Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wish you had a free do-over?

The “Two Step” dance of intimacy is up for review and do-overs since mercurial Mental Mercury backed into Libra October 10th. This planet of mental processing is stirring up blame and guilt that’s been hiding in your unconscious mind. Time for a deeper dive, an opportunity to tell a bold truth.

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.  Anais Nin

The Force of combustion is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of October 12th to 18th, 2014:

ARIES  (March 20-April 19)
Your seventh house of relationships is where all the action is for you right now. A powerful yet lovely conjunction of messenger Mercury and the cooperative Libra Sun occurs Thursday the 16th. This can light up your relationships with understanding, or at least clear the stale air. But it also asks the question, “What hides in your memories that keeps you from dancing the two-step with ease?” October is a serious peek into your unconscious mind by way of your dreams. Mercury in reverse gear backed into your house of relationships on October 10th, where he’s going to stay until October 25th. Your thoughts turn inward, to ask yourself for solutions, to make a bold decision.On October 17th your concerns about relationships run into a head-on collision with the goddess of love, who laughs and doesn’t mind a bit. It’s like a drive-by Joybomb. It brings a desire to stop and hug someone, to offer a helping hand. On Thursday the 16th the moon roars like a lioness in loyal Leo, and the play is on. This Friday the 17th is not only a romantic bonanza, but also just plain lucky for you.

TAURUS  (April 20-May 20)
The big action this week all falls in your fifth solar house of romance and creativity. Mental Mercury in reverse gear has backed up into your relationships (October 10th) for a deeper look at ghosts you wish were dead, instead they just stir up fears of surrendering to true intimacy and having playful fun. You can think back to September 14th when an event occurred that was a clue to a deep and important revelation that wants to become conscious in your mind now. Friday, October 17th has you and Venus looking your very best. You’ve got a date with a playful Leo Moon, so imitate a lioness and push yourself to boldness. You’re lucky spot this week comes with jovial Jupiter in your fourth house of home. Money from real estate and communications with your family should work out quite well for you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
This week your wordsmith genius is coming through the loud speakers in your 5th house of romance, children and creativity. When Mercury retrograde backed up into Libra on October 10th, childhood memories lit up some stale belief you are still carrying about yourself as an artist or writer. It’s not about getting permission to color outside the box, it’s about throwing the box away! Take a moment to think back to September 14th when something happened related to this. It was an important reveal. This week your  lucky break comes through your favorite place, the 3rd house of communications--Gemini’s home. Expect an unexpected message. TGIFriday has never been more fun. Get tickets early.

CANCER  (June 21-July 21)
Dear sensitive Cancer, this week your mind is pulled to a deeper look at certain memories, as the big energy this week falls in your 4th house of home and family. Family is always the place of your most meaningful relationships, and this week it’s the biggest thing on your mind. When Mercury backed up into the sign of Libra on the 10th, these relationships, particularly your mother or your children, became the focus. Now, this week, you dive into your feelings and see the truth about something that was revealed to you around September 14th. It’s an opportunity to make a bold statement of the truth. Your good luck charm right now is in your house of money and resources. Real estate deals work out quite well for you, particularly if you’re investing with a partner. This Friday the 17th, you have mental fireworks, flashes of insight and the urge to hug!

LEO  (July 22-August 22)
Book a playdate for this Friday. It’s a hop, skip and a fun jump toward the 16th and 17th, your best days this week. Thursday, when the moon moves into your sign, you hand your list to the Santa Claus of the zodiac. This lucky sense of well-being, and enormous generosity of spirit adds to your self confidence and self expression. You will be feeling very good about who you are. But there is a pop quiz about something that happened around the middle of September that’s been rattling around in your mind, but you haven’t taken the time to really think about it. This week your house of communications is loaded! Your mental curiosity is so activated that you may consider it a waste of time to look back, but there’s a revelation waiting.

VIRGO  (August 23-September 22)
You have a wonderful and very fortunate week ahead for anything related to money, or personal resources. This good luck isn’t going to knock on your door, it’s more like a gentle nudge. Still, there’s work to be done. An exercise class for your brain comes this week when Mental Mercury stimulates your unconscious mind about an issue that dates back to September 14th. At that time an event occurred that triggered a snowballing revelation that’s hitting you this week. There is a limiting unconscious belief, associated with money and resources, that is leftover from childhood events. Solutions are in your generous spirit, and your ability to empathize with other people. Your hopes and dreams are activated Thursday the 16th when a playful Leo Moon stirs up memories related to mothering, memories of how you were nurtured. Now you can see it through the eyes of that child. Put your healing hands over your own heart. Remember, Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic.  Anais Nin

LIBRA  (September 23-October 22)
Since this is your birthday month, you can expect to have a new start and resurgence of energy. And, this week your first house of self-confidence is bursting at the seams with clarity from Mental Mercury sitting there next to your Libra Sunshine (October 10th-25th). What does this mean? It means you’re attitude towards your abilities, your beliefs about who you truly are, are up for a giant review. The Leo Moon ignites romance this Thursday the 16th, and he’s sitting down for a chat with jovial Jupiter in your 11th house, bringing you good fortune from the generosity of spirit of a friend. Friday the 17th that same loving Leo Moon runs right into your charming Libra Sun. Let the good times roll.

SCORPIO  (October 23-November 21)
Scorpio. Your 12th house of hopes, dreams, and visions for the future is loaded this week with Mental Mercury and the Libra Sun stirring up dreams and memories about past relationships. With so much partnership energy this week in your 12th house of dreams, you must get clear about the one thing you really want. You have a very active and even spontaneous way of communicating right now. And your house of career benefits from this. A lucky and generous act by you or for you comes Thursday the 16th in your 10th House of career, it’s here that lioness Leo always acts as your muse and inspiration. The combination of jovial Jupiter and playful Leo can lighten up your ambitions and your attitude toward your career. Your outbox is very full this week. Mental mercury is looking for you to review an event from September 14th that triggered a dream or memory that you didn’t stop and examine. This week you get the opportunity to do that, and it will be a big reveal about your true destiny--the bliss of having your career in line with your heart’s deepest desire.

SAGITTARIUS  (November 22-December 20)
Sagittarius. Mars showed up with your 76 trombones. Your warrior energy is like a big parade, and you want to show everybody how to have a great adventure. All the action this week takes place in your 11th house of friendships. This is where retrograde Mental Mercury is asking you to review an event from September 14th that holds a solution for your current problem. You have something to say about the state of humanity. And like Pachamama, the World Mother, your benevolent good will is spilling out of your words. With Mars in Sagittarius you self-confidence is at an all time high, and so is your pioneering spirit. The eclipse on the 8th opened a door that will serve you for a long time. You’ve got the luck of Jovial Jupiter blessings your travels, whether by plane or by lift off into your higher mind. The 16th is your lucky day.

CAPRICORN  (December 21-January 19)
Capricorn. You have your 10th House of career absolutely loaded with relationship issues this week. Mental mercury has been sending you messages about your career since October 10th. This week it would be helpful if you would spend a moment to think back to September 14th. An event occurred that was meant to bring you a big revelation regarding your ambitions and the path to your success. Libra is the energy of cooperation and partnerships, and is always the muse for your career. This week, particularly the 16th, your communications are about true diplomacy--speaking with the language of your heart. With the goddess of love hanging out in your house of career, you’ve got a friendly playful style that lightens the issues. Help and good fortune comes through corporate money, inheritance, or joint finances. Your ability to take action is somewhat underwater right now, so just relax. The time to push forward comes in November, around the 10th.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17)
With Uranus continuing to send lightning bolts through your house of communications, you’re used to those flashes of ideas that feel urgent and revolutionary. Because they are. This week the planet of communications, Mental Mercury, is loading up your higher mind with sudden epiphanies. You’re travels, the path of your Calling, is laid out better than the yellow brick road! You can connect the dots of kismet, and find your way Home.  Jupiter spreads his joviality all over your relationships this week, but especially Thursday the 16th and Friday the 17th. Don’t miss the fun! This week is a skip down memory lane without a care in the world, even though a mental review of events dating back to September 14th is being asked of you by retrograde Mercury. It’s your philosophy about life that’s getting stirred up in your unconscious. Can you do one thing this week to end suffering somewhere, in someone? Thursday is your lucky day and Friday is over-the-top romantic fun. You do not want to be alone.

PISCES  (February 18-March 19)
This week is a call to your deepest visionary self. You are the master of hopes and dreams and wishes. Now with the messenger planet in reverse gear, he is stirring up your unconscious desires so they can drift up to the surface. Nothing so startling or quick that it would scare you. Rather, it’s a very gentle looking back, particularly at events around September 14th, just to review what you might have missed because the revelation was only dimly conscious. You’re getting wonderfully generous help this week from coworkers or from an event in your work that helps you take a lighter more playful attitude in your job. This can also mean that a generous spirited action on your part brings healing to someone else. Your healing hands are held by jovial Jupiter this week, and are supported by a the creativity of Thursday’s Leo Moon. Your anxiety gets relief if you stop and have some fun, which will be so easy this Friday.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. Anais Nin

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