Monday, January 16, 2012

Juicy words from the Scorpio Moon

Mercury is holding the Moon, like a mountain top holds a lake. The dialogue today is between an earth sign Mercury (Capricorn), and a watery Moon (Scorpio). Our thoughts and words will be based in the sure-footedness of Capricorn, and filled with Scorpio’s deeply intense emotions. By late evening Mighty Mars gets into the action and we’re off to the races. The buzz is on.
The Force of your word is with you.

Talking Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
If you’re an introvert who lives in the world of ideas, time by yourself is vital if you want to create. If you’re an extrovert, go out and stimulate your mind by doing things with other people. Either way, you’ll take the initiative today to speak your truth in writing or on a soap box. Look for a Leo friend who understands your creative energy, and that it must have heart and meaning.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Expect lots of calls and letters from your friends. In fact, this is the day to take a problem to a sympathetic friend, or the friend could bring one to your sympathetic broad shoulders (more likely). Look for a Virgo friend who understands your purposeful determination. You’re in the midst of a powerfully benevolent earth triumvirate, between Jovial Jupiter in your sign, Mighty Mars in Virgo, and Messenger Mercury in Capricorn. You have a celestial bulldozer plowing the way ahead!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
How do writers do it? They just write, write, and write some more. Today is your day to start your memoir or finish that epilogue. Pick up your pen and paper and just doodle. See where it goes. Seek out a Libra friend who understands you thirst for knowledge. Communications abound!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
If you don’t want to talk it out, better unplug the land line and turn off the cell phone. Otherwise, you’ll be doing a lot of communicating. You’ll feel like taking the lead if you are involved in a group or project. It’s a day for connecting with friends. Look for a Scorpio friend who understands your hidden sensitivities.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Let’s-talk-about-it day is here but you’re not in the mood. The zodiac is dishing up plenty of earth and water, dampening your fire. But courage is always your domain, and Mars gets in the mix this evening to crank up your energy. Still, you can easily elicit the cooperation of others today. Look to connect with a Sagittarius friend who understands your courage and honesty. Two fires make even a cool Scorpio Moon steamy.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
The pace of calls and emails picks up, but you have plenty of high energy to deal with it. You have the perfect craftsmanship of a well-organized CEO, yet you acknowledge your feminine side, your intuition, as an important part of a good decision. You need support, so look for a Capricorn friend who understands how hard you work. The Scorpio Moon will be taking a late night stroll with Mars in Virgo, pushing you to keep on going. Instead, write your inspirations down and leave them for morning.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Your headline today is, “Superwoman convenes a team meeting.“ You can vigorously “argue” your case with some artfully chosen words. Your feelings have some real muscle today, and they want to get out there, to be seen. Connecting is easy to do. Look for an Aquarius friend who understands your special need for companionship.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You can weave some magic with your words today. You understand when a spoken opinion does not match the thoughts left unsaid. You can see the deceit. Use your unfiltered truth telling to set a few records straight. Your words today carry sincerity and compassion. Fences can be mended, if need be. For support, look for a Pisces friend who understands your spiritual side.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You’re ready to jump in with how you feel about any subject. Even though the stars are loaded with earth and water signs, your fire is still stoked by lightening bolts of change. Take today to connect and re-connect with friends. They will appreciate your honesty and candor. Offer a shoulder to lean on.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
On your climb up the mountain of success, you stop for some shop talk. The energy remains strong for your mental processes, for sharp thinking. You’ll be on the receiving end of news from friends, and you’ll feel like spreading it around--not to gossip, but to connect. Talk with a friend who understands your need for personal independence, for accomplishment.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
With so many celestial events are happening in water and earth signs, let’s pause for the cause of airy Aquarius: Libra understands Gemini’s thirst for knowledge. Aquarius understands Libra’s insistence on justice. Who understands Aquarius’ need for equality and freedom? The whole of the Aquarian age, like “Occupy Wall Street.” Today you, of all people, see the value of sitting on the same side of the table with those you are negotiating with. Brotherhood and understanding. Thank you.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Today’s a great day to give us the benefit of your poetic mind. Writing is often an introverted, internal dialogue--hearing the words in your head. But if it’s going to reach anybody, you need an extroverted action, like finding a publisher. Here’s where connecting with a friend comes in. Try the shoulders of a spiritual Scorpio or a high energy Virgo friend.

P.S. Watch for my Friday special, Date Night!

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