Sunday, September 4, 2011

Have you found your gifts from Jupiter?

Generous Jupiter in Taurus has been gently laying beautiful, valuable gifts at your feet since June 4th, 2011. But this gentle giant offers opportunities softly, take-it-or-leave-it. Believing in a universe of unlimited abundance, he's pretty relaxed about the whole thing, even when you miss a few. Jupiter's gifts, however miraculous, are wasted unless you pick them up, carefully unwrap them, and put practical feet on those bountiful blessings.

Luckily, Jupiter has turned around (retrograde) to retrace his steps, all the way back to his entrance into Taurus on June 4th. He's shining his light on the treasures along the path and adding to their store. This is another chance (isn't that just like Jovial Jupiter?) to make good on those opportunities--even discover the ones you might have missed.

Hint: Jupiter always wraps his gifts in synchronicity.

Look back through your journal, morning pages, or datebook and make a list (Sun and Venus are still in list-loving Virgo so this will be easy!). Review June 4th through August 30th. What new idea needs a second look? Which serendipitous event requires more attention? Was there a fortunate meeting that could open up a new frontier? You have from now until December 25th to cultivate those opportunities. Then Jupiter will do an about face-to-the-world, multiply all the good stuff x 10, and spin them on the wheel of fortune to wherever they are needed. (Isn't that just like Jupiter to pick Christmas Day to show off!)

On Monday, September 5th, the Moon in Capricorn, side by side with transforming Pluto, smiles winningly at Jupiter, and we'll all feel a sense of well-being. This is followed on Wednesday with the Moon's rich, earthy good times with Venus in Virgo. Venus and Mars in Cancer are hand-and-glove cooperative this week. Our minds are sharpened on Thursday when Mercury, the messenger planet, settles into his home sign of Virgo. A perfect time to get grounded and clear-headed. Some much needed sanity as we approach the anniversary of 9/11 and the Pisces Full Moon on 9/12--stay tuned.

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