Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hit a Celestial Grand Slam

The bases are loaded with harmonious stars! Jovial Jupiter in Taurus is on 3rd, Powerful Pluto in Capricorn on 2nd, Mighty Mars in Virgo on 1st, and the efficient Virgo Moon at bat.

This harmonic triangle of earth-sign players gives us a wonderful sense of all’s-right-with-the-world. A warm, friendly glow radiates from our Jovial Jupiter-filled heart. It’s like being a happy, satisfied version of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree.

It’s easy to make changes and exert your power where it will do the most good. Things just seem to flow in the direction you want.

Here’s where intentions come into play. Will you bunt? Hit a high fly ball into center field? Knock it over the fence?

A bigger, even sweeter, version of today’s grand trine is coming March 14th. Are we giving a new and happier definition to the Ides of March? The fall of dictators?

The Force of intentions is with you.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Head’s up! We are in the power curve heading to tomorrow’s full Moon in Virgo at 1:41 AM, PST.

Aries (March 20-April 19)
The batter is up in your 6th house of work and service. The Virgo Moon triggers a rare opportunity for you to hit a home run by putting your need for emotional contact ahead of the necessities of life. Put your true feelings on the line, not the version you think would be acceptable to others. Actualizing the power of this grand trine means freeing the energies you repressed in the name of getting the job done. Jovial Jupiter’s blessings are coming to your through your 2nd house of resources. Jupiter's expansive energies are facilitating the changes you are making--namely, to get more of what you value. Money and wealth, ideas and discoveries, possessions of all kinds. And remember, you are doing this with hot-wired brains!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Before you step up to the plate, you call for a huddle. The Virgo Moon is coaching you to be more emotionally involved in your relationships. No more sidelines. Jovial Jupiter is helping you out with a new growth cycle in your life. You’ll no longer feel the need to hide--your Self or your talents. Take you Light out from under the bushel! Today you are incredibly generous-hearted and happy to be of service.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You are poised to hit a grand slam, but first you need a moment to go inside yourself and recite your mantra--as within so without. Jovial Jupiter is helping your expand the spiritual dimensions of your life. You won’t encounter the usual fear and resistance to look within. You hear the demands of ego, but you’re focus is empathy for the suffering you see. Your third eye sees the ball go over the fence! Then you swing.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You’re lines of communication are very tuned into your self. You trust your gut instincts to know when to swing the bat, when to let it pass. You don’t want to spook yourself, but your head is stuck reciting old batting averages. Jovial Jupiter comes to your rescue through your 11th house of friends: your teammates rush you and carry you on their shoulders to home plate! They dust you off and hand you your favorite bat. They “get” you. You get that you shouldn’t go it alone.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
When you’re ready to step to the plate, the Virgo Moon signals that you must disengage from attachments and over-identification to old values. You can’t run the bases lugging that portrait of Grandpa Bernie! Jupiter is adding the good fortune of career achievements, public recognition for your work. Your fans will cheer you on. Don’t forget, you’re still hot-wired for mental activity until March 23rd, when you get a 16-day cooling off period, and then it’s on again in full force.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Who’s on first? Mars and the Moon are in your sign, so if you can harness all this aggressive energy you’re guaranteed a home run--once you decide where and when to hit. Your emotional sensors are on high alert, you see every move. Jovial Jupiter is helping you make needed changes by expanding your perspective of your life. This week in particular, your horizons will broaden.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You’re hanging back in the locker room, not really able to trust yourself to go out there--holding back what you really feel. Maybe expecting rotten tomatoes. But Jovial Jupiter is ready to help you. In walks #99 and offers to let you wear his lucky shirt. You both decide to pool your money and buy a better bat. Confidence grows. You head for home plate hand-in-hand. The Lights are so bright you can’t see ahead, but then you don’t have to. Your friend knows the way by heart, you just follow his footprints.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Your best friend bought box seats close enough that you can hear her cheer loudly every time you’re up at bat. You feel protected and protective. Jovial Jupiter is showing you aspects of yourself through your intimate close partnerships. People who help you out in some way just happen to come along. Mutual respect is your calling card. When the Virgo Moon joins Mars at 3:30 PM, PST, you get a booster shot of energy--no need to curb your enthusiasm!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
As you pick up the bat, the Virgo Moon whispers in your ear: “Your undies are showing but don’t let that stop you!” Leave your secrets in the dug out and show yourself. Jovial Jupiter is helping you make changes by offering job opportunities, personal growth experiences, and plenty of vitality to take hold.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You’re reluctant to step to the plate because your plane leaves for Tahiti very soon. You have a restless urge to get away, but you want to keep your position on the team. Jovial Jupiter is helping you out by expanding your courage to be yourself. You’re headed to a truly authentic relationship with someone in which you express yourself--no apologies.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
You come running out of the dug out wearing your authentic Mickey Mantle hat. A crazy fan, perhaps jealous, knocks it off and you’re in a confrontation. It’s intense. Clock is ticking. Do you leave the hat and take your turn at bat? In comes Jovial Jupiter to help you out. He reminds you that it’s your turn to put down roots, to feel secure and serene. To find peace in belonging to your team, your tribe. You step up to home plate and hit a beautiful high fly ball for your team.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
As you grab your bat and head to home plate, you scan the stands to see the faces of your partner, your family, your close friends. All smiling at you. You wouldn’t want to go on without them. Jovial Jupiter is blessing all your communications and expanding the benefits you gain from being with your relatives, increasing your contact. You may also increase your travel, in both inner and out worlds. Your future is broadened, your mind expanded. You might very well hit the ball all the way to China!

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