Saturday, September 10, 2011

The call from Pluto is to transform, not destroy

When does the call to transform our world degenerate into destroying it instead? On 9/11/01 the underworld god of transformation, Powerful Pluto, was in direct opposition to an old devil, Stern Saturn--the restrictive taskmaster for the structure of our world. At that time Pluto was in fiery Sagittarius and Saturn in an air sign--ivory tower Gemini.

When major planets like Pluto and Saturn are challenging each other to a show-down, it takes a "trigger" from a faster moving personal planet, to set it off. In the case of 9/11, it was the solar fire from the Virgo Sun in an unfortunate, tense square to both Pluto and Saturn. Instead of answering the World Trade call to re-structure and transform our world through international cooperation, an angry and powerful underworld tyrant hatched a secretive scorpion plan to destroy through hatred.

We remember 9/11 this year on the eve of the full Moon in Pisces--9/12/11 at 2:27 AM, PDT. This is energy for cooperative, compassionate work. Right now we have earthy Pluto in Capricorn, at odds with Uranus in fiery Aries, and the call is for revolutionizing the structure of our world, our lives, in order to free ourselves from tyrants. Instead we see rebellion and revolution in senseless wars for dominance, not freedom.

Mercury the Messenger, in the early days of his travels through Virgo, has stepped in as a "trigger" to complete an ambitious golden triangle with Jovial Jupiter and Powerful Pluto. Mercury opens up the dialogue, gets Pluto to reveal his secrets, and nudges Jovial Jupiter to take the discussion a little more seriously. This turns on the green light for success and tremendous gains in personal wealth, right at the culminating point of this full Moon. Talk about it. Put your cards on the table. Free yourself from an inner tyrant.

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