Thursday, January 19, 2012

Taking a walk on the Aquarian wild side...

Sailing on the intellectually wild side, pushing the envelope of innovation, Aquarius is an excuse to be down right eccentric. The Sun in Aquarius begins at 8:10 a.m. just two doors down from the fiery Sagittarius Moon--things are cookin'. It’s guaranteed to be a group experience, and you’ll want to belong.

There’s almost a calming influence from the Capricorn Moon in mid-afternoon, but it’s chased by a hair-on-fire rebel. Edgy excitement is the opening act for *Date Night (see below).
The Force of friendship is with you.

Friendly Friday, January 20, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Friendship comes first. The Aquarius Sun is attached to Uranus in Aries, so starting today the Sun is adding solar power and you can expect sudden changes in direction. Since the god of lightening is in your sign until 2018 (he’s the origin of the 7 year itch), you have a compatible helper for pushing the envelope toward radical changes in your life path. In spite of all that action, today you are very thorough in all that you do, leaving no stone unturned. When the Moon shifts in mid-afternoon, it will have a calming effect. Time out to think.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The Aquarius Sun is a bit too avant-garde for your tastes, but it does stimulate your original thinking. Orderliness and some deep thinking mark most of your day. It’s a great day to work on a project, cleaning up after yourself as you go, like a great chef. The Moon makes a shift in your favor at 2:41 this afternoon, and although your feelings become more reserved than usual, they carry more depth. You’ll have a lovely sense of well-being and calm.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
For most people, Aquarians are an unusual bunch, something a bit eccentric and avant-garde about them. But for you, they’re just your cup of tea. This is an intellectually stimulating time for you, full of new ideas. Especially before 2:41 p.m. when the Moon shifts out of fiery Sagittarius. The Moon is not too comfortable in Capricorn, because the atmosphere is too cool, too cerebral. But for you it is a needed cool down, like a nuclear plant, for that hot computer between your ears! Relax into your feelings for the evening, but don’t spend it alone.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You are sympathetic to the needs of others. You feel very intensely, and there is a deepening of feelings between you and your partner or friends. If you meet some one new today, it will have serendipitous quality--kismet. It will feel fated, as if predetermined forces brought you together. Then the Moon shifts in mid-afternoon to a calmer side. You see there’s some shyness about you, as if you’ve forgotten how much you have to offer the world.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You benefit from the airy Aquarian Sun, which boosts your intellectual power toward innovative and cutting edge ideas. Be sure to pace yourself. Time-outs to relax your thinking mind will open you up to insights. Then in late afternoon, you decide to take a walk on the wild side. You find yourself willing to take a chance, as long as it’s exciting. If you’re normally rather reserved, this will feel over the top, even outrageous. But if you’re a risk taker to begin with, this will be quite liberating. Try a rebel yell.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Your thinking, under the Aquarian Sun, takes a turn toward the experimental, pushing the boundaries of the status quo. Later in the day, the Moon makes harmonious music to your Sun, your solar power. It’s a shame its only one day because it’s such a good feeling! If only it could last forever! You have a very pleasant sense of well-being. It’s a time of warmth and affection, and the feeling you belong right where you are.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The influence of the Aquarian Sun suggests reaching out, making tons of friends, for Aquarius is never lonely. Notice the pull to belong, be part of a group. That being said, today you’re not in a frivolous mood. You prefer to be with serious-minded friends to discuss important topics. Depth of feeling is what you value in a conversation. You are so tuned in to other people’s moods, that you cannot afford to hang out with negativity. So although it’s not particularly light fare, it needs to stay positive.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The Aquarius Sun can be annoyingly gregarious for your tastes, but it’s very compatible with your love and familiarity of the eccentric! You may discover a brilliant awareness that was just percolating under the surface--you didn’t know you knew! You feel warm and friendly, and others are that way toward you. You’re feeling very generous and giving, happy to help out with friends or strangers. When the Moon moves into Capricorn at 2:41 p.m., it just gets better for you. A nice easy feeling of calm comes over you. There’s just one tantalizing temptation this evening--you’ll want to spark up a conversation with controversy, just for the excitement of stirring up some contention. Absolutely harmless when you add in your humor.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You’re not in a frivolous mood. You prefer to be with serious-minded friends to discuss important topics. Feelings are not denied, they just don’t get the upper hand. In the late afternoon the mood shifts--you feel antsy. You want to disturb the peace! Stirrings of rebelliousness could have you turning over the apple cart. Or you could encounter a person who does that to you. Actually, you’re looking for some excitement to satisfy your inner rebel! So don’t plan to spend the evening alone. Stir up some fun.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
It’s important to belong. The Aquarian Sun sets the stage for a group think tank, that would really benefit you right now. There is also a strong pull from Venus today that affects your intimate relationships, adding depth. If one of you tries to avoid going below the surface, looking at the deeper issues, it won’t hold. Especially in the mid-afternoon when the Moon moves into your sign, you’ll want to dig deeper. Even if it feels like a root canal, you actually want to get to the bottom of things. You’re serious, but not negative. Inquiring minds...

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
The Sun moving into your sign today marks your birthday month, the time to clear the decks for your personal New Year. You’ll get a lot of help doing that from your buddy, electric Uranus. Sudden change is your friend. In fact, opposing the status quo in favor of radical change is a hallmark of Aquarius. That and the fact that your innovative thinking is hard for some people to understand, and yet you’re annoyed when no one gets what you’re saying! Enjoy some cool down about mid-afternoon, when you’ll want to seek out a calming influence, just to have time to think. Otherwise, this is not the time to be alone.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Your relationships are enriched and enhanced by the intensity of emotion generated by today’s Venus in Pisces. You want to belong. Your psychically in tune with your partner and intimate friends. You have the sense of “knowing” that you belong together. Sexual intimacy under this influence has a transcendent quality. When the Moon shifts in mid-afternoon you’ll have a calm and sense of generosity of spirit--from you to others and them to you. By evening you’ll be looking for some spice in your life, and to let loose that rebellious part of you. It’s just for fun.

*Date Night! (My Friday Night Special)
Tender, vulnerable feelings are on the line, especially in the bedroom. Sweet-lovin’ Venus in Pisces is easily offended by the slightest bit of unkindness from go-get-what-you-want Mars. And vice versa. Mr. I’ve-got-it-all-figured-out Mars is easily wounded by tears of disappointment from Venus.

Now is a good time to deepen an existing relationship, or begin a new one that will feel serendipitous, even fated. Either way, prepare for intensity. You’re hungry for experiences that touch the depths of your soul. If it’s a sexual relationship, the intimacy you’re capable of will have a transcendent quality.

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