Saturday, February 18, 2012

7 steps to forgiveness

Rarely have two air heads like Libra & Aquarius gotten together with such disciplined objectivity. Serious Saturn in Libra is getting rays of understanding from the Aquarius Sun.

Perfect time to:
1. Write a list of everyone you resent, absolutely everyone. From your grandparents to the clerk at the cleaners. This will not fit on your napkin.
2. Add yourself. I mean, you’re the one carrying all the anger.
3. Write as long as you want to about all the blankety _ _ they’ve done to you. Embellish.
4. Look. OMG can you believe you’ve been carrying this around in your crowded head?
5. On a clean sheet of paper write the following in bold caps: “I made all of this up!
6. Repeat after me: “My perception is not reality. It’s just the picture I’ve painted between the lines to keep from acknowledging that I don’t know what the hell’s going on!
7. Suck it up, with the vacuum cleaner of forgiveness.
The Force of forgiveness is with you.

Think Only Love on Saturday, February 18, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The light and airy Sun is shining clarity and objectivity on your relationships. If you have little “issues” that you know have come between you and a friend, today you can see it clearly. Your brain’s getting a Spring cleaning beginning at 8:03 AM, PST. Write your forgiveness list. A clean slate will really benefit you tomorrow when you’ll experience one of the most spiritual aspects in the celestial cafeteria. Beginning late tonight when the Sun moves into compassionate Pisces. Do you homework and stay tuned.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You probably finished your Spring cleaning in January, but today you get a second wind. Matters related to your work, ambitions and career get a bright light of objectivity, and you have the meticulous energy to tackle the job. Around 1:22 PM, PST, Messenger Mercury shows up with an air of mystery and determination to solve a problem. You could just work a puzzle. Or you could go for the deeper knowledge of your truth. You’ll want that in the coming weeks after the Sun moves into visionary Pisces tonight at 10:18 PM, PST. Tomorrow is a enlightenment--stay tuned.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Don’t waste, don’t hoard. That’s the motto for the day, courtesy of the efficiency expert, Saturn. You’re in-sync airy buddies, Libra and Aquarius, are lining up as mental efficiency gurus, helping you organize your thoughts and ideas. It’s a very creative energy for you, and mind expanding. Getting to the bottom of an unforgiving thought will be easy around 1:22 PM, PST, when the lord of the underworld opens a few doors. Tonight the Sun goes into compassionate Pisces, marking the beginning of an enlightening month. Stay tuned.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Your day starts with a clear sense of purpose. Scattered thoughts collect themselves into an organized list of goals (8:03 AM, PST), and you have the meticulous thinking to make a good plan. The call to forgiveness is behind the need to sweep the mess of guilt and blame out of your head. It’s just like cleaning out the garage. You have a spiritual experience ahead, probably many, beginning with the Moon’s move into your harmonious buddy, sympathetic Pisces, tonight at 10:18 PM, PST. More on this tomorrow.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Today you have a disciplined approach available to you to organize your thoughts, your goals, with balanced objectivity. The Aquarian Sun is in your 7th solar house of relationships, so a clean slate of forgiveness is doubly useful for you. At 10:18 PM, PST, this evening we begin a remarkably spiritual month when the Sun enters Pisces. Make hay while the Sun shines on the glistening cobwebs of your mind. Clean sweep.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Get a geek to clean up your desktop and clear out your files. It’s the perfect (don’t take that too far!) day for one of your best skills--organizing. But the meticulous aspect is in air signs, so you may just think, think, think about it without accomplishing much. Around 1:22 PM, PST, you’ll get some good grounding from the planet of communications, making it a great time to talk about your relationships. Later tonight the Moon comes down to earth in watery Pisces, setting the stage for a month long vision quest--get a good night’s sleep. You won’t want to miss anything tomorrow.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Ah, finally some good news from that ol’ devil Saturn, still in Libra until October. He’s lightening up considerably as he sings a song of enlightened discipline with the Aquarius Sun. Saturn’s transit through Libra is to sober-up relationships, insisting that responsibilities be met. The mental clarity you have today should be captured, written in your goals. Clear out the dusty dreams of illusory romance in favor of acceptance, bumps and warts and bundles of imperfections. Putting the past behind you will allow you to embrace the spiritual experience ahead as the Sun moves into Pisces late tonight.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Organize your important papers, scan them into the cloud. Today’s a great time to handle puzzles that need meticulous thought. The light to put order to your thinking is shining in your 4th solar house of home and roots. Tomorrow you’re about to get a spiritual rocket into another dimension, beginning with the Sun’s swim into Pisces tonight at 10:18 PM, PST. Clear your head of the worst debris, resentment. You’ll be glad you gave yourself a clean slate, tomorrow you write the universal language of love.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Discipline, self-control, concentration--all the things that have eluded you at times--are bright in your brain today. The objective Aquarian Sun is shining this clarity on your words, your communications with your friends. You have a healing wind at your back to clean up the mental garbage left over when you blamed yourself or others. Around 1:22 PM, PST, this energy takes a deeper turn, and you can uncover something you didn’t know was there. All this in preparation for the Sun to move into compassionate Pisces tonight at 10:18 PM, PST, setting the stage for a spiritual initiation tomorrow.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
A shrewdness, and perhaps some uncanny sense of being in the right place at the right time, will shine a clear and objective light on your resources. Around 1:22 PM, PST, Pluto gets in the mix and adds some transformational energy. Your talk will be anything but cheap. All the stuff and nonsense you’ve been hoarding in your mind, the cobwebs of guilt and anger hiding in those unused nooks and crannies, the connections that need to be made, are getting the spotlight. Do your #7 steps before 10:18 PM, PST, when the Sun moves into Pisces. You’ll want a clean slate for this beauty! Stay tuned.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
The day begins with a lovely tune, sung to you by the planet of structure and organization. Your thinking today is more capable than usual of handling meticulous details, and solving puzzles. Your Aquarius Sun is shining the light of clarity on your self-esteem, your self-confidence. Depth of understanding is added in around 1:22 PM, PST, when the lord of the underworld brings Messenger Mercury to the think tank. Today’s the last day of the Aquarius Sun. You’ll be swimming in the spiritual waters you love of universal compassion in Pisces at 10:18 PM, PST .

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Time to put some order in your thinking. The organizational energy coming your way today from two air signs, Libra and Aquarius, is unusually down to earth. Your natural ability to attend to the least among us, has added strength and clarity. We’re moving into your visionary territory tonight at 10:18 PM, PST, when the Moon sets down in the compassionate waters of Pisces. This marks the approach of her conjunction with Neptune tomorrow. Clear your head of distractions.

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