Sunday, April 22, 2012

Messages in the midst of a great awakening

We’re like the hidden butterfly, pushing against our tight cocoons, compelled to break through to the light and see where this metamorphosis is taking us.

Winged Mercury, who carries messages to and from the underworld, is delivering clues all week about the big event unfolding on June 24th, when Pluto, creator of metamorphosis, squares off against Uranus, the freedom loving revolutionary.

Feel an urge for freedom? Want to drop what’s weighing you down?
The Force of insight is with you.
Week of April 22, 2012

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You get a hint this Wednesday about the revolution occurring in your self image and self esteem. You'll find that answers come quickly and are right in front of you as you begin this week. You’ll be grabbing original insights out of the air! Remember, genius is not a matter of speed. At midweek your keen, penetrating mind gets stimulated with new ideas about your career. You may need the restraint of pen and tongue to avoid controversy because you’re not in the mood for diplomacy.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Remember, Einstein got some of his best ideas in dreams. Your past experiences and unconscious memories have you making decisions based on feeling rather than logic. Normally this might not appeal to you, but it’s part of your developing transformation. On Wednesday you receive a message that changes your point of view, and turns your thinking around about a long-held belief that now needs refurbishing.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your friends will be a strong influence in coloring your communications this week. Your love of truth is sparked by lightning bolts of originality, and you investigate rather than just accept the ideas presented to you. Keep an open mind on Wednesday, and don’t waste your time trying to win someone over to your your point of view. You get clues to the revolutionary transformation you’re undergoing by being a broad-minded detective who refuses superficial explanations.

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
The tension of a fast paced start to your week may cause you to want to run away! It’s not an easy time for your sensitivity, so keep your heart off your sleeve. Wednesday you get a message about your life direction, yet it will sound like a swarm of bees! Thursday the Moon slips into Cancer, and immediately gets in a scuffle with sizzling lightning bolt Uranus. You’ll want to take it easy but circumstances will set the pace too high. By Friday your emotions take a deep dive, and you can sense the real truth behind events.

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Sunday starts your week with a fresh round of innovation at high speed. Fire meets fire and your thoughts combust. If you curb your enthusiasm, just a little, you’ll have creativity with practical feet. Midweek has a challenge for you in the way you communicate at work. You need to be as straightforward as possible, really telling it like it is. Just don’t expect agreement. The week ends on Saturday with the Moon gaining self-confidence when she walks on stage in Leo at 9:11 AM, PDT. You’ll feel like roaring.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
A tense start to the week for your down-to-earth way of being in the world. Fireballs are landing around you, keeping you on your toes--too much so. There are hidden forces at work behind a message you receive this Wednesday. It could bring something to light that will have a profound psychological impact. Children could play an important role in your discovery.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You’re on fire with creative ideas as you start this week. You’re working on the mysteries of life, and this Wednesday you get a clue! You’re senses will be on high alert, your intellect sharpened. If you find yourself obsessing about minutia, stop. Turn this to introspection for the clue that could change your life. The Moon sparks your curiosity when she climbs the library shelves of Gemini at 10:04 AM, PDT, Monday. She right away gets angry with her man, Mars in Virgo, and sparks are flying by dinner time.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
A bit of nervous tension puts you on edge, but alerts you senses for a fast paced week. Avoid becoming obsessed with your point of view when the lord of the underworld sends you a message this Wednesday. Some communications at work could provoke an argument, if you insist on being right. You understand Pluto’s depths better than any other zodiac sign, and what others are afraid to look at, you say “bring it on.” You stare down your fears.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Your week begins with a brains-on-fire dose of creative impulse. Lots of it. In fact your mental circuits could be so hot you’ll need an extinguisher before your temper explodes. Be cautious on Wednesday when you’ll be tempted to lock into your opinions, and you could provoke an argument. You’re tuned into the messages, just don’t try to convince someone else that your are right. You’ll be especially energized on Saturday when the Moon in Leo wakes you up to a broader vision of your life.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Sunday’s Taurus Moon shines some good fortune your way and saves you from the rapid fire energy all around you. Your generous spirit puts you in the mood to help others, but remember to put your oxygen mask on first! Wednesday brings you a message about the new road you’re to travel on when Pluto, the power underneath life transformations, causes a shift in your thinking. You, more than any other zodiac sign, are certain to emerge from your restrictive cocoon with big, beautiful wings.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
A passionate start to your week has you running in spurts, inspired and even obsessed with doing the right thing. Don't get lost in the details and forget to check your horizons. Midweek will find you preoccupied with messages or ideas that don’t really interest you, so let them pass by. Hidden aspects of life will reveal themselves if you refuse to accept things at face value.

Pisces (February 18-March 19)
Sunday morning wakes you up to a lovely feeling of inner peace as Jovial Jupiter shows you the happier side of life. Keep this spiritual respite in mind as this 90 mph week gets started. This Wednesday you can look for a message from a friend that transforms the way you see your resources. Something covert comes to light because you insist on knowing the full depth of the issue.

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