Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday's Muse is the shining Sun

Sundays are for radiating our power, letting it shine from our faces to the world. A light and sociable day, best suited for pleasant amusement, is ahead. Venus and Mars are thankfully in sync again, and have actually come down to earth to enjoy some sensible (?) delights together. The Capricorn Moon joins the mix to add some dignity and cool things off a bit. Here's to Sunday, November 27, 2011.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You shine with initiative and a tremendous drive to make things happen. The Sunday Sun in Sagittarius spotlights your heroic pioneering spirit. When you’re at your radiant best, as you are today, you're ready to take on the next challenge. You absolutely glow!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You can go in your comfy warm slippers, but get out and buy a lottery ticket! Bet on this as a lucky day. Good Fortune has made himself at home in Taurus for a lengthy stay (until next June!) and now Venus sweetens the pot with something beautiful appearing in your life. Knowing you, it will have a practical, down-to-earth value.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Definitely in the mood for something different today as the sparks fly between your breezy Sun and the smoldering embers of a Sagittarius Sunday. Variety is always the spice of your life, but today there’s a restless edginess between you and a Capricorn Venus. It creates an itch. Gotta have something new.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Home sweet lavish home looks pretty good to your today. There are so many positive vibes coming your way from a Venus and Moon in compatible signs that you can’t help but feel like you live on easy street. But, the fiery Sagittarius Sun makes you a little jumpy, on edge. Sagittarius just won’t stay in one place long enough to warm up to you! And that may happen today with friends or family--no one really listens.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
The Sun is not only your Muse for Sundays, it is Leo’s full time mascot. That’s why you always shine with authority, like the Sun. Bright, warm, penetrating. Today is pleasantly lazy. The wizard of communications is still playing trickster, however he’s in a fire sign so you’re still loaded with creative inspiration.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You shine as an intelligent, industrious, earth sign that has harvested vast wisdom through your service to others. Those are the key qualities for you to use now, to make the changes that support authenticity, versus dutifulness. It comes easily to you now. Venus is adding grace, beauty, and balance to all your actions.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The Sun and Messenger-Mercury are in fire signs, in an easy compatibility with you which adds sparkle to the way you shine today. Your mind is solar powered, so no one hears the wheels that are turning so rapidly. Behind that beautiful dimpled Libra smile is an iron fisted intellect. What appears to others as indecision is actually your mind churning, still looking for the fairest outcome in the land. You’re built for grace, not speed.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You shine the light fearlessly into the darkest of spaces. You possess a potent, natural resourcefulness for understanding both the light and the dark in human nature. Venus and the Moon are now in an earth sign, create a solid holding tank for your watery depths. You are easily getting to the bottom of things, even if you feel a bit jittery about your discoveries.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Sunday’s Sun in your sign heats up your circuits and has you jumping to conclusions and landing on insights that are quite prophetic. Since you rarely censor any thought, your fresh honesty is a treat, even if it’s not for every taste. Right now you might put a warning sign on your forehead: If you can’t take the heat, stay out of my kitchen! You feel like something flashy, certainly lighthearted, today.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
The good feelings just keep on growing for you with Venus joining your Capricorn Sun. You shine today with a love of life today. You have a generous, spirited good mood. If only friends would place signposts of appreciation along your path, you’d move mountains for them.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Heart-felt connection and sympathy for human problems are a big part of your charm. It is certainly the place where you shine. Neptune’s visionary dreams are inspiring you through February, 2012. You refuse to be predictable. Nothing conventional for you!

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
As the chameleon of the zodiac, you are a talented actor if you want to be. You shine with versatility, especially in your thinking. Venus and the Moon are in compatible Capricorn, putting boundaries around your sweet feelings, letting them pool up and deepen.

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