Sunday, October 2, 2011

Neptune teaches the fine art of "woodeling"

Get out your pens and paints for a stimulating right brain adventure. This week ushers in a dreamy combo of creativity--woolgathering and doodling--when the Moon slides into the high, cool air of humanitarian Aquarius early Thursday morning.

This Moon carries hints of the dawning Age of Aquarius (that's right, it hasn't happened yet!) as she moves into a union of sensitivity with Neptune on Friday, October 7th, and harmonizes with Venus for the sweetest, dreamy TGIF in recent history.

The Moon & Neptune, together in Aquarius, set off a domino chain of creative thinking that will stimulate all those planets now lined-up in Libra: Neptune will inspire the imagination of Mercury on October 11th; then turn your head toward the spiritual plane when Neptune mystifies the Sun on October 22nd; and last, but most importantly, Neptune will team with Saturn throughout the month of January, 2012, to bring us a balance between our ideals and the realities of life.

The heavenly design of Neptune's last days in Aquarius prepares us for "peace will guide the planet," before Neptune moves to Pisces on February 4, 2012. Neptune's last journey through peaceful, compassionate Pisces began December, 1848--notably the end of our war with Mexico, and the springtime of the European revolutionary wave that collapsed traditional authorities.

Our new millennium opened with both Neptune (dreams and collective visions) and Uranus (rules technology) in Aquarius. For the initiating first decade of this century we've been riding the rapids on the information highways of technology, rushing toward 2012, which is the interface between the passing Age of Pisces to the coming Age of Aquarius. The transition holds a challenge for our compassionate hearts to embrace the age of Avatars. Can we take the Piscean God without, and see that Light is within us all?

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