Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fire on the mountain, lightening in the air

Today began with the dignified Moon in Capricorn joining the lord of the underworld, Pluto, for some intense sharing. Matters of ultimate concern, birth and death, were felt deeply, as this serious Moon/Pluto pairing triggered a tense, unexpected awakening from rebellious Uranus. Take notes on what was triggered in you today. It's a precursor of the transformations to come.

2012 will usher in the Aquarian Age that has been dawning on us since the '60's free speech, free love, sit-ins, and marches for liberating causes. During the '60's the Uranus energy of rebellion and revolution was conjunct Pluto, the energy of transformation through death and rebirth (August 9, 1962 through September 28, 1968, in Virgo). Their energies combined to create a powerful surge of revolutionary transformations--or at least the desire for them.

Uranus was breaking open whatever seemed to restrict and hold us back, while Pluto pulled us into his dark cocoon for a bit of metamorphosis. Just doing their jobs. This energy played out in the '60's as wild and desperate attempts to liberate ourselves (Uranus) danced against the deadly backdrop of the Vietnam war (Pluto).

Now, since Uranus entered Aries on March 11th, we have this dynamic duo again, only this time Uranus and Pluto are squared-off in a tense conflict. Lightening bolts aimed at the underworld. Fire on the mountain, lightening in the air. Are we seeing molten lava surfacing, after years of pressure? Erupting rebelliously without plan or direction? Or could this be the sign we've been waiting for--a fire signaling the whereabouts of our tribe?

Halloween helps us blow off some steam. It's quite rightly a Scorpio holiday, celebrating the freeing of life from its' underworld grave. What has been deadening your life and wants to be freed? An unconscious belief perhaps that haunts your days?

Fun relief from heavy issues can be had on Thursday, November 3rd, when Mercury and Venus move into Sagittarius together. Time for a horseback ride by the ocean, saddlebags loaded with love letters, and a lavish picnic spread on colorful quilts at sunset. Venus and Mars are in fire signs again for the next 7 days. Free your passion, creativity and sense of adventure. Be a tourist vacationing in your life.

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