Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is "default setting" really a choice?

When Uranus’ lightening bolts break open an old pattern, space is created for something new. Will you fill it with default conditioning, or conscious choices?

Messenger Mercury has his first full day in forward gear, the cutting edge for the next 3 months. The focus is on attitude, not facts. Think a loving thought about yourself, let it lead you to your heart’s desire. It will pollinate wherever you go.

Venus and Mars are in the mood to be loyal, fair-minded, and mutually cooperative for one more week. But Venus is burdened with the muchness of Capricorn's ambitions. A slight depression has set in. Mars is happier, feeling useful and industrious in Virgo.

The best day for communications is Wednesday, December 14, 2011.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Uranus’ lightening bolts are aimed at your self concept. Since he’s all about freedom from the old, Uranus wants you to define yourself in you own terms, especially in the area of ambition and career. Your mind is like a hummingbird, apparently absorbed only in feeding youself, when in reality you are pollinating so many other minds with your happy philosophy of life.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The revolutionary changes all around you are also happening within you. Uranus’ lightening bolts are happening for you in the 12th house of letting go. Sudden events occur that encourage you to let go of a fixed belief that keeps you from having more compassion for yourself. You feel a burst of pride in your home from today’s Leo Moon, suggesting you have a holiday gathering to show it off.

Gemini (May 21-June 2
The Leo Moon is adding creativity to your favorite house, the dwelling place of busy communications. Your words have additional passion and power today. If you need to get your point across to someone, now is the time. Venus is gracefully changing the lighting on your self-concept, helping you feel beautiful and adding charm to your actions. Note: Venus does not like to be argued with on this point. Accept it.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Your resources, both talents and possessions, have your attention today. You may rightfully take pride in something you've recently pulled together. Venus is in your house of marriage and partnerships, sweetening your friendships and adding some sociability--great day for hanging out with people you love.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Venus is gracing your house of work and service to others. You bring an ease and creativity to even the most mundane tasks today. Mars is adding punch to your financial decisions, ensuring accurate and precise calculations. Take time to pay attention to your softer needs, and do something nurturing for yourself. You might prefer some time alone, perhaps even retreat to a hilltop to lift your perspective.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Venus is gracing your house of creativity and romance, one of her favorite places to be. Plus, Mars is still in Virgo giving you lots of energy for self-care and distinguishing yourself. This combo puts you in a place of grace and ease, but with an edge of high energy. The Leo Moon in your house of empathy gives your will power a compassionate twist. Action without egotism.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Mars the mighty warrior is stirring up compassion and cutting the ties to your past. And Venus is helping the process by focusing on the beauty of the self, the life, you’ve created. The arena of partnerships may have some sudden changes, unexpected appearances and disappearances, even some goodbyes. It is just making space for something new to enter. You are surrounded by loving friends, and you feel lucky to have so much love to give.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You’re feeling quite ambitious today, in a big-hearted way. The goddess of love is lending grace to your speech and to your communications in general, although your messages have a depth and intensity to them. Mercury going forward finds you with a lot unsaid. Mars is energizing your house of friends with loyalty and perseverance. You can count on your friends.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Venus is gracing you with a fair-handed management of your resources--things you collect. The goddess of love has her hand in more things than romance. She is wild about art and absolutely insists on beauty. These things all take money, and in this she is wealthy. Your talents are golden right now. The Leo Moon puts you on stage with a beautiful flare for drama.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
As the communications pipeline opens up today, it may flush out a secret or two. This will help you let go and clear the way for plans you’ve been working on. The goddess of love is in your sign for another week, encouraging your happy outlook on life and to shine with the beauty of who you are.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
The Moon, fiery and romantic, is in your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. You’re feeling your connections to those you love very deeply. The goddess of love has been working behind the scenes, fishing out any barriers to love that you may carry from your past. Your compassion is stronger. Now you readiness for intimacy is equal to the unconditional way in which you love.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
You’ve had a lot of activity in the area of your partnerships, firming up some bonds and commitments. As the messenger planet has gone into forward gear, it’s added fuel to your ambitions and generated talk and thought about your career. Don’t let the surprises of Uranus’ lightening bolts spook you. Sometimes things change by fire, but most of the time by the slowly growing blade of grass. Your life can transform through your friends.

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