Saturday, July 13, 2013

Free hugs and mystical epiphanies

In India they’ve recognized a woman named Amma as Mother of Immortal Bliss, the Hugging Saint.  She just goes around hugging and comforting people. For free. She’ll break into song for absolutely no reason, except joy.  

Why aren’t we all doing this?

This week’s our big chance for sainthood!  The same Jovial Jupiter in harmonious trine to visionary Neptune occurs in the heavens above us this week, just as it did on the day of Hugging Amma’s birth.  Amma has this gift for life, but the same receptivity to mystical experiences is open to all of us now.  Greatly facilitated by mental Mercury coming out of his Cancer shell this Saturday, clearing channels of communication.

Set your epiphany clock for this Wednesday and Saturday.  Expect it to rain buckets of practical spirituality.

“There is one Truth that shines through all of creation...the sun, the moon and the stars, you and I--all are expressions of this one Reality.”  Mata Amritanandamayi, the Hugging Saint

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Leo and Mars in Cancer
Make big plans.  The lovers are not singing the same tune, but Mars has such an abundance of energy that he’ll carry Venus along in his enthusiasm.  He will simply not take no for an answer.  Venus will be flattered by this (flattery is a total necessity with Venus in Leo!).  Then you’re both carried away by the night itself--a magical summer’s dream.  Hug everyone.

“A hug is like a boomerang, you get it back right away!”  Bil Keane

The Force of mystics is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of July 14-July 20, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Venus is your best friend this week.  As a fire sign, you are more inspired than others to act upon your spiritual inspirations.  The big epiphanies, exact on Wednesday and Saturday, are in water signs and may sound gurgly to you, as if bubbling up from your unconscious mind--which they are.  Expect revelations about your roots, your sexuality, and your spiritual beliefs.  Remember the god of lightning is still in Aries, so opportunities to live happily, joyously, and free come with sudden, unexpected claps of thunder.  A good sign.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Your practical aesthetic sense is the perfect grounding container for this week’s prolific spiritual insights.  You can not only understand what’s coming through to you, but you can also make immediate practical use of the information.  Expect new insights in the areas of partnerships, friends, and communications.  Saturday is a great day for putting opportunities into action, gifts in the bank.  Your mind is a powerful conductor of images from spiritual dimensions.  Even with your Taurus feet planted in down-to-earth reasoning, you’ll still have lift-off!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Be gentle with yourself this week as you’re likely to feel out of sync.  Ever watch a wheel spinning so rapidly it begins to look as if it’s spinning backwards or standing still?  The big spiritual inspirations this week are going to come to you in great waves, but because they’re in water signs you’ll have moments of disorientation.  It’s just an epiphany trying to rise up into your conscious mind.  You’ll gain much more insight if you can make that wonderfully multitasking mind of yours stop and focus on one thing at a time.  A sweet wink from the goddess of love will bring your attention back to your heart, where your epiphanies are forming in a language you can understand.  By Saturday communications are in forward gear, but only at about 15 mph!

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
It could feel like tsunamis washing over you, only because so much information is coming to you right now that will take time to process.  It’s all good, and it’s so many opportunities to make your dreams come true that you yourself may find it difficult to believe!  Believe it dear Cancer.  This is one of the most powerful weeks in your year.  Jolly Jupiter in your sign is wonderful on his own, and this week his usual lucky streak (you have this for one year!) is magnified by both visionary insights and practical marketplace tips.  Take notes!  Pay special attention Wednesday and Saturday.  Both WOW days for you.    

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Neptunian thinking is always in the clouds--of dreams and imagination.  All you have to do is put in that lightning rod and ground your wildest ideas with the help of serious Saturn.  You have the opportunity to see with the eyes of love while at the same time making very practical and productive decisions. The epiphanies (exact this Wednesday and Saturday) are happening in water signs, so you fiery Leos will have to slow down and look both ways.  Then you’ll see how your discoveries can be profitable in the marketplace.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
As a Virgo you complete this weeks powerful configuration of planets by creating a “finger of God” aspect that points to a rebirth in your life; letting remnants of the past, still living in your mind, die.  And you’ll do this with the zeal of a warrior who won’t be defeated, and the power of a shaman who heals.  Collect amazing spiritual insights throughout the week, but don’t shift into forward gear with them until Saturday when Mercury turns direct in Cancer.  Look for a wink and a nod, not a burning bush.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
The fact that Libras are born for grace, not speed, is going to work for you this week.  Your customary fast mental pace could run right over a joyously insightful moment unless you balance that bright intellect with the deeply intense feelings that your epiphanies will travel on.  There are no planets in air signs right now, so simply gathering data won’t work for you.  It’s a right brain job.  Messy but gets you out of a rut.  Expect gifts related to your career, work, and resources.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Seldom has serious Saturn done you as much good as he will this week.  Saturn, still in your sign, gets your intensely practical work ethic some needed spiritual lift-off.  It’s rare to have dreams fall to earth, like fertile seeds in a garden, where your can of Miracle Grow brings immediate growth.  Expect miracles in the area of your creative self-expression, romance, and adventurous travel to exciting foreign places in your head and in your physical reality.  Just don’t try to close any deals until Saturday.  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Expect to receive many spiritual zingers this week, and to give them away as quickly as you get them.  New insights around budgeting and joint finances, unconscious desires (which will bubble up in some uncomfortably intense ways), will come through in your dreams and daydreams.  Make yourself pay attention and write them down no matter how “alien” they feel.  Above all, trust the language of the heart--especially yours.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
You have a compelling influence.  “Might makes right” is not your style, but this week you’ll approach any work to be done with such wholehearted involvement that you find yourself uncharacteristically aggressive.  In a good way given your acute sense of fairness and integrity in all you do.  In your relationships with others you bring a big dose of optimism and support for their dreams, and you can give them practical feet.  Saturday is a particularly powerful day in which spiritual epiphanies come to you, as you fearlessly break from the past.
Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Well dear Aquarius, your ability to see the global humanitarian picture will save you a lot of frustration this week.  There are absolutely no planets in air signs, so intellectual understanding of the big insights you’ll receive (especially Wednesday and Saturday) is very unlikely.  However, if you hold your breath and dive into your unconscious waters, you’ll uncover hidden treasures related to intense desires in your house of career, deeply spiritual values when it comes to the use of resources, and ways to be of service to your family and community.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
Swimming around in the deep waters of dreams and visions is your usual forte, and this week your undersea adventures pay off handsomely.  The grand trine of epiphanies (especially Wednesday and Saturday) are all in water signs, setting off your clairvoyant abilities.  Your psychic gifts find very creative expression.  You can read the minds of your family members, and you’re going to have insights related to your tribal roots and deepest desires.  Your thoughts have an elegant magic when you put them to words.  Look for practical rewards.

✶ Astrology Wonks
A special hug to those of you coming to my workshop this weekend!  The stars are aligned beautifully for “Answering the Call of your trueSelf.”  Epiphanies for everyone!  :)

Major, huge, enormous spiritual energy this Wednesday and Saturday:  
Wednesday is a grand trine in water signs (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces); Jupiter in Cancer trines Saturn in Scorpio at 10:31 AM, PDT; Jupiter trines Neptune in Pisces at 5:13 PM.   (which of course means Saturn and Neptune are also trine).

Saturday the Moon in Sagittarius trines Venus in Leo at 8:00 AM (you’ll want to rally all your neighbors for a Free Hugs campaign); Mercury turns direct at 11:22 AM (thank you God!); Next warrior Mars in Cancer trines psychic Neptune in Pisces at 12:42 PM, and also trines Saturn at 2:33, again setting off the grand trine in water signs (above).  This is, at the very least, putting your wildest dreams into action and manifesting them in flashes of inspired clairvoyance.  

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