Monday, January 2, 2012

Just because you can't see The Force...

In blind faith the Mangosteen tree puts down a taproot that exceeds what it’s full height will be. Subterranean systems are so sturdy, so pervasive, knowing all along their destiny is to support a beautiful flowering tree. Invisible for 7 years, then a little sprout. 10-20 years for the first fruit. We’re groping through the 12th year of a new millennium, growing a tingling electronic web of deep connections. I can “see” you, even though you’re in Kuwait and I’m in California. You can “see” me “see” you. By this exchange we grow, and some exotic fruit we’ve never seen is born.

The Force-full Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You’re seriously out to have a close encounter of the intense kind today. A new love, or an “old” one, will have an obsessive quality, not exactly stalker or fatal attraction, but the really-can’t-get-it-off-your-mind kind. This can also happen in reverse, and you have Michael Douglas’ role (the stalked). But because you live from your heart, guided by a keen intuition, it’s a live and learn situation. You’re willing to compromise and cooperate, so things work out for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The Moon in Taurus is considered “exalted,” meaning the Moon’s effects are heightened and intensified. So enjoy your glorious day of feeling incredibly in-sync with your true self. For all it’s practical glory, the Taurus Moon still needs a little help from friends to get a project launched, and so do you today. But anything you start now, you will stick with until it’s done--beautifully.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
A big, deep sigh of relief comes over you today along with a sense of well being. Any little annoyance will just seem petty and not worth your time--which is true. Because your head and heart are operating with a direct line of communication, this a the perfect day to take inventory. Notice the thoughts you’re having about yourself. You known that thought can manifest in physical realities.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You have risen above the battleground. Even a tolerance-testing jerk won’t bother you--someone could cut across 3 lanes of traffic, at top speed, right in front of you, with no signal, and you’ll just slow down and let him pass. Glad he’s out of your way and not in your life. The Moon’s alignment with Jupiter brings insight and intuition sufficient to get to the bottom line or root cause of whatever is bothering you. It’s a day to get along well with family, or anyone, because you feel self-confident and balanced in your emotions.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You can get a wonderfully objective look at life today, as if you were atop Mr. Everest’s peak, or gazing from the deck of the Empire State Building on a clear day. You can see honestly what you need and how to go about getting it. That longest distance in the world--the 18” from your head to your heart--is just a sweet slide. You’re operating with a great deal of emotional intensity right now, but it has a certain sensitivity to it. Use this energy to study your personal life and clear up any trouble spots.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Get out the Miracle Grow, your green thumb is attracting wealth, love, good food, and front row seats. You have sufficient wisdom to know that thoughts are things, and their energy affects your environment and what “happens” to you. Yang energy is very in-sync with the Yin. Your energy is blessed with physical vitality, and you seek out a healthy lifestyle. You can do an honest self-appraisal today, without the critical blame that might be there other times.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Sympathy, harmony, understanding, and trust (when it’s warranted) are the watchwords of Jupiter aligned with the Moon. You have the courage and determination now to jump whatever hurdles are in your way. The serenity you feel today makes it a perfect time to take a personal inventory. The projects you’ve been working on for the past few months are coming to fruition, and today’s a great day to take stock. Are you headed in the direction you planned? If not, do you need a course correction or acceptance of a new path?

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Just like the old song about the age of Aquarius, the Moon is in your 7th house and you can count on the fact that your love will steer the stars. You know that thoughts are powerful entities when energized by your will. You have the self-confidence to look in the mirror with a clear, honest, direct appraisal of who your are in your life right now--no blame, no judgement. You’re simply going for a deeper understanding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
It’s as though you got off the merry-go-round. The alignment of your emotions and optimism is just perfect. Not inflated, not deflated. Pluto wants you to get to the roots, and go deeper. It’s a great time to have a dialogue with the opposite sex, as it will yield a greater understanding, probably on both your parts. A friendship or love relationship that begins at this time will have an important affect on your attitude, now and in the future.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Your emotions are steady, your decisions resting on good common sense today. It’s a lovely day for being at home, surrounded by your favorite things. You’re able to communicate well because your head and your heart are in-sync, and you feel the balance. You’ll easily elicit the cooperation of others because your actions are trustworthy, and they sense it. Your sense of calm and peace of mind make today a great time to start a new project.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Relationships, particularly intimate ones, are greatly enriched by today’s depth of feeling, although there can be a certain obsessive quality to your love. Lots of intense feelings to be sure, but not of the fatal attraction type. Still, the intensity can exhausting. You can count on your Aquarian age golden dreams of visions bearing fruit, even if you can see it from here. You’re laying the groundwork.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Feelings of generosity and good will to all abound today. You enjoy a feeling of inner peace, and you have a sense of harmony in your world. You feel your life has a balance. Feeling such serenity, you courageously look into your self. You’ve just come through at time of transition, including the tension associated with it. Now you can sort it out with a clear head. Take a personal inventory today, the balance and goodwill you feel will help you be fair but not critical.

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