Friday, November 25, 2011

Saturday's task-driven Muse is Saturn

No better day for getting stuff done than Saturday. Errands, clean up the garage, take a hike, go to the gym. As long as the activity helps organize your life, Saturn approves. So what about sleeping in? Within reason, our Saturday Muse approves since it promotes the growth of strong bones and teeth. Saturn is our skeleton--holding us all together.
Here's to Saturday, November 26th.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Organize your sock drawer this morning, or take your sparkling self to shop for office supplies. The messenger planet has turned inward, so talk about your feelings, versus your activities, will keep relationships happy. Try a fireside chat this evening. Play a new game.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Feelings have the upper hand over logic this morning, but impulse buying is never your problem. The goddess of love moves back into an earthy stability, more to your liking, this evening. Cupid is consorting with Venus, giving you a radiant warmth. People want to be around you. Invite friends for a party.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Emotions trump reason this morning, so careful if you're shopping. All the lists you made, and left at home in your other coat, make you vulnerable to overindulgence! But it's a great day to let others know exactly how you feel. Gemini's ruler, Mercury, has gone incognito for the next 17 days, until December 15th. Stop, then think, then talk. And you gotta love those rewrites!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Spend the morning coming down from the frazzle of holiday visits. Make some private time. Fortune smiles on you this evening, and throughout the next 3 weeks. The goddess of love returns to a very compatible place with you, pulling out your creativity and adding more warm good feelings. During the next 3 weeks in particular you will feel happy, and uncharacteristically secure.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
If you need to improve your connections with any female friends, now is the time. Although you'll be coming more from emotions, and less from logic, you intuition is so sharp that following your hunches will pay off. The messenger planet has gone off-line for the next 17 days, so expect to repeat yourself--lots. But don't let that draw you into the trivia of dotting i's and crossing t's. The evening promises some sparkle.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Love is in the air this evening and you're feeling absolutely wonderful. You have a pleasant sense of well-being that comes from a deep belonging and connection to those you love. Anyone who comes into the aura of your warmth and friendliness, will benefit from your kind concern.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You may have the wobbles, back and forth between excitement about all you are accomplishing, and discouragement about the piles of work still waiting. In your relationships it's about the bumps and warts. You are called to exchange a daydream for a messy but stable reality. It isn't that the Force is being hard on you, just that it's time to bring form to all that creativity. Make art from love.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
The winged-messenger has fizzled-out in the clarity department for the next 17 days (don't sign a contract without checking it twice). Even though that confuses communications, beginning this afternoon you have the winds of love blowing little blessings on your desires until December 20th. You have a much easier time of getting what you want. What exactly is it?

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You'll feel a marked shift in your creative energy this afternoon--it will turn toward your career and ambitions. You are in your birthday month, so pay attention to "issues" that pop up. You are being asked to let go of whatever is not working in your life. When your actual birthday arrives, you want to have a clean slate to start a new you year.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Fortune smiles on you this evening, and throughout the next 3 weeks, when Venus steps into your sign--embracing and containing all those feelings that have been leaking out. The goddess of love triggers the revolutionary transformation already underway, and adds grace and beauty to it. You are going to feel more like yourself--including that True Self that wants to be known.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
It's not your favorite thing to be misunderstood, but the winged-messenger Mercury has marbles in his mouth (practicing for Christmas pageant) so communications are unintentionally garbled for the next 17 days. Patience. Your charm, determination, and bright mind will overcome. Thoughts turn to your ambitions and goals this evening when both the Moon and Venus move into your neighbors house, Capricorn. You know you neighbor better than he knows you, so you have the advantage. You want to provoke a little stimulating excitement. Try flirting, not fighting.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
You're in for some easy listening and sweet rapport this afternoon with your very compatible friend, Capricorn. Let's-go-to-a-show Venus is paired with a rather reserved, dignified Moon, so maybe the opera. You want to go out, stir some excitement into your love life, or meet a new friend. Your cheerful, gregarious mood will make this a very pleasant evening.

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