Monday, November 28, 2011

If you could read my mind?

The Sun will rise on the Aquarian Age in 2012. It’s entrance will be marked by dreamy Neptune drifting into Pisces on February 4th.

Neptune, the mythic ruler of the deep sea of dreams, has been in Aquarius since November 28, 1998; a 13 year sojourn that was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. As we look for the Sunrise, let’s think about what we’ve created while Neptune’s been in Aquarius.

Electric Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, brought us new sciences, new technology, new forms of energy. We’re viral. Even our minds are an Internet--highly developed intuition, even clairvoyance, has become common. Aquarius is all about the universal consciousness of brotherhood,sisterhood. Ready for everyone to read your mind?
Here's what it's like Tuesday, November 29, 2011...

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Dream a little dream of something you’d love to do with a friend, but haven’t taken the time to do it. Stopping to honor your connections to your personal community is a great use of your time right now. You’re not interested in sticking around long enough to occupy something (sit-ins are for people with smaller agendas than you have!) but you do have a lot to offer that group you belong to. You’re the natural leader.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The hub of your world is feeling secure. Now that you’ve organized your sock drawer, you could set your sights on getting signatures for that petition for peace-on-earth that’s circulating. Your ability to pay attention to the details helps you sort out what’s valuable and what isn’t. Not everyone can do that! Please share it.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
With lots of humanitarian Aquarian energy swirling around your head, the right to speak freely is paramount today and tomorrow. The fresh approach of your non-conforming self can unlock a perceptual door that is unexpected. Your mental agility is high, and you’ll likely find a witty way to express yourself. Just say it.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
The Moon in Aquarius today and tomorrow gives you that emotional objectivity you’ve needed to figure out where to say “no” and where to say “yes.” You know you have the power to bring something into form simply by imagining it. So, imagine how you’d like your family to treat you. Then say “yes” by asking for it. Your highly developed protective ability ensures that your desires will benefit the whole family.
Leo (July 22-August 22)
Providence steps in to give you a helping hand from your neighbor or a family member. A door will open for you today or tomorrow, likely through the avenue of technology. Confidence is a natural gift for you as a Leo. Now is a good time to practice letting some one else assist you. Win win.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You are naturally a great scholar. Today and tomorrow the Aquarian Moon favors picking up a new book, acquiring just the right information to make your performance brilliant. The humanitarian bent of Aquarius fits perfectly with your life goal of service to others. The challenge is to stay focused, at the same time, on getting what’s needed for your own health.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
With the Moon in Aquarius in sync with your Sun, you’ll enjoy a sense of well-being today and tomorrow. Catch up on world events. Your sympathy for others is huge right now. You’ll fight for freedom--theirs and yours. Where do you need to free yourself? What restrictions need to be broken? You have a get-out-of-jail-free card!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
More that any other sign, Scorpio has both a high and a low road. When you are struck by jealousy or secrecy, you’ve taken the low road. But with today’s Aquarian Moon, you can easily reach the heights of your spiritual goals, likely with an “aha” experience. That will be the place you’ll find your heart’s true desire. Jealously possess it.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
The power of positive thinking (your forte) gets a boost into a bigger picture today and tomorrow. Is there a group you belong to that could use your upbeat take on the challenges before it? Your naturally serious thinking is right in the grove with the Aquarian Moon and stars now.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
That persistent feeling that you want to develop, to accomplish more? It’s getting a broader horizon today and tomorrow. Taking a little quiet time to review your goals would be great idea. You like to get things right-by-the-rule (your forte), but Aquarius likes to throw a razzle dazzle idea in just to keep your rebel alive. It’s good for you.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
With the airy Moon in your sign through early Thursday morning, your sense of self is very in sync with your emotions. The ease of action that comes from that compatibility should not be wasted. It’s a perfect day to ask a friend for a favor, or borrow a cup of sugar from the neighbor.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Your psychic radar is getting a preview today of the Age of Aquarius vibe which will charge through your Picean circuits beginning February 4th! You should not only mark your calendar, but also buy the biggest grounding rod you can afford. The Moon’s short trip through Aquarius (last night through early morning Thursday) stimulates your deeply rooted connections, particularly to close friends. A chance encounter, meeting a new friend, will seem fated.

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