Monday, December 5, 2011

Healthy, wealthy and wise still needs some dumb luck!

Don’t you feel like you just ran a 3 day marathon? You crossed the finish line this morning where your fans are throwing $20 dollar bills at your tired feet. You plop down in a bed of fragrant flowers, take off your shoes for a great foot massage. Friends bring you a cool drink, peanut butter on sesame crackers, and apple slices. Time to celebrate your courage and determination. It’s a good day.
Here’s to courageous Tuesday, December 6, 2011.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
You start the morning with deep breathing, and a couple of heavy sighs left over from yesterday. Intense emotions are on the schedule, but they are intensely good. You’re in a generous mood. The constant hum of crackling electricity will be your background noise for almost 7 years. Still, there’s no getting used to it. It’s the god of lightening rattling your cage, constantly freeing you from any restriction. Right now he’s working behind the scenes with a helping hand from Communications Central--not pushing it, just keeping life interesting.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
It’s a good hair day. The next two days are made to order for you. You probably felt your blood pressure drop at breakfast, even with your caffeine latte. Although Tuesdays are characteristically busy, you won’t let anyone rush you today, but you’ll still accomplish a great deal. You’re in your pleasurable element with the Taurus Moon, and you have Venus’ blessing to enjoy yourself. Wear the red one.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Dust off your green thumb, you have a chance to make something grow. Like your bank account. The Moon is in wise-money Taurus and it’s arm and arm with Generous Jupiter. Jupiter likes for everything to expand (yes even your waist line!) but if you keep the self-indulgence of this pair to a confined area--you’ll channel their good fortune where you need it. Today’s a good day to remember how powerful your thoughts really are. Using your mind to create your reality, that’s Gemini at your best.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You are much more in tune with your true self today. Your key planet, the Moon, is in compatible, reliable Taurus. You love the security of Taurus’ natural ability to attract good things, including wealth. This is very likely to be a lucky day for you, since Generous Jupiter joins the money-wise Moon right after breakfast. Good day for financial decisions. Fill out the sweepstakes form! Expect a gift.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Your readiness to learn new ideas is sharpened by sudden flashes of inspiration. Messages, and the creative mental activity you’re experiencing, will continue to heighten through December 13th, when Messenger Mercury goes into forward gear again. Then you can put the plans you’ve formulated onto paper. Oh yeah, don’t mail it, the post office may have folded, but the digital world is your oyster anyway.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Even though Tuesdays are ruled by mighty Warrior Mars, this one wants you to start your morning with a sweet indulgence. Sleep in a few more minutes, actually sit down to eat a leisurely breakfast. By 8:35 you’ll feel optimistic, even lucky. The intense emotional work you’ve been doing is paying off in greater courage and personal power. But, hey, it couldn't hurt to buy just one lottery ticket!

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Some of the steam has blown off your energy, but you’re still feeling everything intensely. Libra’s classroom has had Serious Saturn taking lessons from Visionary Neptune in how to make you dreams come true. Saturn is insisting on practical feet for your dreams. You’re about to break open the paradox of being a practical dreamer. Look forward to December 31st as a pinnacle moment for your visions.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Ah, some peace at last. Early morning Tuesday the tone of the day shifts to stable and settled. The dust may need to settle after the frazzled hurry of the past few days, but by 8:35 am you’ll have a sense of well-being that should carry the next couple days. There’s also an expansive good cheer in the air, just watch for excess--or someone being excessive with you. Still, you can look for success, and a productive day.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You get to claim the mythic Santa Claus archetype as a Sagittarian. Your sign has as it’s natural muse the big Generous Jupiter. It’s your time for giving and showing how it’s done. Even though the god of communications is lost in his cave until December 13th, he’s still in your sign--bringing you lots and lots of Jupiter-sized messages. He stays in Sagittarius until January 7th. So if you need to get your point across, now is the time.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Venus is outpacing Mars by just a little, so they’re still working together beautifully. For you as a Capricorn, it’s an opportunity to be diplomatically direct about what you want and have your requests well received. In fact, the wise-money Moon is coupled with Mr. Good Fortune in the wealthy land of Taurus, putting luck in your pocket. Trust that whatever happens is in your best interests.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Your knack for understanding and facilitating social change is a gift you have as an Aquarian. Now, while the fortunate winds of change are filling your sails, is a great time for you to make practical use of your spiritual ideals. Your understanding is growing and clarifying, coming to a culmination, a pinnacle, on December 31st. Truly a New Year for you. Joseph Campbell would advise that you should heed the call, for it leads to your bliss.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Sometimes the stars dish up a piece of good fortune that is so subtle, appears so easy, that you float right by it without noticing. This is such a time. Look and listen for opportunity that increases your wealth or your pleasure, or both. Your natural sympathy and compassion receives an expansive boost today--you will enjoy doing things for others.

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