Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs left us on a beam of Light

Because I was delayed at the John Wayne airport last night, I had an opportunity to witness a passing phenomenon of our times. A stream of awe-struck travelers paused by a TV monitor that was perched over a "2 for $20" teeshirt display. The news of Steve Job's death was being broadcast, ticker-tape style across the bottom of the screen, as clips of his Apple presentations were being shown.

There was an immediate reverence about our watching.

I had just recovered my Apple laptop from the parade of white plastic bins at security check-in, so I decided to stop and look up Steve's birthdate for the astrological indicators of his death. Amazingly, I did not find malevolent indicators, but instead I saw the goddess of Love, Venus, had "triggered" a harmonic cluster of Steve's stars lead by the visionary dreamer, Neptune.

Steve left his body on a soul-union ray of inspired spiritual light. I feel certain that Steve was surrounded by those who loved him, and that the moment of his passing was a spiritual experience they will never forget. It was in his stars.

Piscean Steve Jobs embodied the humanitarian Aquarian Age ideal of helping to connect millions of us in an instantaneous network. Here I sit, in my home, on my Mac, sharing my thoughts effortlessly with you throughout our global community, as we think together, "thank you Steve."

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