Monday, November 21, 2011

Thursdays are for Generous Jupiter's Cornucopia

In spite of too much turkey, we’ll all wake up when the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse rockets in at 10:10 p.m. Thanksgiving day. All New Moons are a time to plant new seeds, but this one’s particularly potent. It’s warm, playful, and devoted to hearth and mobile home (no matter what, Sagittarius has to travel!). Expect unexpected guests, sudden changes in the weather and the menu, and unusual fun. Jupiter is our Muse today. Give generously.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You awake with beautiful dreams that should go on your Vision Board (the one you've been too busy to make!). Your sensitivities are heightened and you may linger, uncharacteristically, in a pink cloud for the morning, enjoying the good smells that begin to waft from the kitchen. Time out to dream is a beautiful luxury, the Thanksgiving blessing you need for yourself. After 6:00 p.m. the pace becomes electric and you're the surprise at the party. You'll want something different and new--a new dish, new friends. All just in time for the New Moon eclipse that will fire your burners, sending your rocketing into the 12th dimension!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Sugarplums are already dancing in your head, and it's only Thanksgiving! The day begins in a dreamy reverie you don't want interrupted. Even your most anchored-in goals may take a hike today in favor of a new, higher vision for yourself. Tonight's fiery line-up around the eclipsing New Moon challenges your status-quo by lighting a fire under your ambitions--allow the passion. It's just right for your sensual nature. The god of communications has finally landed after buzzing around your head since November 2nd. Take notes.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Thoughts continue to bubble up from your dreams this morning, long after your coffee. Acknowledge those childhood memories that have a sweet connection to this holiday, and ignore the rest. The excitement you will feel after 6:00 p.m. sends you into startling territory, and you may surprise your family and friends with your eclectic tastes--delightfully so! The fiery quartet accompanying the solar eclipse this evening will be rock 'n roll to you. Tonight is perfect for dancing your dreams and intentions into form. Email the list to yourself to open Christmas morning.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
National binge day turns into the perfect feast when you're in charge. You have a master chef in you, even if it only manifests as your excellent taste buds. You know a good thing when you smell it! The dept of your love and loyalty for family radiates from you today. It's a day for your daydreams. Give thanks for your sensitivity, it's the skin on your beautiful emotional depth. You're the home plate, the taproot, for your family--and our world.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You're happily lost in a daydream--loving and living it full on! Today is family day for you--dreaming 'bout that bundle of joy. Let your natural pride in your creations puff up to lioness proportions. Deservedly so. Your rule is generous and your protection sure. This evening your big heart gets extra warmth from others when the New Moon eclipses the Sagittarius Sun. Others search for meaning, you know you've found it.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Martha Stewart has 4 planets in Virgo, most importantly her Venus and Moon. This is the beautiful perfection you love to bring to others, and to everything you do. You feel the beauty in a job not only well done, but artfully delivered. Picture-Perfect is your lens, and although it wears you out sometimes, it is the vehicle for your capacity to heal. Give yourself a "thanks, well done."

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You lead and others follow, even though you don't understand why. The changes you're being urged to make at this time are uncomfortable perhaps, but will ground you for the lightening ahead. The Stern Taskmaster of the stars (Saturn) requires you to step by step remodel the basic building blocks of your self-esteem. Not outwardly fun, but you have a deeper satisfaction, even joy, from this work. Tonight's New Moon will be a zippo lighter to your enthusiasm--you're beautifully ablaze!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Take the morning to appreciate Mother Moon's final hours in Scorpio, where she's been a bit possessive and broodingly attached to her own point of view. It's been a time to feel your way into what matters most to you. Trust. Your ability to tap into the philosophical resources of the Higher Mind gets an inspirational boost from tonight's New Moon eclipse. Go for it--no sacrifice is too great to achieve a goal you know is worthwhile. Time to give thanks for your powerful strong will--it's what makes you such a hero.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Ring the bells, not only of freedom (your favorite word!), but also great, good cheer! Today's your day to accomplish absolutely anything you set your sights on! The morning may be a little fanciful for your tastes, but by 6:00 p.m. you'll jump (your favorite thing to do!) to light speed. Jupiter rules Thursdays, and therefore Thanksgiving, and his home is in Sagittarius, permanently bestowing that jovial generosity to your character. You've been singing a fabulous song since November 2nd, but tonight's New Moon eclipse in your home sign gives you the stage presence of Tina Turner and the wordsmith genius of Jon Stewart. I hope you'll be saying the blessing.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
The famous singer, Taylor Swift, was destined for fame with her Generous Jupiter in the house of Ambitious Capricorn, and her voice (Mercury) in the sign of Capricorn. Although you may not seek it, a dream of fame belongs to you. Prestige and achievement are your forte. Give thanks for your stellar tenacity--it helps make our world go 'round.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Dreams and visions are flooding your awareness this morning, even to the point of being distracting. Psychic influences are very strong for you. The ideas that spill out of your mind so easily are not always grasped by others, but please persevere. Whether you know it or not, mankind benefits every time you think those thoughts of universal peace and understanding. Tonight may find you so intellectually stimulated that you're wide awake at midnight. Notice new hunches. Mankind is trying to catch your vibe. Go viral. Go Aquarians!

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
The hills are alive this morning with the sounds of music that only you can hear. You're swimming easily downstream, humming, all day until dinnertime. Your sympathetic doors are wide open, a good thing fro all, but it puts you at risk of absorbing unwanted undercurrents. Use your charm and humor to bypass any unpleasantness--just don't engage. Celebrate how responsive your are, and be thankful you are a dreamer. I think Yoda is a Pisces. I know the Force is with you.

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