Saturday, September 24, 2011

Uranus breaks the chains that bind you

The New Moon in Libra occurs in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, September 27th; 4:10 a.m., PDT. There's a Moneyball opportunity knocking at your door. And Uranus says, "Wake up!"

Mercury, Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn are lined up in Libra, tipping the astrological scales to our need for companionship, justice and fair play. Libra wants artful relationships, colorfully wrapped by Venus. This intellectual sign studies human relationships, always with an eye to the balance of yin and yang--within and without.

Right now, approaching this New Moon, Uranus pitches a hard ball of fire, challenging you to stand and deliver. These lightening bolts are sudden, unexpected, and not altogether pleasant, but designed to free every prisoner or hostage, both inner and outer. Want a sneak peek at his play book?

The first strike is to Messenger Mercury, challenging your flexibility and quickening your response time. If you resist the new ideas being offered, you'll end up a sizzling mass of nerves!

Lightening bolts to the Sun blast you out of a comfort zone and force you to stand up for yourself. Remember this is in Libra, so changes are to your relationships. For example, where have you been overly-accommodating in order to keep the peace?

Lightening striking the Moon breaks childhood patterns affecting the way in which you are "at home" in the world. Freedom from should's and ought-to's are the goal. In Libra this has to do with facing your partner as a equal.

Venus is traveling side by side with Stern Saturn, so these Uranus strikes hit them in tandem. Guaranteed to break an old pattern in the structure of your relationships. Changes will come to you through those you love. Either you or your loved one will be stirred by a restlessness designed to break open the tensions that have been held below the surface. Freeing yourself to be more genuine and open with others will allow for more intimacy--your real desire. Love.

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