Monday, January 30, 2012

Taurus is never too much!

You really can’t have too much of a good thing when it’s coming from sensuous but steady Taurus. Jupiter joins the Moon in this Venus-ruled sign, to start our day in joy. Loving all the comforts and pleasures of life, Taurus nevertheless keeps a frugal eye on the resources. This turns into an intense encounter group when transformational Pluto joins in around 3:30 this afternoon. The happy beginning to this Monday deepens into an intensity of feeling that requires our attention. All good fortune.
The Force of reason is with you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
It’s a down to earth good feeling that starts your Monday morning, compliments of Jovial Jupiter’s optimistic meeting with the Taurus Moon. If you can slow yourself down a bit, you’ll get in sync with an energy that your rapid-fire pioneering spirit usually misses--Taurus will see a project through to the end. Stay clear of trivia, but otherwise it’s a great day for completion of any task.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’ll wake up thinking your dreams have come true! There’s a happy connection between the Taurus Moon and Jovial Jupiter, also in Taurus. Double dip of cloud nine confidence and well being. Your emotions are on an even keel. Yet, the depth of feeling you bring to your relationships today will enhance the intimacy and solidify your bond. So go ahead and tell someone what you really think--it will only draw you closer.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Monday morning has a bright, buoyant spirit to it that starts your week off right. If you can adjust to a slower more precise pace, you can benefit from this steady Taurus energy. It’s not a time to hold your feelings in, so if you have something difficult to say--say it. But use email so you can edit out the blatantly over the top emotions (a tendency today) in favor of more reason. This can also work the other way around too--someone may have something difficult to express to you. Either way, communications may arrive with a lot of uncensored feeling.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Looking out at the world this Monday morning, you’ll see blessings and opportunities ahead of you. You’re up-beat and expecting the best life has to offer, thanks to some Taurus coaching from Jovial Jupiter. There’s an energy in today’s stars that attracts wealth and the good things of life to your front door. At the same time, if there’s something you’ve left unsaid, because the content is rather intense, this is a good time to open up the conversation. Your motives are clear and healthy, and you’ll welcome the increased intimacy it brings.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You wake up on the right side of the bed this morning. Extraordinary for a back to work Monday, but you feel cheerful and confident. Your persistence is strong, and a key trait of today’s Taurus Moon. You don’t want to participate in meaningless chit chat, since you have more intimate communications in mind. If you can curb some of your regal fierceness, you’ll enjoy a sharper, sustained focus on your work.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
There’s a feeling of optimism, generosity and the sense that everything is all right with the world. Your feelings are steady and stable under the comforting influence of Jupiter and the Moon in Taurus. This could be a very lucky aspect for you as it makes a harmonic to your Sun. Separately, the channels of communication are running very deep. Nothing superficial will do. In fact, you can become obsessed with an idea, unable to loosen it’s grip on your thinking. Not stalking or fatal attraction stuff, but definitely intense. You want to deepen your relationships.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
It’s like you have your own personal cheerleader who spent the night in your dreams, encouraging you to have more faith and hope. Good start for a Monday morning. With the Moon in money-wise Taurus, your thoughts turn to matters of financial security and the comforts of home. You could also find the right resources (Taurus) to fuel a new idea (Aquarius) that positions you as a leader. Communications today have a depth and intensity that’s designed to improve your relationships by adding depth of understanding. If you’d held in some feelings, perhaps our of fear, now is the time to release them.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The sunshine of high hopes brightens your morning, and you may find yourself feeling more self-confident and positive. Twin Taurus planets, the Moon and Jovial Jupiter, add good fortune and luck to your day. You’ll enjoy the good things of life, and you may want to add to the comforts of your home in some way. Your feelings have an added intensity to them, almost obsessive, that requires you to use caution choosing your words. Emotions may trump reason. It’s a gift when you risk sharing just a little bit more intimately. You understand the reciprocity of giving and receiving being one endless loop.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
The day begins on a high note of cheerful optimism. Common sense makes a come back. Your communications might be very subjective today, since the emotional Moon is in stress aspect with messenger Mercury, but the depth of feeling puts you in touch. Fortunately the Moon is in level headed Taurus, and Mercury is in objective Aquarius, so you will find just the right words to express an inner emotional tension, and thereby release it. Lady luck is offering a hand, so that you find the resources you need.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’ll wake up this Monday morning with an assured, self-confident attitude. You’re hopeful enough to reach out to the world in a wide, optimistic stretch. Opportunities, and even just plain ol’ dumb luck, are waiting for you on your doorstep. Generous Jupiter and a languid, happy Moon are in your harmonic sign, Taurus. This helps you put material goods and resources in order. On the emotional level, you’re looking for powerful interactions, and you’re ready to engage fully.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’re thinking with your heart more than your head, so loving kindness pours out to all those around you. You’re up on the right side of the bed this Monday morning, feeling self-assured and hopeful about your day. It will be easy to weather a couple of jittery notes--just stay away from trivial pursuits. You nerves may be on edge today while your mind gets wrapped up in some obsessive thought. The real difficulty is that the past is interfering with your present experience. Be here now. Easy.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Your kind-heartedness radiates out to others, as you wake up feeling that all is well in your world. And this Monday morning it’s true. A gentle sense of ease, happiness and optimism help contribute to what may look like a “lucky” day--really it’s the power of your positive thinking. Woven throughout the afternoon is an edgy vibe to your emotions. If you feel jittery, it’s a sign that you have some pent up feelings (leftovers) that need release. Talk it out.

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