Sunday, October 20, 2013

All mistakes are open to correction

Messenger Mercury makes a U Turn in the road ahead, retracing his path back to October 1st.  Beginning Monday, and for the next three weeks, he will help us rethink the insights we’ve had since then, repair communications that have gone awry, and erase the trail of mistakes that are now open to correction.  

“The man who can keep a secret may be wise, but not half as wise as the man who has no secrets to keep.”  E. W. Howe

Goodbye Libra, hello Scorpio.  Tuesday the Sun joins Mercury in Scorpio at 11:09 PM, PDT. Having made cooperative partnerships in Libra, we now plume their depths in Scorpio.  What is hidden below the that calm surface?  What does she know but doesn’t reveals?

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Virgo
He said _ _ _, she said _ _ _.  The need to win the argument can lock you in a rutted old problem that has nothing to do with now.  Try a little tenderness, which won’t come easily with the Moon in fiery, dramatic Leo and the Sun in silent and deadly Scorpio.  Fire and water.  If you can stand the heat without boiling over, you have a chance for steamy romance with a new depth of feeling.  But you must stay the course.

“A writer should have this little voice inside saying; Tell the truth.  Reveal a few secrets here.”  Quentin Tarantino

The Force of honesty is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of October 20-26, 2013:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You're not going to drown in the plethora of feelings that inundate you now, but it might feel like you are.  When the Sun dives into Scorpio’s deep and secretive waters this Tuesday, it may add more confusion about what you really feel than you’re used to. Especially since it’s on top of Mental Mercury’s U Turn that has you retracing your steps, your least favorite thing to do!  As an Aries you never look back, which is the charm of your aggressiveness, and the reason you never stay angry or resentful--a lesson you could teach Scorpio!

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
The push-me pull-you juggernaught of self will is being put to the test.  Are you still defending certain secrets, or are your honest convictions gaining in strength?  When the Sun moves into Scorpio this Tuesday just before midnight, you’re invited to delve into this conflict.  When your anxiety is up, you’ve chosen self will.  When your vitality is up, you’ve chosen honestly.  Tune into the tenderness of Wednesday’s Cancer Moon and feel your way into the place where your safety lies.  Reason and responsibility, your usual tools, are greatly heightened through the end of the week.

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
Who opened the dam?  A flood of memories and their accompanying feelings wash in with the Sun’s move into Scorpio this Tuesday, just one day after your muse (Mental Mercury) does a U Turn in your house of partnerships.  They’re all up for review.  Their may be some backlash from having spoken out too quickly.  Even though your words were honest, they were delivered without having all the facts.  This is the lesson Scorpio can teach you.  Be your curious self, but keep stirring your brilliant ideas until they “cook.”  That’s where the alchemy is.  

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Big ideas are topped with a layer of tenderness.  Your best days this week begin Wednesday evening and last through Saturday morning.  Thursday you get out the broom to clean up the negative spill over of a series of crisis turned to opportunities.   A big cornucopia of peaceful, easy feelings opens wide on Friday afternoon and pours out the good karma of giving and receiving help from others.  Pain dissolves in a deep pool of connectedness.  

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Saturday is your lucky day when a bright light breaks the darkness of the past.  You are determined to create something new and different, especially in the way you express yourself.  The Scorpio Sun is a drag!  Refuse to be bogged down in it’s messy cauldron of power struggles.  Your way out is through Venus in fiery Sagittarius who counsels you to be frankly outspoken and to hold on to your ideals.  Say what you wanna say even if others think you’re too idealistic for a world in which dishonesty may often seem more profitable than honesty.

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
The Scorpio Sun winks at your Virgo intensity of purpose and makes light of your secrets. When Messenger Mercury (your muse) makes his U Turn Monday, you allow yourself to simply take out the eraser and make your mistakes disappear.  They were written in #2 pencil anyway!  Never meant to be lasting.  Your appetite for life takes a lucky turn Thursday down the street of generosity.  Your healing hands have a tender touch.  Lay them on everyone you meet.  Wear your “Free Hugs” sign on your chest.  

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
You’re used to debating with yourself, and now it takes on an unusual but helpful intensity. You’re determined to get to the bottom of things.  Under the Scorpio Sun, with Messenger Mercury making a U Turn in your house of resources, you ferret out those secret treasures that you’ve been afraid to show-off.  Fear of conflict may be a strong deterrent, especially when someone’s words fall out without love.  Don’t fall for the fear and let your most honest words disappear.  With so many planets in hold-it-in water signs, the god of lightning quick insights is your best friend, and Venus in fiery Sagittarius helps you tell it like it is!

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
We want to see you be brave, be above board.  Tuesday begins your birthday month, and your personal New Year.  Memories bubble beneath your calm surface in spite of yourself. Messenger Mercury in your sign has sharpened your language and your intuition for the past three weeks.  Now he takes you into the even deeper realms, where you’ve hidden treasures from your own self.  Retrace your steps back to September 29th.  Shine a light on your past resentments.  Forgive.  It’s all a perceptual game anyway!

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
In a time when so much is happening behind the scenes, you listen only to the words of love and honesty.  With the Sun’s move into secretive Scorpio this Tuesday, you’ll feel the 180 turn in direction as a confusing messy bog of words left unsaid.  Not your natural style!  However, the need to rethink your words and add in a better filter will be the gift for you from Scorpio.  You already know how to keep a secret, you just don’t value the concept.  Your wisdom knows that words kept on the inside, with no sunlight, let the shadows win.
Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
As the determined step by step Mountain Goat, you see nothing to be gained by retracing your steps.  Yet that’s what is called for beginning this Monday when your thoughts naturally turn over a rock or two.  What have you missed that’s right under your feet?  Did you misread a signpost?  You’re accustomed to climbing your way to your highest ambitions, but with the Sun’s move into Scorpio this Tuesday you need to feel your way through.  You question your purpose, even if it seems to take your from your goal.  

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
The tensions are building inside you, but you don’t want it to show.  With the Sun in secretive Scorpio beginning Tuesday, your gut reactions burn with an intensity that’s initially uncomfortable but leads you to the truth.  Let you compassionate concern for the world’s troubles take a back seat to your own desires.  This is not selfish dear Aquarian, you’re one of the great masses you want to help.  What if you trace your actions back to September 28th, and look for the places you lost your truth?  What or who got under your skin?  Say what you want to say, even if you don’t think you’re heard.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)

A harmonious time of the year starts for you this Tuesday when the Sun shines in Scorpio. Your face lights up with the truth of who you really are.  Notice your feelings Thursday, Jupiter’s traditional day of thanksgiving, opens a lucky portal for you.  Let your honest opinions fly free!  When the Scorpio Sun shines his light on Visionary Neptune (in your sign) at 3:40 PM, PDT, your spirits are lifted to spiritual truths that make you downright brave.  Let your words fall out.

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