Monday, September 2, 2013

Food for thought from Virgo

Digestion and assimilation of food and thoughts are Virgo’s tools for healing. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo (4:38 AM, PDT) calls us to make discerning choices.  To separate the wheat from the chaff.  What nourishes you and what is just waste?

"I say a few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand." Benjamin Franklin

Everything is first created in mind as thoughts, which then create emotions and physical conditions.  Luckily, Jovial Jupiter is showing up with the gift of positive thinking by feeding the Virgo Moon with optimism.  

Work with the energy of the heavens and set your intentions on the New Moon, reap the results on the Full Moon.  This is especially true for September, the month of the Harvest Moon (September 19th).  

No junk!  In your food or in your thoughts!  Collecting grievances pollutes the mind, fills your feelings with guilt, sets your table with toxic waste.  September brings focus to making amends, to forgiving.

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Libra and Mars in Leo
Friday is a day of effortless grace under the elegant beauty of a Libra Moon.  She’s on her way to an exact pairing with Venus Saturday evening.  Your emotional response to love carries a heightened sensitivity and oodles of affection.  In spite of the lingering influence of the health conscious Virgo New Moon, you’ll probably overindulge.  So make it sweet with hugs and kisses.

The Force of discernment is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of September 1-7, 2013:

Aries (March 20-April 19)
Your vitality sparkles so brightly that you may be a blinding light to those with less zest. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo calls you to look at how strongly your emotions affect your health. Your diet strongly influences your health right now, and you may experience fluctuations in both. Walk away from disharmonious situations. You'll feel better. The end of the week holds emotional challenges. If it looks like a roller coaster, no matter how exciting, don't go for the ride!

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
Diet and nutrition are up for review and revision this week when health conscious Virgo treats you to her discerning tastes.  Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo calls you to be a bit too picky when it comes to romance. You have an urge to clean up your emotional needs, make them less "messy." Instead, try to enjoy this very fertile time. Remind yourself often that change does not equate with instability!

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
You're getting rid of emotional clutter. As an intellectual Gemini you know that everything is first created in mind by your thoughts, which then create emotions and physical conditions. As within, so without. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo lands in your 4th house of home and family, helping you make a clean sweep of 1001 petty annoyances and old family habits that no longer serve you. Your whole outlook is colored by whether or not there's happiness at home.

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
It’s a powerfully intense opportunity to transform your life. Sunday the Moon leaves Cancer, dries herself off, and warms up your feelings around Leo’s campfire until Wednesday morning.  Spiritual insights take your understanding to another level. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo will be a time of daydreaming. Your communications are full of emotions that are tied to family affairs. Sort out the grievances and forgive. Forget. Do the thing you think you cannot do--let it go.

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Everything feels bigger, like standing in a spotlight.  The Leo Moon is the heart of romance and heart-centered loyalty that lasts a lifetime.  The stage is set for a return to home, a time of security and safety that is deeply rooted in the past. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo is in your second house of resources, and calls you to take stock of your wealth. Consider the source. You're rich with so much more than money.

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
A major jumping off point comes this week. Luckily you get relief from detail duty, and your focus can widen. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo (4:38 AM, PDT) calls you to revise your expectations. In your desire for perfection you have set the bar too high, especially for yourself. Childhood conditioning pops up so you can see where you began to focus too much on the responses of other people. Untie your emotions. Forgive the past and start over.

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
Great start to your week with the Moon in Leo making a sweet vibration with Venus in Libra. You find it easy to speak the language of your heart, easy to feel your love for someone. Still, you must watch for "leaks" from your memories, your unconscious mind, which color your feelings with too much sensitivity or shyness. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo calls you to remember that you're not alone. Challenges come at the end of the week when you must take stock of deeper issues even though the excitement of life distracts you.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
You're not inclined to follow anyone's rules, even your own! A little recklessness at the beginning of the week gives way to a powerful need to be emotionally connected with your friends. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo calls you to separate the trusted companions from the "friends" who don't keep their commitments to you. Wheat from the chaff. You don't even have to say anything, just hold the friends you value in mind. Let the rest fall away.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
Polish the mirror, look at your light shining there. You are the philosopher, knowing that thoughts determine how you perceive the world, what you will think is real. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo is a time to initiate new career plans and own your right to be heard--publicly. Expect recognition for your efforts. Be unabashedly ambitious. Don’t let a little rain on your parade dampen your artistic spirits.

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
Anxiety makes you uncharacteristically rebellious. For you this is freeing and not likely to be at someone else's expense. You have a wise patience arriving with Thursday’s New Moon, calling you to use Virgo’s discerning skills to initiate new and healthier habits. This is the perfect time to clean up your diet. And mentally, anything that won't easily "digest" should be forgiven and forgotten.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
The confident feelings generated by the Leo Moon during the first part of the week turn to the dark side of doubt when Sheriff Saturn lays down the rules--way too restrictive for you. Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo calls you into intense and sensitive feelings that connect you to souls who have passed on and are still in a spiritual partnership with you. You take away the wisdom that words are only the surface of any relationship.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
This week you are noticing how heavily your imagination affects, even creates, the mood you're in.  Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo puts your affections on "fluctuate." You may feel like your partner has turned into your father, or you've turned into his mother! You can assimilate these contradictory points of view into a new idea. Let your need to be loved dissolve into the ocean of all loving parents. Blow someone's mind; fill their heart with your joy.

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