Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturn in Scorpio has a sixth sense

Solving mysteries behind the scenes will be the work of Saturn in Scorpio.  This paternal teacher spirals from cooperative Libra to serious Scorpio this Friday, October 5th, ending 3 years of holding us accountable for commitments we’ve made to others.  

Since October 30, 2009, Saturn in Libra strengthened the structure and endurance of our partnerships.  Karmic “agreements” have been fulfilled by taking responsibility for our moral debts.  Not yet?  Only 5 more days ‘til this window closes!

Saturn’s sojourn in Scorpio (October 5th, 2012 - December 24th, 2014) will be marked by a drive for success through persistence, determination, and thoroughness.  Visionary solutions are provided up front, as Saturn makes an immediate liaison with “I have a dream” Neptune.

Saturn was last in Scorpio 29 years ago, August 24th, 1983 to November 17, 1985. Your deepest desires emerged then, and again now, as a determined, even obsessive, drive for power.  Someone carrying the Scorpion intensity entered your life to help you heal an old wound, or wounded you further.  This same energy returns now, at a higher octave.  

Patience and persistence Grasshopper
. A diligent Scorpio Saturn will be a hard taskmaster, with little patience for laziness, debts, or an unwillingness to do the work.  

The Force of freedom by fulfilling responsibilities is with you.  
Here’s a predictive look at Saturn in your horoscope:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Close relationships with others have weathered 3 years of testing your ability to cooperate, without losing your uniqueness.  Now you know which expectations from others you’re willing to fulfill, and which ones you’ll disregard.  You’re beginning a deeper transformation, honoring your values in the face of enticements to “sell” your freedoms.  At the same time you’ll be experiencing intimate emotional encounters, the birthplace of mutual awareness, dissolving any sense of separateness.  You emerge as a woman of independent means.

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
You’re going public.  If you haven’t been receiving much recognition for all your hard work, you’ll begin to do so now.   For the past 3 years, you’ve been preparing for a debut.  Now, the culmination of years of  effort emerge in visionary solutions.  Your ability to define yourself on your own terms may be challenged by others who see that you are quite accomplished in balancing your inner needs with outer duties.  They’ll ask you to prove it.  Hence, you’re taking the stage to show them that you are a woman of your word, you fulfill your agreements.  

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
What you’re leaving behind this week is Saturn in the place of the unloved child, or that creative part of you that did not get recognition even from yourself.  In the past 3 years (since October 30, 2009) you’ve come to love yourself, to recognize your significance.  And you’ve done it while carrying heavy responsibilities regarding children and romance.  You’ve been sorely tempted to withdraw, which would only have meant avoiding the people who are good for you.  As Saturn enters Scorpio, you’ll begin to seriously explore the power of mind over matter, and the keys to the unconscious mind.  You’re looking for nothing less than the rhythmic balance of healing.  

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
You’re finishing a reshuffling of your definition of, and reliance on, home and security.  You no longer carry the child’s idea of safety.  During the past 3 years, you’ve built your own stable foundation.  Now, Saturn in Scorpio gives you the sustained careful discipline necessary to take what you’ve created into the marketplace.  To give form to your art.  There may be a school of hard knocks ahead, just don’t let it cause you to withdraw or avoid confrontation.  You’re going to express yourself in the most effective way possible, and earn money doing it!

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Since October 30, 2009, your inquiring mind has taken flight in new territory as you analyzed and focused on putting order to volumes of information.  Sometimes worry and fear of criticism left you barely able to catch your breath, yet some unusual mental gifts have been set free.  Several years of preparation have come to an end.  Saturn in Scorpio ushers in a new beginning.  You will emerge from a dormancy, in terms of outward success, and move forward and upward, achieving your ambitions.  

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
A 3 year period of feeling financially insecure is ending.  You’ve been driven to work hard and accumulate wealth, and you’ve done that through building your capacity to earn a livelihood.  You’re now going to deliberately restructure your skills in speaking and listening by subjecting old habits and attitudes to a keen scrutiny.  You’re going for a brilliance in communicating, without the inhibitions of judgement and blame.  Your mind will be filled with the fresh air of curiosity!

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
Since October 30, 2009, you’ve been earning an advanced degree in self-confidence, particularly when it comes to relationships.  You’ve been synthesizing all that is best in you.  Now your solid integrity fuels an intense drive for success as Serious Saturn dives into Scorpio for the next 3 years.  You’ll structure your finances so that they take a backseat to you inner values and personal sense of worth.  You’re developing a shrewd business sense, with prudence, farsightedness, and hard work.  Material gain and easy access to wealth comes through an inner or outer authority.  But it’s most likely that the wealth you truly value comes through a loving relationship.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Since October 30, 2009, Saturn has traveled through your house of karma, requiring you to let go of many ambitions that were driven by patterns from the past.  The decks have been cleared, so that you attain an inner serenity by transcending the ego.  This culminating time of adversity now gives way to new beginnings in which you discover and commit to your deepest inner needs.  Your journey now is inward, and work may be a bothersome distraction.  You’ll release the energies of limitless vitality, self-confidence and enthusiasm as you get an intuitive perception of your own worth.   You’ll decide that you deserve the very best!

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
During the past 3 years you’ve immersed yourself in the collective group consciousness and found ways to serve the deeper needs of humanity.  If you’d ever struggled with feeling alone or aloof, you’ve now solved it with a true sense of belonging to humankind.  Now, with Saturn moving into Scorpio, your goal is to be relieved of the bondage of ego self.  You are entering the butterflies cocoon, where you will transform guilt and blame, losing your old sense of identity as a flawed human being.  All mistakes are erased, like old chalk on a blackboard.  There are no battles, only surrender. 

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
It’s harvest time in which you’ve reaped the rewards of 3 years of hard work and heavy responsibilities.  Yet your high achievements in the material world demanded a sacrifice (Saturn is famous for this!) of your personal life.  You’ve had an opportunity to shine, and become clear about the purpose behind your ambitions.  Now you take your achievements and responsibilities to the level of group consciousness, to contribute to humankind.  You cannot sustain the “lone wolf” aloofness of personal success.  You’ll take your butterfly kisses, your hopes and desires for humanity, to pierce the bubbles of superficiality.  You’re learning to truly belong.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
Since October 30, 2009, you’ve been living in the birthplace of thought and desire for a meaningful life.  You’ve become connected to spiritual laws through your intuitive perceptions of human behavior and consciousness.  Now, for your next 3 years, Saturn in Scorpio moves into his natural “home” in Capricorn’s own 10th house of fatherhood and career.  Your search for cosmic meaning will find a place in your ambitions.  You’re entering the time of harvest, when all your hard work and heavy responsibilities pay dividends.  You’re about to make a big impression on the world through your unique individualism and leadership.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Good news!  This week you complete a 3 year journey through the point of crisis, the place of struggling to maintain your individuality in the face of emotional and monetary exchanges with significant others.  Conflicts regarding vulnerability versus control have helped you take a stand.  You’ve refused to sell out for the transient relief of drugs or illusions.  Now, with Saturn entering Scorpio in your 9th house of the higher mind, you’re going back to school for your PhD in Spiritual Laws.  Your keen intuitive perception will help develop optimistic solutions.  During the next 3 years,  you will round the corner of the highest mountain top at sunrise, and see the Truth.  

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