Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Zippity Do Da today

Everything is satisfactual. Today has the wisdom of people being close to critters, and critters being close to people, like bluebirds riding on your shoulder. Sagittarius is coming to town.

Once upon a time a butterfly landed surprisingly on my shoulder. It stayed there when I went inside to bed, and spent the night on my headboard. I thought it was an omen of good luck, but it turned out not to be so. Maybe it was a critter of hope, with lots of staying power. Just right for me.
The Force of loving critters is with you.

Welcome Wednesday, January 18, 2012.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The morning has a slow dreamy start, and you may wish you could stay in bed longer. It’s just a little brain fog that is going to burn off when the Moon enters Sagittarius just before noon (2:29 p.m., EST). Your goals will still be lofty, even idealistic, but honestly aimed toward your freedom. Depart from your routine, and look for a little Venus indulgence this evening--never harmful.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
When you get up this morning, last night’s dream may linger like sugarplums dancing around your head. Just expect you’re going to feel very pleasantly up in the air until around noon time. At 11:29 a.m. the Moon rides into fiery Sagittarius where your thoughts get an infusion of insight into the future. Goals will occur to you that seem idealistic, but are actually stretching your adventurous spirit into new territory. Don’t think, act. And do it with friends--spontaneously.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You begin your day with an easy sense of living in the moment. If you’ve had difficulties recently, this morning gives you a window of fresh air, a little time to breath. It may get a little too dreamy, like a fog falling over your imagination. You can’t pull out the useful information that you need. Just don’t decide anything critical until afternoon when the Moon slips into fiery Sagittarius and you feel wide awake.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Grab a window of opportunity to take it easy this morning. If you’re already relaxed, this will put you in an even better mood. Leave the serious thoughts for the afternoon when a more adventurous urge strikes. No one has to tell you to keep your feet on the ground, you’re an expert at that. So if a sudden idea excites you, follow that lead. Spend time outdoors communing with critters.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Everything’s going your way this morning, like having a bluebird on your shoulder. Don’t expect great powers of concentration until this afternoon. Just surrender to some daydreaming and easy does it. A big dose of spontaneity comes in after lunch, encouraging you toward an adventure. It could coincide with a surprise. The power of positive thinking is strong, as is your spontaneity. Try not to startle the critters when you yell “aha!”

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You start you day with a deep awareness and acceptance of life’s terms. Things are good just as they are and you feel a contentment. Even if you drift off into a few daydreams, they will stir your imagination in an expansive way. Save any big decisions for afternoon, after the Moon rides into Sagittarius at 11:29 a.m. You get a wake up call to free yourself and do something spontaneous. The only thing you should avoid overdoing is taking care of your loved ones--overprotecting. Otherwise, eat chocolate and enjoy.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The morning may feel like a continuation of last night’s dream, misty and footloose. You should just relax into it, and don’t make important decisions until afternoon when the Moon goes into fiery Sagittarius. Then you’ll experience a wake up call to inspire yourself. Do something unexpected. Discipline is not one of the strong points for this energy, but even if you overindulge it’s likely to be harmless. You can’t get or give too much affection!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The morning starts with a sense of composure from being in the moment. Your emotions are quietly stable, balanced. You may think you’re in touch with reality, but actually you’re heavily influenced by a daydreams. Quite harmless but not good at details. The mood shifts dramatically after noon, and you’ll want to do something unconventional and exciting. So before you go knocking out a wall in your dining room, think of expanding your travel adventures--safer and more fun.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Hang onto your head this morning, it may have lifted off in a daydream! Don’t worry, the lingering dreaminess will burn off with the Sagittarius Moon arriving at 11:29 a.m. With the Moon in your sign, it’s a signal to spread your wings and take off into an adventure. You’ll feel quite idealistic, so don’t buy a ticket to see the Lost Atlantis! Still, you’ll try to put new meaning to the word spontaneous. Have fun.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Even if you’ve had to contend with some things that haven’t been going your way, you get some breathing room this morning. In fact, it’s a lovely time to stop and dream. Your practicality is a huge asset, but time out to raise your horizons keeps you hopeful about the future. Just before noon (12:29 p.m. CST) a booster rocket for spontaneity arrives, and you may feel like taking off on an adventure. You’ll feel energetic, ready to go out and change the world! Take the dog with you.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Your affairs are in order and you feel a sense of calm this morning. There’s an equanimity in both your inner and outer worlds. A daydream or two hoovers around so you don’t feel altogether “here.” But the fog burns off by noon with a fiery leap into the freedom-loving Sagittarius Moon. This peaks your humanitarian side, plus adding an urge for adventure. You may Occupy Wall Street!

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
The morning carries an easy sense of well-being. There’s a daydream hanging on from your sleep. Old “stuff” from the past may be influencing you without your conscious knowledge, so postpone big decisions until afternoon. But it’s a lovely time to meditate. Then you get a spark of adventurous spontaneity after lunch. The arrows from the Sagittarius Moon fly swiftly to their goal. Go for it.

P.S. Watch for my Friday special, Date Night!

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