Sunday, December 30, 2012

Intensity is forecast for 2013

2013’s gonna be a mental free-for-all!  There’s just enough edge to make the status quo intensely uncomfortable.

Monday morning, in anticipation of an ambitious New Year, Messenger Mercury moves into the house that Capricorn built, sending tried and true ideas into the unconventional flames of Uranus in Aries.

The morning's mental fog on New Year’s Day is not just a hangover.  It's blur-the-lines Neptune misting all over your intuition, leaving wonderful wisps of a dimly remembered dream.  

Expect the unexpected in 2013.

The Force of good samaritans is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the New Year:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
It will still be your job to blaze new trails in 2013.  There’ll be some heavy lifting involved, but you’ll develop the willpower and drive to succeed.  It’s a year for skillful management of other people’s money and resources.  You won’t be in the mood to be dominated by others or by unjust doctrines.  It’s a year in which you’ll mature considerably and expand your capacity to love.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Even if 2013 brings you affluence, you may still cling to an old pattern of insecurity unless step into a higher spiritual identity.  You have little tolerance for hypocrisy and you’re willing to guide others to the moral high ground of rigorous honesty.  You’ll bring a strong sense of responsibility to all your relationships, including a marriage that is stable and enduring.  Follow the whacky unusual roadway to express your creative impulses.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You are less concerned than ever about what other people think.  Zingers of truth are exchanged with your friends, opening your intuitive mind to stimulating spiritual truths.  2013 is the year of the Phoenix for you.  In your work, you’ll acquire special skills which carry serious responsibility.  Jovial good fortune blesses you with gifts through June.  Then you’ll get to unwrap them the rest of the year!  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
An urgent sense of justice and intense reactions to unfairness, will help you break patterns of domination that have kept your spirit in chains.  You’re all about the need for constructive cooperation.  Your career takes an unusual turn.  Less routine more autonomy.  Leadership in artistic self-expression, in adding structure to business ideas, will be a creative outlet for you in 2013.  It’s a year to go your own way.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Dramatic upheavals can describe the kind of changes you can expect in 2013.  On the other hand, like being on a giant roller coaster, it can be an exciting ride if you let go.  Learn to love surprises.  Keep yourself close to family, even if you feel like isolating.  Business opportunities center around real estate and contracts. You’re dedicated to your projects, even if they take time to work out.  No partial solutions will satisfy you.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
It’s time to remember what’s it like to be young and carefree, which means 2013 is your break for freedom from carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.  Give yourself over to the creative genius of childlike wonder, it will regenerate your life. You have your characteristic CEO genius for methodicalness working for you in the areas of publishing and communications.  You’ll have a more visible, public role this year.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Your concept of what constitutes a family, of what it means to feel safe in an unsafe world, will revolutionize your way of being in relationships.  For 2013, you’re remodeling your domestic situation.  Looking for roots, deep ones of your own making. Ambition and hard work really pay off for you monetarily this year.  Opportunities to travel, even in your own mind, lead to surprise connections.  Expect profound spiritual experiences, epiphanies!  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Your work will be so supercharged in 2013 that you’ll be forced to change your mind about how you spend your time.  Is it healing?  Does it have heart and meaning?  You want to be of service to our troubled world.  Rarely have you had such single-minded, purposeful action.  Serious Saturn is in your sign all year, so make friends with his insistence on good orderly direction.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Your natural adventurous optimism makes you perfect for a leadership role in 2013.  Get involved in the overflowing lava of heated debates, personal and political.  You must find creative, unusual ways to allocate your resources.  You’ll enjoy working behind the scenes of successful charitable organizations.  Get a fresh, positive and loving look at your self worth.  Blocks dissolve, you embrace your muse.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’ve finished “Self-awareness 101” and though intense, it has given you a stronger will for mind over matter.  Spirit over ego.  A change of residence, or something in the home, may come suddenly in 2013.  You have a natural meet and greet with people who can be influential in advancing your career.  Good health and improvements in your surroundings and work environment are ahead this year.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Profound insight, even clairvoyance, characterize your growing edge in 2013.  You’re remodeling your unconscious mind.  Meditation and depth psychology help you sort the wealth of intuitive information you’ve picking up from the collective conscious mind. You’ll take the role of authority when leadership in matters of moral integrity is needed.  You have faced the “dark side” and come out of the experience with something to say that will benefit others.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
It’s not a year to gamble, except on your unusual talents.  Money may slip through your hands, but you’ll make lots of it.  You’ll attract powerful friends, who’ll bring opportunities, very likely in teaching and publishing.  You’d like to help advance the healing interests of a group.  Visionary Neptune is in your sign all year, so you let yourself be inspired by your own dreams--then you’ll use your experiences to teach others.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Unconventional rejoicing

It’s the quirkiest high voltage Christmas ever.  An explosive tension erupts Christmas Day when the Sun churns up the lava in Capricorn’s apparently solid mountain to the boiling point (exact at 5:31 PM, PST).  This solar spotlight energizes our discontent and forces us to look deeper.

There’s enough arguing to keep a self-absorbed Scrooge tip toeing distractedly through his own land mines.  Erratic and eccentric impulses break open hard and fast rules about what it takes to get ahead.  

Help arrives in an unusual astrological alignment, the Finger of God, which points toward Jupiter’s sleigh, filling it with kindness, goodness, and generosity of spirit.  It wants to land directly in your heart.  

A Home Sweet Home Full Moon in Cancer arrives Friday at 2:23 AM, PST.  This is the culminating influence for 2012.  Avoid brooding over insecurities and write your intentions in sure-footed steps.  

Newtown, Connecticut is still burying their dead as we are called to celebrate of the return of Light.  20 more angels joined the voluminous chorus of sons and daughters we miss, now Rays of Joy, blessing everyone.  

The Force of “there must be a better way!” is with you.  
Here’s your horoscope for Christmas week, December 23, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Christmas Eve will find you resourcefully gadding about to enjoy last minute preparations.  Your natural originality has you much more prepared that others around you to handle the erratic behavior of this week.  Stay light on your feet.  Venus is your saving grace as she points you to more unconventional relationships.  Look for your long term stabilizing energy to come from your decisiveness, after lots of inquiry.  Slow down long enough to just sit by the fire this Friday.  You get renewed vigor Saturday night.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Holiday time this week begins with a little frazzle, but finishes with dazzling good will toward everyone.  The Taurus Moon occurs at 9:58 PM, PST, on Christmas Eve, giving you a harmony and sense of well being.  You’ll feel like Tiny Tim, “Oh, look at all the good things to eat!”  Hang onto your sure footing for the shaky days ahead.  All of your strong need to keep things traditionally sound will be tested by unconventional actions, by yourself or by others.  But the power of your will gets a new battery.  You’re energized for 9 months of organizing your forces.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Got sleighs?  What more can be said?  You have the essence of Santa Claus in your heart and the jolly good fortune of Jovial Jupiter in Gemini.  You’re quite literally the spirit of giving.  Just before midnight on Christmas Eve the Moon jumps into multi-tasking Gemini (11:41 PM, PST).  Travel, at least in your mind. The explosive changes of Christmas Day can add surprising new depths to your friendships.  Look to Venus in adventurous Sagittarius for the answers to the bitter taste left from a recent calculating deception--she’s always tells it straight.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Hurdles upon hurdles challenge you to push yourself into some uncharted waters, straying from your normal path.  Do it.  The only downside this week is some too muchness, but you’re on your way to a beautiful Full Moon in your sign this Friday.  Rarely will you enjoy the comforts of home as much as you do now, even though you may not get much chance to relax.  Look for ways to reclaim the authority over your own life.  Even if you look geeky or weird while doing it!

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Fruitcakes are everywhere!  You may think you’ve been thrown off your axis by bizarre anomalies, especially Wednesday.  It’s just the pushmepullyou between “don’t rock the boat” and “oh the hell with it!”  When the Cancer Full Moon approaches on Friday, you’ll be tempted to keep things to yourself, even withdraw.  Don’t let your desire for security stifle your need to express your feelings.  Life perks up, even sparkles, late Saturday to top off your evening and your week with playfulness.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Your week starts on solid footing, which you’re gonna need!  Let the odd events of Tuesday and Wednesday lead you to some heavy contemplation, separating the wheat from the chaff with your natural gift of wise discernment.  The murder of innocence has thankfully touched your heart. There’s a message of healing for you in these recent events that you are intended to teach others.  Christmas Day the Finger of God points fiercely to sympathy and understanding.  Notice what wants to leave your life under the light of Friday’s Full Moon.  It will help you feel less frightened, more secure.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
A present of optimism makes your Christmas Eve a time of renewed hope. Some whimsical, even outlandish, ideas can be integrated if you put your trust in what you love.  The tensions between your need for fresh adventures, and your need for a secure and pleasurable home life, force a choice.  For the next five weeks you’ll get help with decisions and action when Warrior Mars marches into quirky Aquarius on Christmas Day at 4:50 PM, PST.  Your intelligence peaks, you’re open to unorthodox methods.  And you’ll only respect the rules if they serve your originality and freedom.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Juggling several things at once can be done because you’ve aligned your will with your ability to organize. You’ll feel powerful, and your ability to pull things off may even look magical to others.  This wise use of power will be your gift, on and off, for the next nine months.  It will see you through some very erratic behaviors and family dramas if you don’t rebel against the very structures you worked hard to build.  Your North Star is pointing out your true goodness and generosity of spirit, your saving Grace.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Santa’s sleigh is loaded with your generosity of spirit.  Jovial Jupiter, the archetypal Santa Claus, is king of the Sagittarius castle.  This Wednesday will be one of the most interesting days of the year for you.  Good fortune with a quirky twist or two that keeps it interesting.  You feel an explosive drive to be free which guarantees you’ll stray from your usual path.  Friday’s Full Moon hits some deep emotional nerves and gives you a psychic connection to family members.  Saturday night sizzles for you, setting a explorative tone for next week’s New Year.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
This is a time of powerful well being and organizational genius.  Your emotional harmony has you doing just the right thing at the just the right time.  Especially Christmas Eve when you’ll feel like the energizer bunny, perfect for finishing projects or putting batteries in toys.  If you stick with your famous perseverance, the originality of the ideas that come your way midweek won’t be so erratic because you’ll have the discipline to make them useful.  Friday’s Cancer Full Moon favors your home and hearth with good cheer (and it’s also great for closing real estate deals).  Guaranteed Happy Holidays.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You’re at home in the quirky air of this week where nothing goes by the book.  Even the wired and weird around you will amuse rather than offend.  More than anyone else, you can embrace the eccentric--after all, you are one!  Open-mindedness establishes new lines of communication, and stimulates your intellectual curiosity.  Warrior Mars marches into Aquarius on Christmas Day at 4:50 PM, PST.  For the next five weeks your reasoning mind works in sync with your actions.  You’ll feel outgoing, have abundant energy, and robust good health to start 2013.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Sunday is quietly stable for your emotions and mood.  Memorize what it feels like! You’re gonna need that anchor in the wildly bizarre days ahead. This holiday week is filled with out of the ordinary everything!  Mars begins a five week sojourn in Aquarius this Wednesday, sending actions and decisions behind the scenes.  But by noon on Thursday you get to curl up by the home fires and enjoy some moments of well deserved peace.  A generous supply of honesty, integrity and energy are delivered by the Cancer Full Moon this Friday.  Pisces make the best Tiny Tims; God Bless us everyone.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Apocalypse is a good thing!

Apocalypse, a revelation of what’s hidden, is predicted for this Friday when the Sun enters Capricorn at the Winter Solstice and the Mayan Calendar ends.

The Capricorn Sun acts as a trigger for the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that has ignited an apocalyptic revolution--the fall of hierarchal structures and linear thinking that makes room for the birth of cooperating with compassion, honoring our intuition.  

Pluto was last in this astrological configuration in 1776!  Over two hundred years of independence, freedom, and justice for all?  Be curious.  Why can’t grown men and women honestly cooperate for the blatantly obvious needs of the people for peace?  

The stars are aligned for another pinnacle of revolutionary Uranus throwing lightning bolts at the locks on Pluto’s prison doors.  The ruler of the underworld insists on holding us under the surgeon's knife.  Either we excise hatred, heal our wounds, or we kill our very souls. 

An unusual astrological event, the Finger of God, is pointing out the profound blockage that resists breakthrough--the deeply held belief that we are unlovable.  When the Finger of God is activated, as it is right now, the choice before us magnifies, the dichotomies get bigger, the contrasts are in stark relief.  This is a gift.  It forces choice. 

Get on a soapbox, fire up your zeal, and tell it like it is.
The Force of enough already! is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of December 16, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You begin this eventful week with Venus, newly in your compatible fire sign Sagittarius, taking you for an adventurous ride with the great outdoorsman, Messenger Mercury. Your heart and hopes take a quantum leap, right into your most idealistic goals, but you’re gonna need to share the lead with a partner (apocalyptic for you?).  Venus stokes your passion on the way to forming a harmonic convergence with the god of lightning (in your sign) this Wednesday (1:38 PM, PST).  Then the Moon fires up in Aries and wakes you with “aha’s.” It’s a surprising resurgence of your interest in religious and spiritual matters, and a Winter Solstice with fireworks.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The goddess of love is sharing a cab with Messenger Mercury and both are hurrying to the stock exchange before closing!  Here is your happy solution.  Just don’t tense up!
Rushing spontaneously (I know it’s not your style, but afterall this is an apocalypse!) after a beautiful dream may be very inviting this Thursday when the goddess of love gets her emotional groove on with an impetuous Moon in Aries.  For goodness sake do it.  Out of your comfortable shell dear Taurus!  Moon in your sign Saturday morning (10:25 AM, PST) makes an easy spiritual alignment with your dreamy, compassionate self.  Hint, hint.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Venus is traveling with winged Cupid (Messenger Mercury) and together they are putting your consideration of others on stage.  Personal relationships need your public relations skills and a loving dose of manners.  Thursday is truly a day of epiphanies with the Aries Moon joining hands with lightning bolt Uranus just after breakfast (8:34 AM, PST).  Date Night has some boundless pleasures and open hearts.  Venus is face to face with Jovial Jupiter in your sign, and the only danger with this couple is going too far!  (This also means leave your credit cards at home if shopping!)

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Mercury in Sagittarius is farsighted and intellectually curious.  You have an inquiring mind that wants to ask, “what’s with the friggin’ self-interested bickering that is stalemating my progress?  For you this is a rare instance of impatience with the status quo.  On the Winter Solstice, the major line up of ambitious Capricorn planets support a leap forward in your partnerships.  It’s the loving cooperation you’ll give this week that will make relationships develop into something more, as long as you use your intuition instead of past experience.  Sensitive as it is for you, showing the vulnerable side of how you really feel is your apocalypse.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Venus in the straight arrow fire sign of Sagittarius loads your creativity with prophetic flashes of ideas.  Hang out with your favorite music.  Moon wakes up your spontaneity midweek.  The Solstice brings a remarkable explosion of communications and breakthroughs in your talents and partnerships.  Surprises that open up your heart are your apocalypse.  Your solution to this week’s challenges is found in your love of life, and an innate ability to walk on the sunny side.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
A vulnerable sensitivity in your heart is pierced by the arrows of straightforward, no nonsense, truth.  But the recent discomforts have big rewards, like lifting your spirits and your friendships to beautiful new heights, especially within your family.  A shaky uncertainty between hope and the harsh truths of reality put you on edgy emotional turf by the end of this week.  Let go.  Spontaneous (as in unplanned!) expressions of your love are your happy way through these times.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Your muse, Venus, is traveling with winged Cupid (Messenger Mercury) and together they are forming the solution to this week’s challenges.  Namely, intellectually harmonious ideas carried on the sweet words that others will welcome.  Your emotions will be so fired up by Thursday that a pioneering restlessness pushes you into a breakthrough.  Epiphanies rain down on you! A pushmepullyou conflict is set up by an optimistic Jupiter’s need to expand and a stodgy Saturn’s rigid contractions.  For goodness sake, side with Jupiter!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Moon relaxes into the softness of Pisces compassion as you being this eventful week.  Leave your worries at the doorstep and dream a little dream of hearts joined in sympathy.  Venus shores up your optimism with added wealth and comforts.  You’ve felt the duel between rebelliousness versus commitments happening all around you, particularly since July 18th, and now it is happening inside you.  Are you willing to reveal the naked truth?  It’s the only way to break open the delusions of evil, and reveal the truth of your goodness.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Messenger Mercury in optimistic Sagittarius opposes Jovial Jupiter in curious Gemini at 11:22 AM, PST, on Monday.  Big ideas, big headlines.  Limits are shot down in favor of expanded horizons and fresh perspectives.  Rushing headlong into romance may be unavoidable this Thursday when the goddess of love gets her emotional groove on with an impetuous Moon in Aries (10:40 AM, PST).  True love will change everything.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’re capable of prophetic insight through your positive attitudes and straightforward honesty.  Oppressive abuse of power seems to be all around you, but you step up as a leader who respects the rules of conduct and gains recognition, albeit behind the scenes. Heads up.  Your Capricorn Sun is inching toward a showdown with the god of lighting on Christmas Day, and then makes a daring alliance with the lord of the underworld on Sunday, December 30th.  A sudden event or surprise reveals your metamorphosis, even though your wings haven’t dried and you’re not sure who you are.  

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
As a leader of freedom and equality, your kindness warms the hearts of friends and melts the public opposition to your hopes.  The key to resolving escalating tensions is to get out your soapbox and rally your troops. Say what you really think, no matter how unpopular.  Your magnanimous spirit of unconditional love will carry you.  Jump on Jupiter’s positive bandwagon, and watch what you wish for!  You’ll get it.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Venus in Sagittarius gets into a tense duel with your Neptune in Pisces (10:23 AM, PST, Sunday).  The goddess of love wants your artistic ideals to be brought into practical use for your career.  Recognition for your talents comes this week.  But the really big show begins Thursday evening around 7:35 when giant Jupiter runs into a challenging contest with the unmasking Darth Vader, Pluto in Capricorn.  This is like trying to stay positive and optimistic while being pulled deeper and deeper into a dark cave!  Don’t worry.  Your beautifully true and innocent self is there.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jupiter asks, "What do you believe in?

Life is one big wild adventure when Mercury joins the Sun in open-minded Sagittarius beginning this Monday evening.  Get out your fire extinguisher if you can’t handle the heat when the Moon makes this a fiery treesome on Tuesday at 2:21 PM, PST.  
All three are on their way to the high hopes New Moon in Sagittarius Thursday morning.  

DreamWorks is so totally Sagittarian!  Rise of The Guardians holds our storyline for this season. Will we place our belief in love, or fear?

The planetary “ruler” of Sagittarius is Jupiter, hence the expansive cornucopia of opportunities and the high hopes born of positive, even lofty, ideals.  

Jovial Jupiter is the archetypal Santa Claus, who travels around the world laying gifts and opportunities at our feet.  The day of Thanksgiving, Thursday, is named for Jupiter (Latin dies lovis is day of Jupiter).  The Giver, expecting nothing in return.  

You can catch many things this season; the flu, a cold, a plane to somewhere else.  Or, you can catch the wide open joy of believing, if you allow yourself be caught up in the imagination of a child.  

The Force of innocence is with you.
P.S.  The goddess of love joins the Sagittarius party Saturday night.  Stay tuned!
Here’s your horoscope for the week of December 9, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
A deep love of liberty, and your personal freedoms, rises on the heat wave of the Sagittarius New Moon this Thursday.  This begins a month long release of tensions by telling the truth, all of it.  Discovery of new beliefs through education and all kinds of studies will fill you with an intellectual eagerness for knowledge.  Travel is favored and you’ll benefit from exposing yourself to alternative lifestyles.  You’ll be listening more carefully to what others have to say to you about their ideas.  Love and acceptance are your gifts for the next month.  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
If you held in feelings and important ideas during the time of Mercury in Scorpio (since November 14th), you can now vent that steam into the open minded truthfulness of the Sagittarian skies.  Freedom!  Your rational mind is closer to discovery of parts of yourself than at other times, so you’re very in tune with true self.  This is a very good time for deep thinking.  Discussions and negotiations about joint property are on the table.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’ll be mentally on a soap box, ready to shout your ideas for world peace to anyone who’ll listen.  You’re naturally outgoing this week, full of optimism.  Tuesday afternoon (2:21 PM, PST) he waterlogged Moon moves from Scorpio’s secretiveness to the open fires of Sagittarius’ blunt truthfulness.  The next month is a very favorable time for negotiations and handling controversy of any kind.  It’s an excellent time to explain and clarify because you’re more detached than usual.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Remember those ants who had high, high apple pie in the sky hopes?  It’s your turn to have their help.  Let your loftiest ideas spring forth this week on the straight arrows of Sagittarius’ optimism.  This will especially affect your sixth solar house of work and service to others.  You will not be caught by surprise since your careful planning has worked out every detail.  Enjoy a job well done!

Leo (July 22-August 22)
There may be some over the top zealous evangelism flying on your words this week.  Your big ideas may be too much for some, but just right for someone close to you.  With messages inspired by your fifth solar house of creativity and romance, you’ll have fun ideas for making the holidays a playful time.  You may even feel a little prankish since you’ll have so much energy to release.  

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
The optimism you’ll feel this week is no accident, it’s a gift of Jovial Jupiter’s reign over this holiday season.  Don’t analyse it!  Let hope be your guide.  Pressures that have built up in your home and family life since November 14th will find release.  It’s an opportune time for you to express how you really feel.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Ride out on the open range and drink in the big sky that holds your loftiest visions for yourself.  This week begins a month long release of those high hopes and visions you’ve timidly held in, for fear of upsetting the applecart.  The New Moon in Sagittarius this Thursday kicks of a month of strong discussions and conversations with others.  You’ll meet someone new through travel, either in your mind or on the road.  It’s as if the electricity has been turned on in your mind!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
An intense Moon dives into Scorpio at 1:51 PM, PST, Sunday afternoon.  Two days of in sync well being for you.  Liberation from fear is yours if you tune into the fiery Sagittarian energy of this Thursday’s New Moon.  Sagittarius is here to inspire you to live in the freedom of open honesty.  You’ve had “stuff” brewing in Scorpio’s underground caves since November 14th.  Either you consciously release it, or it’ll erupt when you’re not looking.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Messages will be on fire for you beginning Monday evening when Mental Mercury moves from Scorpio’s behind the scenes secretiveness to the straight arrow tell it like it is Sagittarius (5:39 PM, PST).  The Sagittarius New Moon this Thursday is igniting fresh ideas and renewed optimism in your head.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
This is the week to declare your intentions for the New Year, for they will certainly be honest and positive.  The past month has waterlogged your hopes with the cautions and secretive messages of Scorpio.  Beginning this Thursday, you wake up to a higher vision.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Good cheer is an attribute of this week’s line up in Sagittarius, which reaches warp speed this Wednesday morning.  You are inclined to think about your goals under the influence of the New Moon in Sagittarius this Thursday.  The next month is fertile for examining your ideals and deciding exactly how they have served you.  Look to your friends and groups for an objective view.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Undercover ideas, that you were afraid to hope for before now, burst truthfully from your mouth.  For goodness sake, write them down!  Thursday’s New Moon is a new beginning in your career.  Just don’t keep your ideas to yourself.  You’ll feel like withdrawing, but don’t.  Other people’s opinion does not hold the power over you like it used to.  Enjoy the freedom of expression, especially the next month.  

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Man caught helping neighbor gets guilty verdict!"

December is peace-on-earth month, so we’re gonna need some better headlines!  Like, “Woman smothers giggling child with kisses.”  And, “Remorseless teen accused of feeding homeless!” Better yet, "Cooperate or Quit Order issued to House, Senate!"

So Sagittarius.  So true.

We get 5 weekends and 5 Mondays this December.  More time to play, more back to work days, and more holidays to celebrate than any other month.  

December is culmination time.  End of the year.  End of the darkest hours.  End of the world? What do you want to be true about us?  We are writing the headlines.

The Force of choice is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of December 2, 2012:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Climbing to the top of Everest might seem like a doable feat this Sunday when you’re attitude takes on some enormous optimism.  You’re getting lots of fuel from a fiery and adventurous Sagittarius Sun, on top of enormous doses of optimism.  You’ll feel down right evangelical all week, but charmingly so.  Any relationships out of balance will teeter totter in the winds of change beginning Friday.  Remember you can’t hold on to the past, it’s already gone!  Electric surprises will light up the space you’ve made by letting go.   

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Optimism arrives by the bushel full on Sunday and you wonder if it’s too much of a good thing.  The chances of you becoming unrealistic are so very slim that you can afford to let your reins loosen and splurge.  The latter part of this week is your time to shine with efficiency and to feel comfort that your house is in order.  The winds of change will be rattling your door and your relationships through the weekend.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
That nagging dream of expanding your horizons, to publish that blog and write that book, will feel very doable this Sunday when Jovial Jupiter in Gemini gets solar powered for take off.  Strong opinions and high hopes characterize your week.  It just gets better for the weekend when your curiosity has full reign and you shake up an unexpected sudden romantic attraction. December is a whole month of change and celebration.  Protecting your private space will be a challenge!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You’ll have optimism to burn this Sunday, fueling a few wild ideas that previously seemed annoying and even impossible.  Although it’s intense, you can afford to venture out of your shell and grab some of those opportunities that open up all week.  Sign on the bottom line Wednesday.   Relationships are your focus beginning Friday.  Motherhood and the warmth of home cooking satisfy your hunger for stability.  

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You’ll naturally feel like broadening your horizons to include the whole wide world.  Literally.  Because your mood is buoyantly optimistic this week, you’ll make friends and influence people who were previously foreign to you.  Just keep your mind open, especially when the moody Moon moves into Leo Sunday evening, making Monday your lucky day.  The weekend is loaded with messages, conscious and unconscious, from those with close emotional ties.  A sweet daydream is a harmless escape from routine monotony.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Sunday starts your week with the Art of Positive Thinking as your right hand tool.  All those imperfections you’ve been focused on will seem small, even insignificant.  Wednesday’s Virgo Moon gives you a few days of intensity, but an easier time to organize.  If you’ve wanted to get to the bottom of something, Wednesday night is your time.  Friday starts your weekend with some wild mood changes as you chase stability on the home front.  

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Sunday afternoon is lazy with indulgences from Jovial Jupiter.  Your confidence soars and your visions lift to new heights of possibility this week.  It may feel too dreamy to be true, but there’s an important seed of truth inside.  Friday’s Libra Moon begins a lucky weekend if you expect the unexpected surprise.  Relationships are shaken wide open.  Edgy but exciting times.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
You have the right energy to tackle a big job that previously looked too daunting to consider.  If you keep your goals right sized, opportunities to earn money from corporations or joint ventures is likely.  Midweek helps you get grounded, which you’ll really need in order to handle the out of the blue psychic “hits” you’ll be juggling all weekend.  All about relationships.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Your natural skill for positive thinking expands by leaps and bounds this week as you get a giant boost from Jovial Jupiter in the form of expanded opportunities.  Don’t take all these gifts for granted!  Monday and Tuesday are lucky days for you.  An attack of seriousness around midweek is not all bad if you use it for better planning.  Relationships are your happy focus for the weekend.  A perfect time for parties and new friends made through family connections.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Being right-sized may be a challenge as your optimism lifts off, creating bigger ideas.  But, if you’ve had trouble motivating yourself to believe in yourself and actually get started on that creative idea you’ve only dreamed of, this week gives you the confidence to go ahead.  Thursday is your luckiest day.  Your need to achieve (one of Capricorn’s trademarks!) gets support from a female relative who influences your career path.  Take it and run.  You’re heading to your birthday month, so expect tests of your position that show you what needs to change.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
The Sun in fiery Sagittarius has a showdown with Jovial Jupiter in intellectual Gemini Sunday afternoon.  A plethora of opportunity and adventure cascades so rapidly into your living room that you can’t decide what to do first.  So you may try to do it all.  Don’t.  Perfectionism may hit you from behind midweek.  Remember freedom is your treasure, don’t give it away to nit picky demands on your time.  Friday starts a light and airy weekend, grounded in your deep emotional attachment to your Faith.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
As your goals broaden into a wider perspective, you’re challenged to balance that constant juggling act between career and family.  With expansive Jovial Jupiter in your 4th house of home, you’re lucky in real estate and your involvement with family is increasing.  Maybe too much.  Starting Wednesday you’ll find it easy to pull a better plan together, just keep the perfectionism out of it.  The first dent in a new car is actually a relief, pressure’s off!  You’ll be dealing with a lot of strong psychic sensitivities this weekend so keep your dancing feet on the ground.