Sunday, November 24, 2013

Giving thanks with Generous Jupiter

Love is served for dessert this Thanksgiving.  Your sweet tooth will be in overdrive, courtesy of Venus trying to outdo Jupiter.  Pumpkin pie with chocolate frosting topped with homemade whipped cream and cherries on top!  Life is sweet.  

Decide in advance, preferably during Monday and Tuesday’s Virgo Moon, what your overindulgence will be.  Treating yourself to extra helpings of happiness is on the menu. And so is a binge.  

It’s a crystal clear back to work Monday with the Moon in hard working Virgo.  But she has two sweet spots planned for Tuesday:  Logic leaps into the artful hands of Venus and is molded into practical yet beautiful ideas; Tuesday evening brings contented joy from being in service to others.  

Can you set aside your Earth emotions and imagine the Vulcan logic of Spock combined with the investigative thoroughness of Sherlock Holmes?  Mercury and Saturn rise together in the morning sky this Monday.  This conjunction organizes our thoughts, brings the clarity needed to solve puzzles and add up the bottom line.  Add this to the logic of the Virgo Moon, and we’re all brilliant CEO’s!  

Wednesday evening finds you calling everyone in your family to express your love and gratitude for them, and for the dish they’ll bring to tomorrow’s feast!  

The big bang comes from freedom loving Uranus, culminating on Saturday.  The week ends with a surprising parade of miracles, proof that we can all light up like avatars while lightning bolts strike down the chains that bind our thoughts to the past.

“Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.”  Vernon Howard

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo
Vulcan mating practices are shrouded in some mystery, yet we know that every seven years there’s an irrepressible urge accompanied by “Blood Fever.”  Like the female ferret on Earth, Vulcans die when they’re unable to mate during this heated time.  While this is not a vote for indiscriminate sex, it is a relief to know that Earthling’s loose mating rituals aren’t driven by fear of death!  But finding a relaxed attitude about the whole thing is currently hard to come by.  Venus in Capricorn is all logic, even when choosing a mate.  And Mars in Virgo is picky beyond belief!  Your hope for having fun?  Pray to be struck by lightning.  

“Logic can get you from A to B.  Imagination will take you everywhere else.”  Albert Einstein

The Force of reason is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of November 24-30, 2013:

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Structured Saturn pairs up with Mental Mercury in your 8th solar house of scientific inquiry on Monday.  The beginning of this week is the perfect time to set your strategy for the future. You’ll have an ingenious edge.  You don’t miss a clue, so there’s no point in anyone trying to keep a secret from you!  All week long the Sagittarius Sun will be building toward an inspirational epiphany that sends you into a new realm of experience.  You’ll get a preview on Thursday morning, and you can look forward to the New Moon on December 2nd for liftoff.  Your spiritual insight is right on target.  Use your boldness to question everything, to lay antiquated beliefs to rest.  

Taurus ♉ (April 20-May 20)
You’ll feel a strong pull to be painstakingly logical in your thinking, especially about your relationships, which supports your individuality but gets in the way of your true desire to be in a cooperative partnership.  Right now you prefer to hang out with people who challenge you intellectually, while your heart has a cooling off period.  You’re actually in perfect harmony with Venus in Capricorn who values security above all else (her theme song is “Diamonds are a girls best friend”).  Be careful not to repress your lovely Taurus emotions.  The heat is on as you move toward the end of the week with a few bolts of lightning jogging old memories.  Uranus wants to free you from the past.  

Gemini ♊ (May 21-June 20)
You’ve already felt the heaviness lifting when the Sun entered Sagittarius last Thursday.  And starting Wednesday afternoon, you’ll have two days of the wind in your sails.  Pay attention to the clues of a new beginning that’s coming December 2nd.  All this is occurring in your house of relationships.  Pay attention to the stirrings in your cocoon.  When Warrior Mars enters Libra December 7th you’re in for seven months of spreading your creative wings!  A lightning bolt (perhaps a preview) strikes your need for partnership this Saturday. Notice the flash.  Where does it land?

Cancer ♋ (June 21-July 21)
You’ll feel the strong tug toward overindulgence, or just overdoing it, more than others since the big guy with the Thanksgiving cornucopia is in your sign.  And, this also means that yours is the heart most overflowing with generosity of spirit.  A beautiful harmonious chord is struck in your house of creativity and romance as this week begins.  Things seem to fall into place easily.  You’re mentally ambitious with great powers of visualization.  You see your thoughts manifest as reality.  A sideways surprise may be unsettling this weekend, but it comes with a lucky opportunity.  

Leo ♌ (July 22-August 22)
Monday may find you literally cleaning closets, or trying to bring some order into a chaotic family situation.  The overdose of logic is not a problem for you unless you lock yourself into a fixed position and refuse to budge.  Or you may experience this in reverse; a family member takes a rigid stand that’s annoying you.  Freedom is on it’s way with a big burst of energy culminating this Saturday.  Guaranteed to ignite your personal magnetism and creativity.  Look for this to power a new beginning on the New Moon December 2nd when you return to work after the holidays.  Excitement is building along with your willpower.  

Virgo ♍ (August 23-September 22)
Waves of well being fill your Monday morning and start your week with a foresightedness that makes your usual careful planning downright inspired!  It’s a hardworking energy that supplies the ability to come up with the perfect design, the best plan.  This aspect is in Scorpio so it has an edge of intensity that you could turn into self-criticism--so don’t!  Practice letting go with this mantra:  “it’s good enough.”  Releasing yourself from the chains of old family ties is your true work this week.  Saturday will jar the door that wants to open to something new.  

Libra ♎ (September 23-October 22)
Dear graceful Libra, you must wade through a little more high water this week but by Saturday you’ll look back at your hard work and say, It was all worth it!  You can’t find anything elegant in Virgo’s need to scrub the floors.  But, you can turn Monday and Tuesday into very productive days if you reframe the tediousness into creating soothing structures that help organize your life.  It’s a lovely shift for Wednesday and Thursday when the Moon enters your sign.  Emotional harmony and a deep desire for peace.  Flames of change flicker to life too, building toward enormous breakthroughs in your communications and writing this Saturday.  All this creative fire rolling downhill, gathering fuel, and landing in brand new territory on the New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius December 2nd.  Wow.

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Structured Saturn in Scorpio pairs up with Messenger Mercury, also in Scorpio, this Monday. You’ll have the Vulcan logic behind your self-expression.  Your words have clarity, your thoughts are organized.  Take notes!  You can reason you way through the most difficult of puzzles.  Now is the time to decide what you really want.   
Jovial Jupiter comes in towards the end of the week to add a generosity of spirit that brings your good luck.  Nerves may be jangled by changes, yet they will be good for you.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22-December 20)
Take all the time you can to make use of the grounding energy coming in Monday and Tuesday.  Organize and put plans on paper.  And, put in a lightning rod!  You’re going to need it as the energy builds toward a big bang on Saturday when your Sagittarius Sun will be in perfect alignment with the god of lightning.  Sudden, surprising changes occur that are designed to free your creativity and supercharge the romance in your life.  The fire is set for important new beginnings that are coming with the Sagittarius New Moon December 2nd. Saturday is the preview.  There’s no question that you are going to free yourself from whatever has dampened you self-confidence.

Capricorn ♑ (December 21-January 19)
It’s a powerful time.  Monday and Tuesday are days you can create ingenious plans for the future.  You have an organizational genius that’s rare even for a Capricorn!  Venus in your sign lends your magnetic appeal and stirs your love of life.  You heart is experiencing a pull toward home and roots, and a yearning for stability through financial security.  You have lady luck on your side when it comes to investing, just watch the tendency to go too far.  A sudden surprise or revelation this Saturday will show you where you are a prisoner of the past, wallowing in memories or good ol’ times that no longer serve you.  Anything that wants to leave your life now should be released in the name of your freedom.
Aquarius ♒ (January 20-February 17)
Give in to the nagging urge to re-structure your long term career/financial plans.  Your week begins with a perfectionist Virgo redesigning your closets and generally suggesting more practical ways you could be handling your assets--and your life!  Tedious work is favored for Monday and Tuesday.  Then you’ll feel the enthusiasm building to spend more time with friends, which will bring you the opportunity for sudden good fortune by Saturday.  Mingle with the masses.  It will inspire a new way to be of service that will bring you joy.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)

All the power amassing in Serious Scorpio right now brings a deepening of your spiritual beliefs and your need to teach.  This Monday and Tuesday in particular your mind is loaded with scientific and mathematical brilliance that can jumpstart your career around the time of the New Moon on December 2nd.  Your imagination is truly in overdrive.  Get a friend to listen while you talk out your ideas.  You need the grounding that brings.  You’re not one to jump to conclusions, far from it, but Saturday ignites so many ideas that you’ll feel some nervousness.  Let it out.  Uranus wants to free you from your  insecurities.  

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