Monday, March 19, 2012

Dreams, hopes, and wishes set the stage for Spring

Serious Saturn brings a common sense, sober mood to the Aquarius Moon, stabilizing our feelings as we start Monday morning. We’ll need this grounding when the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Dreamy sensitive feelings replace cool-headed intellect.

What does it feel like to be a poetic Pisces Moon?

I am the hole in the flute through which Christ’s breath flows. Eckhart Tolle

The Pisces Moon floats into the seas of visionary Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT, and we can use the power of imagination to manifest our dreams. Compassion sets the stage as the Aries Sun ushers in the Spring at 10:15 PM, PDT.

The Force of poetry is with you.
Monday, March 19, 2012

Aries (March 20-April 19)
There is a balanced, secure feeling about the affairs of your life when your day starts under the Aquarius Moon’s conservative side. Later, around 5:05 PM, PDT, the Moon shifts into sensitive Pisces. You may not be consciously aware that you’ve become a psychic-sponge, so you’ll just have a vague sense of feeling vulnerable (you may be exempt since you’re my wonderfully extraordinary reader!). And feeling vulnerable, you’ll be tempted to withdraw to protect your feelings. Don’t. You’re opening up your mind to your hopes, dreams and wishes as the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Spring begins on this spiritual high note.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You start your Monday morning with a sober attitude courtesy of the Aquarius Moon aligned with conservative Saturn. If you have something stressful to deal with, this stardust sprinkles patience and perseverance on you. Things get lighter for you when the Moon shifts to Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Under this light you have such a super-sensitive big heart that you feel what others have in their heart. You know you are connected. You get a certain sense of this spiritual level of being when The Pisces Moon floats on the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Spiritual empathy for all.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your emotions are balanced and under control as you start your Monday morning. Then the Moon sails into sensitive Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Musical and artistic inspiration is falling from the sky right into your lap. Do pick it up. No matter what imaginative gifts come your way today, you decide how they will be used. Some help for doing this in a way that benefits you most comes with the Pisces Moon floating into the seas of spiritual Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Imagine your heart's desire.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
You'll feel like you've come down to earth and live fully in your body once again when the Aquarius Moon gives way to Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. The imaginative energy is inspiring. But you are feeling the vibes all around you, as though your environment is seeping in by osmosis. The pull of the Pisces energy leaves you very impressionable, and you must decide on the impressions you would keep. You’ll get some beautiful spiritual help doing that when the Pisces Moon floats on the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Sweet Springtime dreams.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
If you have something stressful to deal with, this morning's stardust sprinkles patience and perseverance on the problem. Then the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT, and sensitive feelings replace cool-headed intellect. The Pisces Moon is a poet, playing the flute and feeling each note vibrate through her. These vibes may have been Longfellow’s inspiration when he wrote, “For his heart was in his work, and the heart giveth grace unto every art.” Try your own hand at poetry when the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT, and your imagination takes on a spiritual dimension. Take your happiest dream into your heart just before sleep. It will be a new Spring when you wake.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You start your day with the stardust of common sense, and the ability to draw from those life experiences that taught you to trust your intuition, your inner guidance. Then the mood softens into the Pisces Moon around 5:00 PM, PDT. Talk about eyes in the back of you head! The Pisces Moon is like a very sensitive mother, effortlessly reading the minds of her children. Pay attention to what you know, even though there’s no rational explanation for how you know it. Your feelings are lifted to a spiritual plane when the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You start your Monday morning with your emotions in a satisfying equilibrium. The airy Aquarius Moon is going steady with Sensible Saturn in Libra at 1:31 PM, PDT. Then the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT, and stardust falls on you as kindness and sympathy. Use it for yourself, then others. You take in the healing breath in before you can help your neighbor breathe. The empathy this Pisces Moon inspires is doubled when the she floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. What will you dream of to start your Springtime?

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
It's a sensible morning and your feelings are balanced. Then the Moon sails into sensitive Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. The Pisces Moon is known as the psychic-sponge. At this time you will soak up the vibes around you, so you must stay aware of your surroundings. Especially when the this Moon comes to rest on the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Add your Scorpio depth and intensity to this dreams and imagination Moon and you lay the seeds to manifest your destiny.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
A grounding dose of common sense helps balance your emotions today when the Aquarius Moon leans on the shoulders of Sensible Saturn. Then the mood turns soft and dreamy when the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Being a psychic sponge means you’re picking up the vibes around you, even though you’re not consciously aware of it. It’s like wearing clean, white clothes when you walk into a coal mine--stuff gets all over you! Careful what you allow into your imagination. You’ll get a spiritual lens to see through when the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Imagine, just before sleep, what it would feel like if your dreams came true.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
The Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Be very choosy about where and with whom you hang out today. You’ll be more than a little affected by their energy, soaking it up whether you know it or not. You need to choose a filter. Let in only what serves your heart’s desires. The perfect help arrives at 8:17 PM, PDT, when the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of spiritual Neptune. Let yourself imagine, just before sleep, what it would be like to feel only love. Plant this in your heart for Spring.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Your Monday morning starts with a sober and realistic way of looking at life. The Moon, still in your sign, is harmoniously in balance with conservative Saturn in Libra at 1:31 PM, PDT. Then the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT, and people and places make a big impression on you. You’re soaking up the atmosphere around you, negative or positive. You can use your keen antennae to pick up spiritual signals when the Pisces Moon melts into the spiritual seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT. Dream a little dream of Spring.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
A somewhat somber but sober mood starts your Monday morning courtesy of Sensible Saturn aligned with the Aquarius Moon. Feelings shift dramatically for you when the Moon sails into Pisces at 5:05 PM, PDT. Your imagination, already on high alert, is very vivid and colorfully poetic. Whatever form your artistic talent takes, you’re inspired to express it more deeply. Then you get an added bonus when the Pisces Moon floats into the seas of Neptune at 8:17 PM, PDT, and you can envision what you want your life to be. Plant this intention in your heart before sleep, and you wake to a new Spring.

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