Saturday, May 4, 2013

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

As the currents of electromagnetic fields change during Thursday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus, you’ll have a powerful opportunity to shift your perception, particularly about what is enough.  New programs are ready for download.  What’s good enough?  When have you had enough?

Watch the Moon set with the Sun at 8:08 PM, PDT, this Thursday.  It’s an annular eclipse, meaning the outer disc of the Sun will be seen as a ring around the Moon.  

Just before the eclipse, Venus gets a curious itch when she blown into the multi-tasking think tank of Gemini.  She’s in her most flirtatious and witty glory, but with a little fickleness to keep things interesting.

The week starts with our winged messenger Mercury handling some gloomy globs of worry being thrown at him from a stern Saturn in Scorpio.  If you’re addressing what truly is, no delusions, you’ll be standing on the solid ground of reality.  Just where Taurus likes to be.  

“Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse.  All is well provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night.”  Victor Hugo

♡ Date Night:  Venus in Gemini and Mars in Taurus
Variety is the spice of Venus’ life when she’s in the house that Gemini built.  Expect flirtatious but fickle moods.  And, she’s gonna want to talk, talk, talk about it!  Meanwhile, masculine Mars is patiently pursuing a permanent relationship, waiting for romance to develop like a slowly ripening tropical fruit.  Sorry fella, she’s hopped a plane to Bali and is already eating it right off the trees!

The Force of enough already! is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of May 5-11, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
It’s like going to sit on a mountaintop and looking down at all the small specs of activity running around and into jams.  You need to remember your problems are like tiny little ants compared to the big horizon ahead for you.  Monday and Tuesday will tickle you with excitement and good feelings.  When Venus enters Gemini Thursday, she’ll add light hearted wit to lift your spirits out of the plodding along stubborn routines (Taurus!) that often pass as stability.  You’re about to discover a considerable amount of love in your everyday life.  You never have to search for it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Getting dirty and messy is what it takes to fully participate in life.  Like getting in there with the coal miners, rolling up your sleeves, and working side by side.  There’s just no way to stay squeaky clean in this world.  Like a coal miner, you can focus on the blackness of it all, or on the beauty of men and women working hard to feed the families they love.  Thursday’s solar eclipse New Moon in your sign stimulates your “green thumb” of financial security and generates a sense of well being.  Plus, the goddess of love, bringer of wealth and beauty, has entered your house of money and resources.  Expect to attract a person or circumstance that will be very good for you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
We live in a world of chaos, so of course you’ll feel a bit like an alien since you are among the very few who are able to hold onto peace of mind, even when only bad news fills the airwaves.  When Venus moves into your sign Thursday morning, you’re filled with warmth and a willingness to compromise.  Your love of fun, freedom, and adventurous travel attract people to you.  But they better be ready to change their dull routines, or they’ll never keep up with your keen curiosity about new ideas.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
Love or fear?  Remember that your choice determines your reality, and love is always bigger than anything life can throw at you!  When the goddess of love moves into multi-tasking Gemini this Thursday, you may be called upon to help someone you love.  Even if you bend over backwards to do it, keep quiet about your selfless service.   Spiritual rewards of knowing that you’ve done all you can will leave you peacefully content.  The shadow of the eclipse helps you see a dark spot in your relationship that needs expose to the clarity of the sunlight.  

Leo (July 22-August 22)
Would you rather be happy or right?  You can’t have both.  Certainly you mind is sharp as this week begins, so use it to focus on what you want more of.  This Thursday Venus moves her wealth and beauty into your house of friendships.  You’ll feel very sociable and enjoy the company of others much more than usual for the next three weeks.  The shadow of the eclipse falls over your career choices and ambitions, helping you see where you feel fulfilled and where you are draining your energies.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You can see what’s wrong in any situation.  If you’re a proofreader, that’s great.  If you’re looking in the mirror, that’s discouraging!  This Thursday’s eclipse will bring the blueprint of your life’s destiny into stark relief.  You’re ending a 19 year cycle, and the residue of trauma since 1994 will no longer obstruct your spirit if you let it through you, no clinging to the past.  The goddess of love wants to give you more favorable circumstances in your business and professional life by adding to your ability to work harmoniously with others. You can attract a guide or mentor who helps you get ahead.     

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Sunday’s just like taking a relaxing shower, putting on your clean white shirt, and going to tour a coal mine.  You won’t clean up the coal mine, you’ll just get black dust all over you!  Stuff happens, and it’s not your fault!  Your loving muse, Venus, is putting a prosperous wind in your sails beginning this Thursday.  Through a love encounter you will have a consciousness expanding experience.  You’re attracted to someone new and different who opens up your definition of what is beautiful.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Sunday you get to realize that worrying has never made anything better.  Certainly there are difficulties to face in life, but when you don’t add your own anxiety to the mix things have a way of working out.   Factors hidden in your most intimate relationships come to the surface during this Thursday’s eclipse, which will be very good for you.  At the same time the goddess of love stimulates a deeper intensity that is a vehicle for you inward transformation.  Venus brings wealth wherever she goes, so you can expect money without any special effort on your part.    

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Reason will go a long way to cheering you up when you can step back and get a bigger perspective on your personal problems this week.  This Thursday, just before the solar eclipse, Venus sets up her “diplomacy and cooperation” counseling booth in your house of relationships.  Your partnerships enter one of the best times of the whole year!  Affection is expressed easily, both ways, and new love enters under the influence of openness and clarity of feelings.  Just don’t let these good feelings lull you into forgetting to stand up for yourself.  

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Perception creates reality, and your perception of yourself as this week begins may be tinged with negativity.  Remember it’s just the lens you’re looking through, not the truth about yourself.  You’re going to have to deal with some incompatibility after Venus enters your house of work this Thursday.  Love may take a backseat to duties if you subordinate your desire for fun and pleasure.  The eclipse digs up some tacit agreements you’ve held with another and makes it necessary to confront difficulties that you’ve not handled.  Then you become aware of powerful spiritual forces at work that give you an upgrade to first class happiness.  But you can’t take old baggage with you!

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Don’t wait to make those changes.  Delay will just be painful, since you know that action works better than being frozen in fear or seething in anger.  Clear those decks, because this Thursday the goddess of love is setting up a disneyland of fun in your house of romance, children, and creativity.  For the next three weeks you take a break and just enjoy yourself.  Your creative self-expression is filled with inspiring ideas.  Your only “difficulty” is that you won’t feel like taking anything too seriously!  Yay!  The eclipse in Taurus will cast a shadow on your home and family, briefly giving you the chance to reboot your priorities.  When it comes to nurturing, it’s your turn.

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
There’s no problem that drugs and alcohol won’t make worse.  Escape and denial are natural reactions to fears, they’re just not helpful.  Side with your strengths.  What you focus on grows!  The goddess of love makes a move Thursday, just before the eclipse, into your home where she helps you take a loving look at your experiences with your parents.  You want more closeness, and you feel warm and receptive.  The eclipse reboots the way you think of your family and loved ones, and how you communicate with them.  Could less be more?  What have you had enough of?  

✶ Astrology Wonks
Messenger Mercury has joined the lineup in Taurus of five planets who are grounding us in the pleasures and comforts of life.  But early this Sunday morning (4:12 AM, PDT)  Messenger Mercury opposes Saturn in Scorpio;  negative thinking tries for the upper hand.

Venus enters Gemini Thursday at 8:03 AM, PDT.  Just prior to Thursday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus occurs at 5:29 PM, PDT.  That puts Mars, Mercury, Sun and Moon in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio.  Digging in the dirt, no telling what you’ll find!

The Moon enters Gemini, with Venus, on Friday at 2:21 PM.  She goes on to  a sweet sextile with the god of lightning Saturday at 12:08 PM, just before Mercury conjuncts the Sun.  We’ll all be talking about it!  Electric and playful.  

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