Friday, December 9, 2011


We wake to a hushed moment of perfect synergy, as the Earth sits between Sun and Moon. The momentary stillness of this Lunar Eclipse* has us in between breaths--the pause between the exhale and the inhale, when we rest from our comings and goings, and can experience a communion with the universe.

The spheres are singing, Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aries (March 20-April 19)
At this morning's sunrise, you have a timeless moment to synchronize your intentions with the universe. Use your sharper-than-usual mind to focus on your goals and visualize your heart’s desire. Today’s Full Moon is an opportunity to “act as if” those things you hope for are occurring right now. This evening brings a balance between optimism and realism. All systems are go.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The forces that threw open the Bastille doors are awake again after a 5 month slumber. Sudden changes the free you from something restrictive are coming. The mercurial fancy of today’s Gemini Full Moon is not particularly your cup of tea, but it can stimulate some new ways to communicate. Perhaps writing your message in the sand, taking a photo, and sending it to all your friends. What would you want to say in a few short words?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
It’s your day to shine. That flashy, mercurial quick-wittedness has never been sharper. There’s no question that today you’ll be excited about life in all it’s technicolor glory. To celebrate the Lunar Eclipse in your sign, the god of lightening decided to turn face forward again, after a 5 month sojourn behind the clouds of doubt and uncertainly. Changes come more quickly now. You're ready.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
The Moonset this morning at 7:18 is a particularly important time for you to open up new possibilities. Even if you sleep through most of it, your dreamlife will register the opportunity, so it's always available in your daydreams. Stop to meditate today at the beach, or by a lake. Your mind is given to some sober reflection. By this evening, you’re in a mood to organize your home, including finances. You feel in balance--not too conservative and not too liberal. Just right.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Key word for you today is resourceful. The powerful inspirations coming through this morning’s Gemini Full Moon can give you some new ideas for balancing the sometimes conflicting demands of work and home life. It’s the perfect day to talk it through if there’s tension in thsi area. That old devil, Stern Saturn, is actually helpful right now--his vibe is about using the wisdom of your maturity to disengage from the Chinese Handcuffs.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
There’s so much energy with the morning’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that some tension hangs in the air. You may feel pulled between your responsibilities at work and your duties at home. Creative compromise is your best resolution. In fact, Stern Saturn has a helpful hand to play on your behalf. He’s offering a pragmatic approach to organizing your life that does not involve sacrificing your needs.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Wow is the watch word for you today. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is in your compatible sign, Gemini, stimulating your mental activity and all communications. Don’t worry that your inbox is loaded. This evening you get extra help from a usually unhelpful fella, Serious Saturn. You have the opportunity to find an equilibrium (yes, one of your favorite things!) between the demands of your work and the sanctity of your home. Your home is your sanctuary.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Your talent for seeing through the shadows, and bringing a light into the darkness, is enhanced during today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. That brief interruption in the busyness of the world opens the deep channel into the unconscious mind where you naturally travel. There’s a shape-shifting, and changes are easily made. The god of lightening and sudden release, Uranus, has been in reverse since July 9th, but he turns direct, in forward gear, today. Free yourself from anything that holds you prisoner.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
It’s 76 trombones marching to your rhythm and playing your tune! What a day for a daydream to come true. The Sagittarius Sun is in perfect alignment with the Gemini Moon (Lunar Eclipse), and a pipeline opens. It’s a cornucopia of resources that you don’t want to miss. At the same time, the usually-wet-blanket Saturn is being harmoniously helpful. He’s offering a time of equilibrium. Any stressor in which you’ve felt pulled in two directions at once, is gone. Work and home are in sync. Relax.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is zapping your higher mind with thoughts of a new philosophy--another way of looking at your current situation. Take advantage of this resourceful zone to set your intentions for how you want your life to be, rather than how it has been handed to you. Just before midnight, your ruling planet and muse, Serious Saturn, offers you a lovely time of equilibrium. You can tap into the wisdom of your maturity, and create a perfect balance between high hopes and depressive fears--an optimistic reality. All systems are go now that the god of lightening has turned direct, after 5 months in reverse gear. You can now see your life running smoothly.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Today you get the “all clear” for moving ahead with projects on your planning board. Uranus, your ruling planet, has ended his introverted phase, which began July 9th. Anything that has felt stymied or restrictive during that time will now begin to free up--including your thoughts. Use today’s Full Moon in your harmonic sign, Gemini, to inspire yourself!

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
A day to dance wildly across the stage of your wonderful life! You are in tune with the unconscious forces unleashed with today’s Lunar Eclipse, putting you in the right frame of mind to harness it’s mercurial resourcefulness. Finally your chameleon ability pays off in concrete gains. Going with the flow of change also readies you for the lightening quick events Uranus has been holding in store for you since July 9th. Tonight you can settle down to organize and put your life in equilibrium. Neither too fast, nor too slow. Just clearly winning the race.

*The total Lunar Eclipse occurs at the full Moon in Gemini, 6:36 AM, PST. The maximum eclipse can be seen at Moonset, 7:18 AM, PST. Sunrise is 7:14 AM and Sunset 4:51PM.

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