Saturday, March 1, 2014

Pisces New Moon illuminates high hopes for spring

March arrives in with wet feet and high hopes, courtesy of the perfect alignment of Sun and Moon in Pisces. This New Moon inspires visionary goals that cannot be rushed, and enthusiastic optimism that empowers you to act.  Now that Mental Mercury is in direct motion, this wave of good fortune ushers in a series of momentous celestial shifts for March:

March 1st, Warrior Mars in Libra turns around to retrace his steps back to December 26th, 2013.  What did you initiate then that needs a resurrection now?  Between now and May19th, Mars is offering a do-over for relationships and contracts that went awry due to unresolved conflicts. Renegotiate.  

March 2nd, Serious Saturn in Scorpio also turns around and looks back over responsibilities and work you’ve been involved with since November 12th, 2013.  Re-evaluating the right use of power, and managing joint resources, will be the focus through July 20th.  

Venus moves into the group consciousness of Aquarius on March 5th, after a prolonged 4-month stay in Capricorn. Our hearts and arts take on sympathy and understanding for the plight of humanity.  

March 6th finds the big guy, Jovial Jupiter in Cancer, moving expansively forward again after 16 weeks of turning inward to reap the rewards and blessings of your ancestry.  

On Saint Patrick’s day, Mental Mercury leaves the objective reasoning of Aquarius and he moves into Poetic Pisces where our thoughts are inspired by compassion and appear before us like vivid photographs we’ve taken of our hopes and dreams.  Put this on your vision board!

March 20th is a shaky Equinox this year. The Sun moves into Aries for this first day of springtime and the astrological New Year.  Innovators and pioneers spring up on March 30th for the edgy Aries New Moon, which carries shock waves of sudden changes.

Innovators and pioneers spring up on March 30th for the edgy Aries New Moon, which carries shock waves of sudden changes.

March ends on a note of restless rebellion from the incendiary Aries New Moon on the 30th. The fuse is lit for the radical changes coming in April.  

“What is to give light must endure burning.”   Viktor Frankl
♡ Date Night:  Venus in Aquarius (after March 5th) and Mars in Libra
The lovers are once again in harmony with each other.  With both Venus and Mars in air signs you’ll take an objective look at your relationships. Spice and sex appeal are plentiful as long as you don’t succumb to seriousness.  Keep it playful.  Mark your calendars for March 29th when Venus and Mars will be in perfect accord for the passionate Aries New Moon on the 30th. Spectacular fireworks bring surprising innovations.  Sudden shifts in perception help you see each other for the first time.

The Force of a fire in the belly is with you.

Here’s your horoscope for March, 2014:
(*Astrology Wonks see bottom of this page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
You can blame it on the Moon March 2nd and 3rd when she catches fire in hot blooded Aries.  Tempers flare but so do passions.  March 3rd and 30th mark the heights of your innovative spirit and a time for a new start.  The Moon is in Aries again on March 30th for the potent first New Moon of this astrological year.  It’s an electric day for you, complete with surprising lightning bolts out of the blue!  On March 5th Venus leaves your career house where she sweetened your professional ambitions with artistry and recognition.  Now the goddess of love lights up your house of friendships, bringing you a new romantic relationship.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of home and family beginning March 6th.  He brings something new to light about your family and you move into the “home” inside yourself.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th falls in your house of health, and your emotions with strongly affect your health.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th make you highly impressionable and your moods colored by emotional ties to your mother.  If you take nothing personally, it’s a time of invigorated self-confidence.

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
March 4th and 5th are emotionally potent with the Moon in your sign.  Interpersonal conflicts dissolve into forgiveness.  You’re encouraged to stay the course, and your emotional steadiness pays off with a win.  Venus leaves your house of the higher mind, also on the 5th, and sweetens the financial pot of gold in your house of career.  Romance comes with someone in power who helps further your career.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of communications.  Your thoughts optimistically turn toward new, spiritually oriented, horizons.  The Full Moon in Virgo on the 16th attracts romance but makes your emotions heavily influenced by your imagination.  Watch what you think!  The flames of the Aries New Moon on the 30th set fire to your past memories which can transmute, like the proverbial Phoenix, behaviors that have been unconsciously tied to your early conditioning.  Explosive changes free you to live in the present moment.  
Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
The winds of creative change blowing from in from Venus’ move into airy Aquarius on March 6th stir longings for travel and a pleasurable vacation.  You’re much more optimistic now, and you benefit from your belief in the power of positive thinking.  Intuition matches you logic March 7th and 8th when the Moon sails into Gemini.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of money and resources, and you can profit substantially from publishing or buying real estate.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th falls in your house of home and family where you’ll find that your emotions are strongly influenced by how well your family relationships are going. Stop judging and evaluating yourself or others.  It will clean up tensions.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th bring explosive changes in your friendships that are designed to give you more alone time to balance your emotions.  You experience a new freedom, no longer so strongly influenced by the opinions and reactions of others.

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
Waves of feelings rise up high March 9th and 10th with the Moon in Cancer.  Generous Jupiter in your sign has helped you recognize and celebrate the wealth of your inherited talents.  Acknowledging these gifts has shifted your perception and opened new doors of opportunity which you now walk through.  Between now and July 15th you are in the home stretch, making the most of the good fortune that’s come your way since June 26th, 2013 (don’t worry, your good fortune won’t leave you; this is just the beginning of a new 12-year cycle).  Venus leaves your house of relationships to bring you financial gain through your partnerships or through an inheritance.  Your desires are intensified, perhaps to the point of jealousy, so loosen your grip on others.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th falls in your house of communications where she’ll bring beauty and harmony to your speech.  It’s as if everything you write becomes a love letter!  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th falls in your house of career, bringing prominence and recognition for your achievements.  You can also expect sudden changes in career that free you from a restriction that has held you back.

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Rely on your intuition and hunches March 12th and 13th while the Moon’s in Leo.  
Venus leaves your house of work where she’s brought harmonious working conditions and money.  Now the goddess of love sweetens your partnerships and marriage with happiness and fulfillment.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your 12th house, bringing to the forefront the introspective study you’ve be engaged with since November 7th, 2013.  You’re still working behind the scenes until July 16th when this celestial Santa Claus lands his sleigh full of gifts right on your Leo housetop!  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th falls in your house of money and resources to bring financial security and emotional well-being. Hang onto your seat during the Aries New Moon on the 30th and watch a preview of the explosive changes coming in April.  You’ll want to clean up some ethical values you’ve carried from childhood that are restricting your scope of understanding.  You’re headed for inspired insights that lead to travel, and teaching progressive techniques through the use of technology.  

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
Clean-up on aisle #6 gets a shout out on March 14th and 15th.  Feelings that laid around unnoticed while your were busy organizing the world will bubble up for attention.  The pinnacle of your month comes with the Harvest Full Moon in Virgo on March 16th.  The celestial music you hear draws you to like-minded souls to say a blessing with you for the sense of fulfilment in a job well done.  You are called to witness, rather than judge, the highest form of Virgo’s mission--your wise discernment.  Venus leaves your house of romance and creativity to be the muse for your work.  She’ll not only infuse your work with beauty, she’ll also add wealth and good health.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of friendships and group endeavors where you'll attract generous helpers who bring inspiring spiritual advice.  Business activities related to inventions and science bring personal gain to you from now to July 16th.  The Full Moon in your sign on the 16th colors your self-awareness and self-expression with emotion and intuition.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on March 30th heat up your 8th house of transformation and rebirth, igniting intense reactions and psychic sensitivity to those things normally unseen.  With the god of lightning also in this house, you’re channeling profound insights about the inner workings of nature and the universe.  

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
March 17th and 18th are good days for balancing relationships and resolving conflicts, as long as you don’t succumb to people pleasing as the means to peace.  
Venus leaves your 4th house of home (hope those new decorations are done!) to enter your 5th house of romance and creativity.  How beautiful is that dear Libra?  A renewed love of life, complete with sunny outlook, accompany the many romantic and creative opportunities ahead (through April 6th).  Jupiter’s good fortune in your house of career gets in forward gear again on March 6th.  This jovial Santa Claus expands your profession, your good reputation, and your ambitions.  Expect recognition and prominence.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th falls in your 12th house of hopes and dreams, where your emotional reactions are strong.  Let the amplified sensitivity this brings open psychic channels, rather than making you reluctant to share how you feel.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th ignites your house of partnerships with desire.  It’s also a trigger for the explosive changes coming in April--the courage and daring to blaze new trails.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
March opens with the New Moon, new beginnings, in your house of romance and creativity where she’ll add fertility and heightened imagination.  Venus enters your 4th house of home and family on March 5th. Your ties to family are beneficial and you receive support there.  Plan a small gathering of people you love and stir in some home cooking! Feel your childlike innocence and sense of wonder.  Your already deep feelings take on profound meaning around March 19th and 20th with the Moon in your sign.   Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of higher learning, teaching and travel.  If there are any legal matters pending, they will work in your favor.  The Full Moon in Virgo on the 16th brings up powerful emotions and a deep need to be close to friends.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th have your emotions jumping, making it challenging to focus on work.  Your real interest is in unconventional methods of healing.  Your strong desire to for more freedom in your job makes you restless and rebellious.  Watch this itchy urgency; it is the point of breakthrough coming next month.  

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
Opening day for March lands the New Moon of new beginnings in your house of home and family.  A meaningful home life is the source of your happiness.  Venus leaves your house of money and resources (I’ll be you shared the wealth!) to beautify your thought and words, making love letters out of anything you write.  Communications are harmonious and your writing filled with artistry.  Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of transformation where joint finances and benefits through contracts, such as inheritance or insurance, come to fruition.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th lands in your house of career, pushing you prominently before the public due to your achievements.  You’re all fired up on March 21st and 22nd when your inner crusader finds a meaningful cause.  The Moon in Sagittarius propels your imagination to bigger horizons.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th ignites your affections and fertile imagination.  A sudden blossoming of an unconventional relationship gives you a preview of the revolutionary changes coming in April.  
Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
Underline March 3rd as a day of resilience, effective concentration and a gift for gentle persuasion that breaks through obstacles you’ve been encountering.   Venus leaves your first house on March 5th where she’s brought happiness through your efforts to develop friendships.  Now the goddess of love blesses your house of money and resources through April 6th; sweet!  Venus brings wealth wherever she goes.  Jupiter’s good fortune expands the scope of your relationships through your openness, benevolence and friendship.  Your strong sense of justice, fair play, and your spiritual values draw opportunities your way.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th is very good for you, particularly in the areas of travel and real estate.  Stay optimistic and pay attention to inspired intuitive promptings.  March 24th and 25th are loaded with shock and awe as things get pretty competitive and require you to be uncharacteristically flexible!  With the Moon in your sign, you have an inner congruence between your hopes and dreams and the actions you take in the world.  The fires of the Aries New Moon on the 30th bring a clue about the inner rebel in you who’s marching toward direct expression in April.  For now, a contract may conclude, and/or something occurs that adds to the meaningfulness of your home and family.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to elicit cooperation from others for your original ideas, it’s here!  Mark your calendar for March 6th when the goddess of love moves into Aquarius after a long dry stay in Capricorn.  Venus leaves your 12th house on March 6th where, for a very prolonged period, romance has been frustrated.  Now the goddess of love lifts herself into Aquarius, and you’ll not only have 6 weeks of good-hair days, but you’ll also have numerous business and romantic opportunities.  Combined with Generous Jupiter’s forward gear beginning the same day, your health is improved and your interest in unconventional methods of healing will expand your horizons.  Stay away from Amazon Books on March 26th and 27th or you’ll try to buy out the store!  Particularly on the 26th, when your mind is illuminated with visionary ideas and “Aha!s” that are brilliant and exciting. Remember you don’t need to read up on it in order to justify what you feel an urge to do. Just do it.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th brings to a culmination some matters related to contracts, inheritance or property.  Keep your eye on the wildfires from the Aries New Moon on the 30th which stimulate your free thinking and revolutionary ideas.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
March began with a blessing of high hopes for you in particular, and on March 27th and 28th those hopes and dreams flow seamlessly into action.  You realize those intuitive flashes are pure genius speaking.  On March 5th Venus finishes warming up your friendships and moves into the quiet depths of your 12th house where she deepens your artistic inspiration. Believe it or not, the goddess of love is happy with some peace and quiet!  Enjoy your solitude.  With Mercury in your sign beginning the 17th, poetry will ooze from your pores! Jupiter’s good fortune moves expansively forward in your house of creatively so pull that manuscript you started last November out of the trash.  Virgo’s Full Moon on the 16th brings a culmination to the emotional fulfillment you’ve longed for in your relationship.  Watch the fires started by the Aries New Moon on the 30th which ignite your need for financial security and create new and unusual ways to make money.  

✶ Astrology Wonks
March 1st is loaded.  The New Moon in Pisces arrived 2/28 at 11:59 PM PST.  Midnight was a bewitching hour for conjuring up spiritual forces that protect your basic happiness and bring good fortune.
Also on March 1st, Warrior Mars turns retrograde (this only happens once in 26 months) in Libra until May 19th.  This accounts for Mars’ extraordinary lengthy stay in Libra, through July 26th.

Mental Mercury swims into Poetic Pisces on March 17th at 3:23 PM PDT.  

The Virgo Full Moon occurs at 10:08 PM, PDT, on March 16th.  The ides of March turn to compassionate service for others.  Listen for the music of the spheres.

Astrology’s New Year begins March 20th at 9:57 AM PDT when the Sun enters Aries on the spring Equinox.  

Aries New Moon on March 30th at 11:44 AM PDT, triggers the ongoing powerful square between Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars which perfects for the 5th time April 22nd.  The 30th is a sneak preview!

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