Friday, January 6, 2012

You can see the forest and the trees

Your mind gets to practice the developing gift of 2012, Practical Clairvoyance. A lovely combination of influences from Messenger Mercury gives your thinking both clarity and imagination. You’re capable of both hard work and lighthearted play. Grab a beach-read, a blanket, and an avocado-muenster on walnut whole wheat, and take a long lunch in the park. You can see what people are thinking, so it would be a shame to picnic alone. Intimacy develops easily when you’re listening with your heart.

Date Night: Featuring the weekend adventures of Venus & Mars...
Venus in Aquarius is very friendly, loves loving everyone, but not Mars in particular. Mars in Virgo is very particular, especially about his commitments, and expects the same of Venus. (Oh, the disappointment.) She says, universal love for all mankind is what it’s all about! He says, you’re not having dinner with all mankind! Mars is looking for the stuff intimacy is made of, trying to woo her with a carefully-planned evening. Venus guards her freedom by insisting that her friends come along with them (awkward!). More the merrier?

Friday, January 6, 2012:

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You see a child crying with a skinned knee, and you notice the way he stops when he’s tenderly held, comforted. You can feel his experience. Your can see the faces of thousands of children in his eyes. You decide to keep a first aid kit in your car. You have compassion with practical feet. You plant the seeds of sensitivity everywhere.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Need a little distraction? The beautiful relief of being in the arms of the angels? Now you can fearlessly indulge these flights of fantasy, knowing you’re still paying attention to the solid ground you stand on. The balance between dreamers and realists is almost perfect today. Take that handsome image in your head and sculpt it in clay. Feel yourself as the beautiful, bright red geranium who’s very well potted!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
If only Romeo and Juliet had petitioned the court for emancipation, they could have run off together in the sunset, and lived happily ever after. The romantic dream is alive in you today, and you’re willing to take the action to make it happen. Sometimes the dreamy fantasies you see are more appealing that reality, but now is not that time. Now you see your dreams come true, not by the wishing, but by putting on your shoes and walking out the door.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Wanna get away? You’ll want to use your imaginative but practical mind for amusement today. Go see a gripping, mission impossible movie for escape, it’s over in two hours and there’s no hangover! You’re thinking has that rare combination of enjoying a daydream while paying attention to the necessities of life. It’s the perfect time to put practical form to your art. Hike the western ridge and photograph the sunset.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You see the crack in the sidewalk where the grass grew through, and you love it there, appreciating its’ power. You know that same strength of being loyally devoted to your task, which is to grow toward the Sun. Let yourself really look today, mesmerized by the pools of thought deep in the eyes of those you love. You can get a clear picture of what someone else is thinking. That’s practical feet to visionary guidance.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You can appreciate the beautiful porcelain vase, even though you can also see the tiny cracks around the lip. You see the flaws, and love anyway. The wisdom you’ve gained, from the failures you’ve faced, finds expression and healing in the exquisite balance of your critical eye and your dreams of perfection. First hand, you know there’s a crack in everything--that’s how the light gets in.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You’re not mentally lazy today, but you’d prefer to use your mind to amuse yourself. You have the blessings of an imaginative Venus, who’s got a saucy messenger working for her. Together they have a lot to say about actualizing your dreams of a soul-union. Watch for this energy to be a wind in your sails, carrying you to an epiphany next Friday the 13th.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Sometimes you’d rather dream about what might have been with your last great love than get up, get dressed, and go out to meet someone new. But today you put on your practical track shoes, and run, don’t walk, to the nearest watering hole to hang out with your tribe. Your sensitivities and imagination are on high alert, but you willingness to do the work is equally strong. This is a rare combo, and it’s a balancing act.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You’re thinking he said “meet me at the top of the Mark at sunset” (such a romantic dream), but really he said “I gotta walk the dog in the park and can’t make it” (crushing reality!). Today is different! Now you have the opportunity to dream big and also get the details in line. It’s head in the heavens, feet on the ground. Get that dream out of your head and onto a canvas.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You see a loose button hanging, but instead of grabbing needle and thread, you just sit back and appreciate the history of all those times it held the sweater together. You can imagine the well-worn button is tired and you suddenly love the drooping. It’s the tears drawn down by how beautifully your children have grown. You can look in their eyes and know what they need. You can do this with anyone.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
It’s a lovely thing to imagine all the people living life in peace, but someone has to get on their serious shoes and circulate a petition! Of course that someone is you. You’re the best of the dreamers right now--you see the public trends and sense the will of the people. It’s practical magic to do the footwork, knowing the universe will manifest your dreams.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Have you ever thought you could happily spend hours re-writing endings for Hollywood? All the imagination and vision that a movie starts with, and somewhere along the line someone forgets what they’re doing! Pulling the creative genius in line with the reality of life is possible for you now. Dream with a 20 minute timer, then get your wet pen and thirsty paper together and number all your possibilities. Write down 20 of them. Somewhere around #16 you’ll get really creative!

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