Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sorry about the Winter Solstice hype

Turns out the return of light is a tortoise. We’ve got only 7 seconds more daytime! Then, 11 seconds the next day. 14 the day after that. OMG, what will you do with all this extra light? Find your keys? Save electricity? Stare longer at the sunset?

Here’s to developing patience, Thursday, December 23, 2011.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Your emotional energy gets a shot of optimism and you feel like trying something new. You flash on yet another possibility every time you stop and think. The New Moon, fertile ground for sowing seeds, falls on Christmas Eve this year. Imagine gifts falling from the sky (or sleigh, if you believe) and finding soil on earth in which to grow. Aries, you are our world’s Johnny Appleseed. What are you planting?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Expecting the unexpected is still true for you today as the Capricorn Sun sends up a surprising flare. You, or someone around you, feels like doing something rash. Not to make trouble, to to loosen up an outworn belief that is best left behind in 2011. The stars are thinking thoughts of happiness, joy and freedom for you. Look up.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your active mind gets a booster rocket from the Sagittarius Moon today, especially when it pairs up with the winged-messenger at 7:00 tonight. Your reasoning is going to be heavily influenced by how you feel. Good for intuition, not so good for logic. Great for talking about how you feel. Surprises are still in the air.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
The Capricorn Sun is shining on your partnerships and relationships. You feel optimistic and your positive attitude rubs off--you really do win friends and influence the way your friends think. The Sun may also highlight something that’s been bothering you, but at the same time giving you the courage to change it. Good feelings, good fortune.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
A day of straightforward, honest dialogue will be the best use of your optimistic mood. You have a hopefulness and confidence about the future, making today a great day for planning. Your creativity and childlike wonder are sparked by the Sagittarian Moon, and you need to feel free. Take inventory and purge an attitude you don’t want to take to 2012.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Big enthusiasm and the energy to make it happen are your tools today. The Capricorn Sun harmonizes with your drive to expand your life. You’re in the two days leading up to the Capricorn New Moon, so it’s time to capitalize on your keen organizational skills and make a plan--what would you like to do differently in 2012? What do you need to leave behind?

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You love the balance you have right now between your ideals and your reality. For some time now you have worked hard to put practical feet on your dreams. As Neptune completes his perfect working relationship with Saturn, you master the art of setting priorities. Look towards New Year’s Eve for the culmination, but do the preliminary sketch now.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Remember Houdini’s underwater trick? He freed himself from his chains, before he ran out of breath. You work so hard on the mysteries of what makes life tick, that you can forget your goal--freedom. It’s no mystery. It’s just what would make you happy. Listen for the tumblers in the lock click, each time you let go of the past. click.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You’ve got high-apple-pie-in-the-sky hopes and the ideals to go with it. The Moon in your sign infuses your emotions with that Sagittarian optimism and honesty. Venus is adding a nod of artful beauty to this combination. By evening you’ll feel like inspiring everyone you know with the great ideas you came up with today--you’ll be a veritable Paul Revere! “Free yourself!”

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
That excited agitation you feel is a good thing. You’re in the midst of a turning point and transition, so even an event that seems disruptive is just stirring you to the right action. The Christmas Eve New Moon in Capricorn is only two days away, marking a powerful new direction. Not a relaxing time, but a stimulating one. Now is the time to let go.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
It’s a feel good day that has hints of the harmony we hope for in the Aquarian Age. Your natural idealism is sparked today with a straightforward honesty that others will find refreshing. Your mind is open to examine your ideals, and therefore your horizons will broaden. Neptune’s inspired dreams and visions are prominent for another 5 weeks. Don’t just think them, make them real.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
An easy-does-it sense of relaxation fills your day. You’re not particularly ambitious, but your attitude and outlook are very positive. There’s a part of you that just won’t be ignored, perhaps that rebel, who pops out if you try to restrict it. What you’re going for is freedom, not business as usual. The Capricorn Sun is shining some optimism your way.

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