Monday, March 9, 2015

Rebellious Uranus loosens the chains that bind us to time

After his arrest for leading a peaceful protest march, 34 year old Martin Luther King Jr. spoke from the Birmingham jail on April 12th, 1963. These words would grow into a monumental voice for freedom, a 100 year old echo of the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation:

“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

August 28th, 1963, King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Three months later, November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated at age 46. At age 39, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, 2 months before Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

During the rebellious ‘60’s we tried to change the outer world, to demand that we be set free from restrictions of cultural prejudices and unjust laws. Now we are revisiting the same urges for freedom, only this time we know we are our own jailers.

“you know, we spend so much of our lives not saying the things we want to say, the things we should say. We speak in code, and we send little messages, like Origami. So now, plainly simply, I want to say that I love you very much.” [Michael] Prison Break

The Force of forgiving and forgetting is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of February 7th - 14th, 2015:

ARIES  ☀  (March 21-April 19)
And you probably thought you were busy last week! Grab a grounding rod - you’re really gonna need it to head off restlessness, from too much muchiness, and take advantage of the volcanic energy surging through your 5th house of romance and creativity. This Monday, March 9th, another lightning bolt (the last one was 3/2) of surprise opportunity shoots through your house of career, expanding your self concept and lifting your horizons beyond what you thought you were capable of doing. All you have to do is three simple, but not easy, things: take the reins on your powerful will; value your farsightedness; take your role as a wise leader in rehabilitating the world. Oh, and Mental Mercury’s move into visionary Pisces this Thursday, adds one more challenge - Slow down long enough to dream. Write your own Declaration of Independence this Wednesday when you’ll want to kick down a wall. Thursday’s warmth and affection makes for good times with others. Spring planting of new ideas you’re gathering now, and new directions for your life, will come at the Aries New Moon on April 18th. Gear up.
“I am not chasing a dream.
I’m chasing a reality,
disguised as a dream.” Suli Breaks

TAURUS ☀  (April 20-May 20)
Even if there have been moments of uncertainty, the brightening of the light by Mars and Jupiter on Monday restores hope. Hang on, your mental processes are going to calm down beginning this Thursday, March 12th, when Messenger Mercury falls out of the impractical ivory tower of Aquarius and dives into the intuitive waters of Pisces. For the next 18 days you can connect the dots between your head and your heart, which have been a bit out of sync. Between now and March 30th, your thoughts are inspired by your spiritual beliefs. It might seem harsh that the cosmos has been pushing you out of your comfort zone, but it’s meant to shift your reliance from the proverbial “resting on your laurels,” to tap into your enormous creativity. You’re fabulous when it comes to appreciating the arts of others, but what about your own? Your prison break comes through your 9th house of the higher mind. Why would anyone want to break out of there? Because in some way you’ve not let your free flag fly--you have a revolutionary goddess locked in there who is constrained by one or more overbearing religious beliefs, probably unexamined since childhood. Have you fully owned your capacity for spiritual leadership? Really stepped to the plate?
“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” George Orwell

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
Don’t expect a slowdown in the wondrous liftoffs and surprising opportunities that are rolling your way. Oh, no. This week, particularly on Monday and Wednesday, Generous Jupiter gives you another shot in the arm of ardent enthusiasm for life. You’re looking for just the right outlet, just the right recipients for your desire to be of service to those less fortunate. It’s as if you’ve found your zeal, and you’re ready to crusade. You’re going get the microphone passed to you, so be ready to say it out loud. This Thursday you’ll feel a dramatic shift in the way you think, from a zillion great ideas to a one-pointed focus on the dream you have for your career, and the wise leadership you now can offer. Do you need to break out of a prison? With the lord of the underworld stirring transformations in your 8th house of death and rebirth, you have the challenge and the means to release yourself from the restrictions of a physical body. To know yourself as a magnificent immortal spirit, you need only loosen the chains of time through forgiveness of the past.
“Each hour do I pause to forgive myself and the happenings of the hour before...Thus are the chains of time unloosened. I let no one hour cast its shadow on the one that follows.” A Course In Miracles

CANCER     (June 22-July 22)
Your mind has been in overload with some very heady thinking since January 4th. That changes for the better this Thursday, March 12th, when Messenger Mercury puts you in an 18 day daydream. What you can envision with your mind in the relaxed peaceful depths of poetic Pisces, will take form. You only need to gather your restless energy as mental fuel for your higher mind, for a spiritual perspective. Is there a prison break in your future? Notice the intensity of your relationships - are you held captive in some way by a powerful partner, or by the ghost of a domineering parent? If so, let yourself be irate about the injustice of it all (you’re very good at this). You have profound intuition right now that lets you understand the underlying psychology of other people’s motives. Quite a gift. Use it. Monday and Wednesday provide a window of opportunity in your house of career, and a gift of resources or money. Use it to gear up for the powerful total solar eclipse in Pisces that is coming March 20th. It’s a New Moon that puts you in the middle of the busy marketplace of life, and asks you to make sure you’ve got your eye on the red thread of your destiny.
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” John F. Kennedy

LEO ☀  (July 23-August 22)
Unlike many artists, you are destined to persist through opposition without throwing your goals overboard. But, you need a prison break from tiring, uncooperative and overbearing attitudes - probably coming from a boss or co-worker, although some self-examination might be indicated too. Look to your work, and your health, where you have the opportunity right now to wield enormous power through the active use of positive thinking. For example, “the courage of my lioness willpower, and the strength of my desire, are an unstoppable pair.” It’s simply true. You’ll get subtle hints from your unconscious mind beginning this Friday when Mental Mercury shifts your thoughts out of your head and into your dreams. For the next 18 days, your desires are burning through conscious resistance. Remember, the big powerful lion journeyed to Oz to ask for courage, not realizing he already had it. You’ll just blow them out of the water with your apparently dumb luck this Monday and Wednesday. Put some milk and cookies on the hearth for Santa, even though it’s March, because you’re getting a visit from Generous Jupiter.
“Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor E. Frankl

VIRGO ☀  (August 23-September 22)
There’s fire in your 8th house of death, rebirth. Although this could indicate an inheritance or anger with the IRS, it’s certain that where there’s a fire there’s also transformation. Like the flight of the phoenix, you have an urge to burn the old nest, with you in it, in order to be reborn as a glorious and powerful firebird. You are called to embody the spontaneous creativity of a child, to experience love intensely, and to express your true Self through a profound work of art. Your Get Out of Jail Free card? With the 7th and final revolutionary crossroads coming next week (March 16th), now is the time to break out of the childhood fear of being dominated. You can do this by reexamining your own use or abuse of your personal power as an adult, and then admitting your powerlessness over other people, places and things. This will free you. Beginning this Thursday night, March 12th, and for the next 18 days, you are called to dream, dream, dream. Whether you’re asleep or awake, your unconscious mind is talking out loud. Whatever you envision, with dedicated intention through prayer and meditation, you can manifest. Watch Monday and Wednesday for that lucky break.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the the content of their character.” Martin Luther King

LIBRA ☀  (September 23-October 22)
The Moon is in your sign as we start this liberating week. Sunday is not just good hair day--the beauty of your soul shines through any potential dark cloud. Your muse, the goddess Venus, is in your house of partnerships, in a fiery stellar lineup of Just Do It energy. Rarely have you had such help from friends, such support from a group, as you do this week. You’re in a cauldron of creativity in your relationships, and if you choose to dedicate them to the purpose of unconditional love, that alchemy brings you a heart of gold. You’re breaking out of a prison of childhood conditioning inherited from your home and family. Time to loosens those chains by complete forgiveness of the past. Afterall, do you really know what happened? Put a star on your calendar for April 4th when there will be a very potent Full Moon, total Lunar Eclipse, in Libra that will bring a culmination to much of this. As the Moon moves through the Earth’s shadow, a window of suspended activity allows you to reset, drop the childhood baggage, and turn your energy toward a future freed from the past.  
“Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.” Vernon Howard

SCORPIO ☀   (October 23-November 21)
Another powerful shot of enthusiasm hits your house of career and wise leadership this Monday, March 9th, expanding on the opportunities you received March 3rd. You can take full advantage of it by using the powerful intuition you have with the Moon in your sign Tuesday and Wednesday. Your jailbreak needs to happen in your 3rd house of communications, where you’re called to something like the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Which means that in the past, as an effort to curtail the forcefulness behind your strong opinions, you’ve often refrained from expressing your true thoughts at all. Now’s the time to grab your lantern and cut loose! The Scorpio Full Moon on May 3rd will be a culminating time when you can stop and take stock of all the deeply meaningful changes occurring throughout the months of March and April. Meanwhile, reach out and touch someone with the truth of who you truly are.
“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who only dream at night.” Edgar Allen Poe

SAGITTARIUS ☀   (November 22-December 21)
Buy a lottery ticket. Three major planets in fiery Aries - the goddess of love, the god of lightning, and warrior Mars - are handing out winning lottery tickets from Generous Jupiter this Monday. And all this good fortune pays your tuition for your advanced degree in the science of Mind Melding. You’re the perfect teacher for this truth, that our thoughts are things that can be read by other minds. Anything that feels restrained or restricted about the way you’re expressing yourself in this world will show up as restless energy, a nervous excitement that can fuel your jailbreak. Since December, 2008, you’ve had a growing resourcefulness for earning money, and the driving ambition that goes with it. Now you have a call to redefine what material resources, and the concept of ownership, mean to you. Wednesday afternoon the Moon jumps into Sagittarius for two days (til 13th at 11:39 PM, PDT) and your intuition turns into prophecy. Write what you see.
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.” Steve Jobs

CAPRICORN   ☀  (December 22-January 19)
You understand the profound dedication needed to answer a Call for freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Capricorn (January 15th) whose determination changed the lives of thousands. Right now you are called to break out of the prison of conforming to traditional conduct and outworn moral codes. Your freedom comes through shifting to a more compassionate perspective about yourself and about the profound effects of hardship and the scars left by struggling for survival in a competitive world. Here is where you can find true release, through complete forgiveness of yourself. Remember, you’re doing the work of the cocooned butterfly who must let the past go. This loosens the chains of time. For the 7th revolutionary revelation coming next week, you can realize a new way of being in the world. You’re offered new ways to “see” energy, which excites your creativity and ramps up your aptitude for advanced technologies. Friday night, March 13th, the Moon rolls into your sign for two days of calm reflection. Keep your eye on this prize: The total solar eclipse in Pisces coming March 20th will bring you the opportunity to experience the oneness of all life - that personal experience that all minds are joined.
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”  Steve Jobs

AQUARIUS   ☀   (January 20-February 18)
Monday March 9th starts your week with a lucky liaison and good news from someone you’re in partnership with. Your actions combine harmoniously with the generosity of your spirit. Warrior Mars in your house of communications insists that you assert yourself this Wednesday when an unexpected message arrives. Thursday night, March 12th, ends the extended stay Messenger Mercury has had in Aquarius (since January 4th). You’ve enjoyed a sharp clear mental focus, and now Mercury moves into the deeply visionary waters of Pisces and creates a fog bank in which logic is hard to come by. But dreams--ah, they’re the stuff of poetry and boundless imagination for the next 18 days. As the 7th and final revolutionary transformation comes next week, contents from your unconscious mind bubble up so that you can escape from a preoccupation with your own problems. Profound insights await you if you make a commitment to daily meditation. Start each day with complete forgiveness of your past and you enjoy a peace that surpasses logical understanding.
“It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams

PISCES  (February 19-March 20)
Mark your calendar now for the total Solar Eclipse in Pisces that’s coming March 20th. You’ve always been a good dreamer, and the power of your ability to visualize and manifest reality is going to be particularly keen as you move toward the 20th. If you can imagine it, you will manifest it. Planets are lining up in your sign to make a quantum leap in consciousness a strong possibility for you. It’s an immersion into the collective consciousness, but you will need to take care of your boundaries. You are operating like a psychic sponge, so meditation and focus are important grounding exercises. Messenger Mercury moves into your sign this Friday, March 13th, at 8:51 PM, PDT. For the next two weeks, through March 30th, your dreams are literally talking to you!
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” John F. Kennedy

P.S. Movies are archetypal expressions of our collective consciousness. Here’s Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, a brilliant re-do of the Odyssey:

“You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first... first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell...and, oh, so many startlements. I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the obstacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.”

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