Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mercury the sleuth in Scorpio

Messenger Mercury sojourns in the house of the sleuth, Scorpio, for the next nine weeks.
 This mercurial trickster transports souls from heaven to earth, to hell and back, excavating ideas from our buried desires.  In the sign of Scorpio, Mercury uncovers clues and operates in secret.  

Friday is a cliff hanger!  An edgy New Moon in Libra at 5:34 PM, PDT, gives us the wobbles!  The god of lightning shakes up your relationships by suddenly moving the ground beneath you.  You’re off balance just long enough to take a new stand.  

Stodgy Saturn makes Saturday a pressure cooker.  Your dreams of greater freedom suddenly seem too idealistic, and you restrict your desire to act on them.  Remember, freedom carries with it great responsibility, but it’s worth the effort.

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird; it would be a jolly sight harder to learn to fly while remaining an egg...we must hatch or go bad.”  C.S. Lewis
♡ Date Night:  Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo
The dark of the Libra New Moon Friday marks new beginnings in the way you relate to each other.  Restless, irritable and discontent, the latent rebel in you pops up.  The place where you need more freedom in the relationship will  become very itchy.  Suggest a change that allows for more open equality.  Eye to eye.  

The Force of investigation is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of September 29-October 5, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
A lot will be happening behind the scenes!  And underneath the microscope.  You are on the trail of profoundly important information, which is best kept under wraps while you formulate your strategy.  Yes, there’s mystery and intrigue, but you’ll get to the heart of the matter.  A powerful New Moon this Friday has you wanting to create some excitement at the same time you’re looking for safety and security.  Go with your intuition.
Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
Talking (a lot!) about partnerships has you burning up the lines of communication for the next nine weeks.  Mental Mercury in Scorpio gives your a sharp eye, and sharp tongue, for speaking the unvarnished truth.  Don’t worry, your logic is excellent and from October 21st to November 9th you’ll have the chance to rethink everything.  Final decisions should wait for the clarity you’ll have November 10th to December 4th. Careful about caring too much about what other people think, it’s deadening.  
Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
Mental Mercury, your muse, has moved into Scorpio’s house of sleuthing.  You have nine weeks ahead of keenly alert senses and intellectual prowess.  Just don’t let yourself be swayed by emotions.  Stay objective.  Put order in your environment and your health will improve.  It’s a fertile time under the Libra New Moon this Friday for finding your emotional balance with those you’re tied to by dependency.  

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Do the research then write your story.  For the next nine weeks your efforts to investigate what’s really going on will pay off.   You’re in a very creative period mentally.  The pieces of the plot just fall together because you can see the overall pattern that’s been operating.  The week is building toward Friday’s New Moon and you’ll find yourself uncharacteristically impatient.  You want and need a nest that’s comfortable and secure.

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
You’ll enjoy working at home and sharing intellectual pursuits with family members.  Messenger Mercury has moved into your living room, and his communication agenda is about family, real estate, environmental and ecological issues.  For the next nine weeks you’ll investigate and research these areas, but it’ll be behind closed doors where disagreements are worked out before you go public.  Edging up to Friday’s powerful New Moon, you find yourself daydreaming; imagining peace.  If you can see it, you can create it.

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
Superior intellectual reasoning and mental agility are your gifts from Mental Mercury as he takes up residence in Scorpio for the next nine weeks.  You may spend lots of time on the phone or writing, but you’re sure to come up with the practical solutions for yourself and many others.  The New Moon this Friday is a crossroads in the relationships that you depend on for stability.  Peace comes from surrendering your need for the “safety” of approval from others.

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
You’re in a great position mentally to make plans that produce concrete results, improved earning power, and money.  For the next nine weeks you are methodical and determined.  A bit of secret strategizing will minimize the obstacles you’d ordinarily face.  Your uplifting visions of hope are temporarily weighted down by a necessary look into the shadows on Tuesday.  It’s like shining your light on the imaginary boogie man who hides under the bed.  In reality, nothing is there!  The Libra New Moon will bring a tense opposition this Friday; a critical decision point.  If there’s a change that needs to be made, do it!  It’s inevitable!  Jump into the fire.  It transforms.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Your inquiring mind picks up a magnifying glass for a closer look at your environment.  Mental Mercury moves into your sign Sunday morning at 4:38 AM.  Your intuitive logic is powered up for some profound insights in the next nine weeks.  Nothing will escape your notice.  The New Moon Friday forces a decision.  Good relationships are two people walking side by side into the light.  Partners who remind each other of the peace found in offering love.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
Your mind will be preoccupied with memories that will surface over the next nine weeks, and help you realize the way in which your unconscious is influencing your habits.  With Messenger Mercury now in your house of compassion, dreams, and memories you will make decisions based on feelings rather than logic.  It’s right for you because you’re learning intuitively.  Your imagination brings you valuable ideas.  Do what you love and you’re affirming a life of plentiful good and joy in service to others.

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
Thoughts that have been swirling around your brain, and uncomfortably nebulous, settle into a sharp perceptiveness now.  For the next nine weeks, you’re keenly interested in exchanging ideas and you’ll benefit from the help of friends.  Your love of truth, originality in the way you think, and your objectively make for profound insights about the larger picture.  Shadows still haunt with images of the past, but by Wednesday you’re starting to see that it’s all in your perception.  Powerful Pluto still dogs your steps, demanding complete metamorphosis.  Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic simply won’t do it!  

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
Your mind is deliberate and fixed on planning for the future.  Your thoughts are exceptionally well organized for the next nine weeks.  Even so, if you find yourself in a circumstance in which you cannot speak your truth, you’d rather remain silent.  You’ll have lots of communications with people in power that will have a secretive edginess.  Your week builds toward the New Moon this Friday which puts you at the crossroads of deep emotional attachments formed in childhood, which now hold you back, and the call to move in a new direction in your relationships.  If the juice is gone, you haven’t been following your heart.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Your decisions are governed by high ethical and moral standards, and they have very practical feet.  For the next nine weeks you’re concerned about the evolution of people’s attitudes, and how that determines the facts they consider important.  You have your philosopher’s hat on, and you won’t mince words just to avoid conflict.  You pick up a harmonious spiritual vibe this Tuesday, and your right brain lights up with imagination. This weekend you’re loaded with psychic sensitivity that is picking up unseen influences.  The Libra New Moon asks you to take off the cloak of smallness or unworthiness.  It’s hiding your true power.  

✶ Astrology Wonks
Moon enter playful Leo Sunday at 12:57 AM, PDT.  Mercury enters Powerful Scorpio this Sunday at 4:38 AM, PDT.
Monday the Leo Moon pairs up with Mars for some fun and fireworks at 7:03 PM, PDT. Then the Leo Moon makes a tense square with Venus in Scorpio at 9:48 PM.
Our feet get firmly planted on the ground Tuesday morning when the Moon sweeps into the clarity of Virgo (11:51 AM).  
Mercury in Scorpio picks up harmonious spiritual vibes from Neptune this Tuesday at 2:45 PM, and your right brain lights up with imagination.

An edgy and bold Libra New Moon at 5:34 PM, PDT, this Friday rocks the boat of your relationships forcing you into the deep waters of transformation.

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