing musical chairs with Messenger Mercury today. Expect the unexpected idea or visitor who’s coming along to shed some fresh light--and maybe ask you to move over a little. Change your position on a cherished but outworn belief. Your emotions will have a life of their own today, popping up with sudden urges. All harmless since you’ve got the blessings of a wink and a nod from the Sun and Moon--breathing room and a relaxing break.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
To try to schedule a surprise is an oxymoron, but that may not stop you! If you can open yourself to the unexpected today, then Uranus’ lightening bolt changes won’t seem disruptive. You may have to abandon the schedule you’d planned. Feeling unsettled is the precursor to changing your mind. Try it on. Change your mind about an old belief you’ve held about yourself.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Aquarian wisdom meets a nitroglycerin Moon

The celestial vibe changes abruptly around mid-morning today. Finishing his three week stay in Capricorn, Messenger Mercury takes flight from the mountain peaks into the intellectual skies of Aquarius. He’s immediately followed by the Moon’s dramatic leap into the fires of Aries. We go into unknown territory. We ask Yoda, “what’s in there?” “Only what you take with you.”
The Force of objectivity is with you.

P.S. *Date Night’s at the bottom of the page.
It's Funny Friday, January 27, 2012.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
With the passage of Mental Mercury into the airy realms of Aquarius, your mind will open to new experiences and a universal view of life. Humanitarian interests with peak for you, and you may find yourself involved in service to your group or community. At 10:28 a.m. the Moon moves into your sign, which is basically good news for your optimism, but rough for this usually cool, slow moving celestial body. A little volatility of emotions accompany this transit. Nevertheless, you will feel the Force as an energy that surrounds us, and binds us together.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
It’s time to stretch your mind, take it out for some fresh air. The communications messenger has sailed into Aquarius in mid-morning, toppling over the tried and true in favor of the new and different. As Yoda taught--you must unlearn. Your personal and work agendas will broaden to include differences--differences in opinions and differences in the way people understand and express them. Add Taurus’ artistic touch--paint the new in your favorite shade of rainbow.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Mercury loves to be in Aquarius, and in astrology this is an “exalted” placement. Here your mind has an opportunity, over the next 18 days, to achieve it’s highest intuitive functioning. This makes a harmonic triangle of luminous thinking between you and inspired originality. Plus, the Aries Moon adds flames of passion and creativity to your emotions. You’re wide awake, teaching so you can learn. Yoda’s Gemini comment? There are always two--a master and an apprentice.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
If you’ve had ideas about a project floating around in your head, you’ll be able to stabilize it into concentrated form under the influence of Mental Mercury in Aquarius. Mercury in Aquarius is the territory of the Internet, of computer language, and of all electric/digital communications. Expect to unveil some new ideas in this area during the next two and a half weeks. Yoda’s advice on being a Jedi is to face the truth--give off light or darkness, be a candle or the night.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Much to learn, said Yoda, this is just the beginning. With Mercury in Aquarius you will want the truth, and you will want it served on an objective platter. For the next 18 days your mental processes will be fueled by originality and unique discovery. Immediately after Mercury’s move at 10:20 this morning, the Moon enters Aries. Fire + Fire + Air = some pretty creative thinking! And, yeh, the danger of explosion!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
With the god of communications in the intellectual sign of Aquarius, you will be able to see concepts and original ideas that transcend the body’s limits. Aquarius is a “fixed” sign (like Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) so thinking is solid and stable, like the rock of Gibraltar. Nevertheless, it expands consciousness, so your ability to “know” things will extend beyond the limits of your five senses. With one warning from Yoda--careful when you look in the dark side, it is looking back.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The messenger planet blows into Airy Aquarius around 10:30 this morning and your mind will feel like the fresh air suite from Mannheim Steamroller! Your thinking will not be stuck on old ideas and beliefs, or even what is traditionally valued. Rather, you will raise your sights to broader concerns--concerns that affect humanity at large and the group you belong to as a whole. Then, the Moon kicks in with fire from pioneering Aries. Basically, worry gets the boot! Your best Yoda wisdom? Truly wonderful, the mind of a child.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The objectivity of Mental Mercury in Aquarius gives you an ability to see the underlying pattern, the connect-the-dots reasoning, that underlies major concepts--those held by you and those of the society at large. Your connections are very strong with your friends, because with Mercury in Aquarius you make that a priority. Yoda’s advice to Scorpio? You must name your fear, before you can vanish it.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Your day is soooo going to pick up around 10:30 this morning! First, Messenger Mercury finishes his earthy stay in Capricorn and moves to fill-my-sails Aquarius. A lovely combination with your fire. Immediately after that, the Moon adds glow of her own when she hops into flaming me-first Aries. You could hold a fire-eating contest, and win! During the next 18 days, you can experience the great relief of being able to mentally transcend the machinations of the ego, the constant conditioned judgement, and see the workings of the Universal Mind. Yoda’s wisdom for you--feel the Force around you, between you and me, between you and the tree, and everywhere!

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Messenger Mercury had a good three weeks in Capricorn, and now the god of communications lifts off into the big skies of Aquarius. You pass on to Aquarius the power of commitment and serious thinking. Now Aquarius opens your mind to unique, original concepts. You’ll want to seek out different ideas, and to keep your thinking objective. The willingness to accept “unacceptable” ideas is one key to Aquarian originality. Yoda’s wisdom to Capricorn--many of the truths we cling to depend only on our point of view.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’re in your mental glory days for the next two and a half weeks, as Messenger Mercury has joined the Sun in your sign. Discovery and renewal. As an Aquarian, you are never surprised to find ideas different from your own, and you love that. Raising your mental sights now will bring new things into focus, perhaps facts that you hadn’t even considered. Yoda’s Aquarian saying--Always the future is in motion.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Your thinking will be less subjective and more in line with collective issues and global concerns now that the messenger planet is in Aquarius. If you’ve needed to lift your sights away from the mundane battlefields of ego existence, just to get a glimpse of the universal application of your ideas, now is the time. You are emerging from doubt and confusion into a new vision of yourself and your world. To paraphrase from Yoda: A Jedi craves not excitement and adventure, but always his mind is on what he is doing.

*Date Night!
CAUTION! Tonight’s got all the makings of a bad case of **The Mozambique's! Don’t shave your legs and don’t bring a toothbrush! Venus in Pisces is in direct opposition to Mars in Virgo--this is the law of fatal attraction! These two are so drawn to each other that desire trumps reason. The fact that you may (very likely) be totally incompatible won’t stop you. Stir in the hot blooded Aries Moon and you see why tonight comes with a warning label: DO NOT TAKE WITH ALCOHOL.

**The Mozambique's is a not-rare-enough dis-ease in which you wake up next to a surprise guest in your bed, you take one look, break out in hives, and wish you were 10,738 miles away!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sweeter than Tupelo Honey

Today is sweeter than Tupelo Honey, with a spicy kicker! Nothing more loving and affectionate than the joining of Venus with a compassionate Moon in the deeply empathic sign of Pisces. A recipe to create art, love and beauty. It’s in your hands. Stir it up.
The Force of a hug is with you.

Thankfully Thursday, January 26, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Most of the day is a beautiful, loving vibe. You feel very affectionate. Reminiscing with old friends about good times together is very in tune with today’s mood. You’ll want to enjoy yourself, even be a little indulgent. If you’re on a strict diet, hide the chocolates! Later in the day warrior Mars shows up and you may find yourself in a hurry, acting hastily, or being a bit impulsive--a set-up to explode into I-can’t-take-it-anymore anger. Even if it’s a lover’s spat, it will quickly pass--like all your anger, gone with your sunny disposition.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The goddess of love is showing her most affectionate side today. Usually she waits for love to come to her (never a problem!) but occasionally she is struck with something like today’s compassionate Moon in Pisces, and she’ll go out and make home deliveries! When you add this much feeling to Venus’ already indulgent habits, desires are inflamed, along with other appetites. Hide the chocolates. Later in the evening an angry irritation pokes you on the shoulder, but you shrug it off. Try to remain calm, even if those about you are loosing their heads!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Happy happy day. You’ll want to go out and socialize with friends. It’s not a day you’ll want to be alone. You radiate emotional warmth toward others, and a party would suit your mood just fine. You can easily handle the irritable energy that slips in around 8:30 this evening with a song--Trouble, oh trouble, trouble, trouble, doggin’ me all day long! Just watch the YouTube dog commercial and laughter will replace worry.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
It’s as if spring fever has hit in the middle of January! You’re in love with life and want to get out there and have fun. You’ll want to share this lovin’ feeling with others, and even reach out and hug someone! Venus paired up with the Moon in your harmonic sign makes is a sweet treat with warm affection all around. There’s a minor irritation later this evening when irritable Mars tries to provoke a fight about absolutely nothing important. Walk away.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Today is thick with love and golden as a slow moving river of sunshine. Not rare for your big heart, but still unusually sweet. It’s Venus energy that has you thinking ‘bout the birds and the bees. Write a song for Valentine’s, or paint a vibrant red heart. Hang on to your sweetness this evening when an irritable wind blows. Since Mars in Virgo is the fuel for this irritation, you may just loose it with someone being unbelievably picky. That someone could be you, so add an apology to the Valentine lyrics, just in case!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
If possible, you’ll enjoy hanging around the house today. Love is in the air, the water, and especially the food. Like water for chocolate. As long as there’s love, affection, and plenty of well-deserved appreciation, all goes well. Later this evening the mood gets a passionate twist. Emotions can ignite with anger, and you won’t even need a match! Since the culprit, warrior Mars, is in Virgo it may be a slow burn with perfectionistic undertones.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Yes, it’s a pink cloud, romantic haze kind of a day that is usually over-the-top and impractical. But, in honor of Venus paired with the Moon, it needs to be that way today! Make friends with this loving feeling and share. It’s a warm-up for Valentine's. Around 8:30 this evening a discordant note is struck by Mars. This is the that’s-the-last-straw type of explosive anger that catches you off guard. Stay calm, it not only will pass, it will pass in a big hurry--the way it arrived!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Your harmonic watery neighbor, Pisces, is gracing you with a strong, heart-felt love today. You’ll feel very affectionate. Mars is only peripherally involved, so this is not necessarily an erotic vibe, but hugs and kisses yes, yes, yes. By evening there’s an irritability that creeps in like a flea in your coat. Small, but annoying. It needs a way out--beat a pillow, hit a racquetball, or just plain yell on a mountain top. A little spice can be nice.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Butterfly kisses for breakfast. Venus and the Moon are stirring up a beautiful love fest, and you’ll want to be in the thick of it. With all your fire, this watery vibe may be a little subtle--like your coffee just seems to taste so much sweeter this morning! The part you excel in is the show of affection, and today it’s no holes barred. But, wait for it, the other shoe drops around 8:30 this evening. You may just feel like picking a fight. Don’t.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Sneak preview--It’s a kissy-face day and not even Valentine’s yet! Love and affection are so easily spread around today. Be a grateful recipient and an even more grateful giver. Hold up a sign, “Free Hugs.” Have fun with what happens. Later this evening a spoiler tries to get in the party but you’ll see him coming. It’s the do-it-yourself handyman who hits his thumb trying to nail a “Keep Out” sign on the fencepost. Let everyone in.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
A punching bag would be best. Your usual cool head will get some reasons to heat up this evening, so be sure to enjoy the fabulously loving mood you’ll be in most of the day. (and really you could hold on to it with this fair warning!). Use any excuse today to let yourself melt into some mushy affection. Buy a jar of Kiss My Face. Pick a spot on the planet that you love, and sit their with someone you adore.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Love and affection abound! It’s a kissy-face day and not even Valentine’s yet! You are getting the best of the vibes since both planets inspiring the love are in Pisces. Write your sonnets now and save them for February 14th. This evening livens up with an oppositional and moody irritation. Oh go ahead, stir up a little trouble! Mars is just absolutely irritating today with his nagging, so let him have it! Hold nothing in.

P.S. Watch for my Friday special, Date Night!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Green Thumb of generosity

Isn’t it just like the shy Pisces Moon to arrive in the wee hours, and slip a sweet dream under your pillow? Under the light of this Moon, we have the gift of the proverbial Green Thumb. Whatever you turn your mind to today will grow.
The Force of sensitivity is with you.

Mercury rules Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Even on a Green Thumb day like today, you’ll only want to plant the seeds, and leave the rest to Mother Nature. But some things need tending and feeding and watering--like your creativity. Here you find your greatest Green Thumb rewards--in the thoughts you plant in your mind. Your willpower is strong and can guide your mind to very productive thinking today. Remember your 2012 backstory is the god of lightening freeing you from restrictions, anything that would hold you back.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Pisces is such a compatible buddy for you, that you are in for several days of contented easy-going feelings. You can tap into a strong imagination today, that leads you toward creative and insightful choices. This gives you a monetary Green Thumb, good for business decisions. Your thoughts have creation energy--they manifest the world you want to see.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
The Moon in Pisces is a super sensitive place. This is the aspect of the “psychic sponge” who soaks up the thoughts and feelings of those around her. While this watery Moon is a bad match for your free-wheeling Gemini air, it does set off your famous chameleon trait. You’re challenged today to keep your boundaries, don’t fall for a sob story and give away the farm! This sympathy plays on your unconscious, so you may not see it coming. Keep eyes in the back of your head.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
This is a day of contentment and optimism, with one word of caution--our unconscious mind is wide open and picking up signals from others that you may not even be aware of consciously. But you sense your vulnerability, so there’s a tendency to withdraw in order to protect yourself. As a Cancer you naturally do that anyway, but today’s influence doubles that tendency. Stick with family and close friends. Use your green thumb to grow a prosperous thought about what you really want. See it in you mind’s eye.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
The wet Pisces Moon is a damper on your natural fiery enthusiasm. The plus side is a vivid imagination that is just right for poetry, music and art. While your emotions are subdued (maybe a relief?) your heart is wide open and sympathetic. Your honesty and integrity under this Moon can contribute to your business success right now.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You are very keenly tuned in to how to take advantage of the good things in life. The constructive use of willpower can guide your imaginative mind toward very productive thinking today, particularly in the area of relationships. Here you’ll pick up on the feelings of others, consciously or unconsciously, and it will affect how you express yourself. The Moon reflects, and you may see yourself mirrored in another's behavior.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
A watery Pisces Moon will pull you out of your head and into your most sensitive feelings. This is a kind and sympathetic Moon. She has so much to give, but her shyness means you need to coax it out of her--if you quietly listen, she speaks in poetry and music of your heart’s desires. Saturn is still a sullen backstory for you dear Libra, so anytime you feel yourself making a decision based on doubt, worry, or lack of self-confidence--stop!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
An easy going handshake from Jovial Jupiter comes your way today. You’ll feel very generous and charitable, toward you family in particular. And the maternal Moon joins in to bestow a warm, nurturing mood. The combination may have you planting some spring bulbs in the garden, but it also intends more self-care for you. Do something that grows your imagination--go to a book signing and invite the author home to tea.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Time to de-clutter. It’s a great time to rid yourself of unwanted, useless possessions as well as let go of the past that haunts your mental processes. Cleaning out a closet is a a symbolic ritual for cleaning out the cobwebs of the past from your mind. Like tilling the soil before the spring planting--get rid of the weeds of past conditioning. It’s not particularly glamorous, but a useful exercise in delayed gratification--the key skill for success in life.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Your mind is on your home and beautifying it or making improvements that contribute to it’s value. Your feelings are strongly tied to family matters right now, and the Pisces Moon’s hypersensitivity is an overdose of emotion. Your strong sense of integrity will help you stay grounded. Then this is a very imaginative period affecting your communications and stimulating your curiosity. Bright, ingenious solutions to everyday problems.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’re tuned-in to the physics of mental processes. Thoughts are things, and are an energy that creates your reality. Today you have strong willpower to rid yourself of mental clutter--old conditioning that no longer serves you. The deeply compassionate Pisces Moon is a bit soggy for the intellectual heights of the Aquarian air, so emotions may feel heavy at this time. Weighty, but loving. Apply the imaginative side of this energy to creatively solving any problems related to resources or possessions. This is also the aspect for de-cluttering.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
You feel cheerful and giving. Your optimistic attitude draws wealth to you, riches of some kind. The Pisces Moon is swimming in Pluto’s depths of transformative experiences, which you may have at this time--particularly in the area of your self-concept. You can easily express your feelings, even saying a hard thing in a loving way. Trust your intuition. And tomorrow your sweet Moon will conjoin Venus--talk about romance! Stay tuned.