Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's clouds illusions...

Like a bank of low dark clouds that seem to be a solid wall before the sun, illusions give way softly to the mountain tops that rise above them, and they have no power at all to hold back anyone willing to climb above them and see the sun.   A Course In Miracles

New hopes, dreams and visions meet with choice and intention under the Pisces New Moon this Monday. You emerge from the clouds of imagination you've been sleepwalking through for the past five weeks.  Compassion has washed you in the waters of forgiveness.

This is the last New Moon of the astrological year (Aries - Pisces). Preparations are needed for the beginnings of spring.  Clear out the dead wood of winter.  Uproot those useless beliefs and deadening attitudes.  Aerate the soil with your tender loving care.  

Late Monday night, Warrior Mars marches from the sea into the warm fires of his homeland, Aries.  You begin five weeks of forceful and fierce forward motion.  

Date Night:  Venus in Pisces and Mars in Aries
Mars is on his war path, while Venus is still dreamily drifting through clouds of romance.  She wants to read him another line from Rumi, but he’s rushed out the door on a new quest, never looking back.  The gap is temporary.  Keep faith in one another.

When you change your mind, life has no choice but to re-cluster itself according to the new level of vibrations at which you are operating.  Alan Cohen

The Force of actualizing your dreams is with you.
Here’s your horoscope for the week of March 10, 2013:
(★ Astrology Wonks see bottom of page)

Aries ♈ (March 20-April 19)
Tuesday is Wow!  There may have been some dizzy dancing through your active imagination recently, but now you’re ready to separate wheat from chaff.  You’re in the wrapping up phase that occurs annually just before your birthday.  Weeding, pruning and letting go.  Make a list of what you don’t need to take with you into your personal New Year.  The New Moon this Monday afternoon is a particularly auspicious time for you to start new projects. Then, it’s Good Morning Sunshine when Warrior Mars wakes you up as he enters pioneering Aries this Tuesday morning. The next five weeks will be characterized by an almost uncontainable energy that must have an outlet.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
From the field of your dreams, you’ve got a firm grip on the happiest of your visions.  Use the initiating energy of Monday’s New Moon to firm up your resolve to actualize your dream.  If an overdose of nostalgia has been dampening your spirits, or distracting you from being present, hang on that’s about to change.  Tuesday’s march of Warrior Mars into a fire sign will begin a five week period for you in which your will not tolerate opposition.  The Taurus tortoise has a bite!  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Springtime is just around the last cloud of self-deception in your mind.  On the way to loving unconditionally, through all the illusions, missteps and bumbles, you have come to recognize all that love is not.  You know love just is.  In the dark of Monday’s New Moon is a time for unveiling truths.  Sit, use your inner spiritual eye, focus on the words you want to use.  They will put you in a place of prominence in other people’s eyes.  Beginning Tuesday, you’ll dry off your dreams and enter a five week period of self-expressive action that will lead you to evolutionary experiences.  

Cancer (June 21-July 21)
If you’re following your bliss, old friends will shake their heads and say you’ve changed.  That’s a good sign!  You are emotionally sensitized to the sufferings of others and Monday’s New Moon is the perfect time to initiate healing in your family and domestic life.  They need the scope of your spiritual understanding, so don’t withdraw.  Dry off the heart you’ve been wearing on your sleeve, and get ready to take the lead.  You’ve been flooded with emotions that may have kept you from decisive action, but beginning this Tuesday you’ll have renewed courage to go after what you want in your career.  

Leo (July 22-August 22)
You prefer dreams that have already come true to any that may be vaguely waiting on a more imaginative time in your life.  Nevertheless, let yourself do some lazy but regal daydreaming during the stillness of Monday’s New Moon.  It’s not future-tripping if you hold your dreams loosely without emotional attachment.  Your plans have had a “behind the scenes” flavor for the past five weeks, but you’re in for enormous shifts.  The first one begins Tuesday with a prolonged period of wide awake courage and desire to take the initiative on projects.  Events, “luck,” and the right people don’t come to you at random, they’re magnetized by your attitude.  And your energy is leaping into the creative fires of right action.  
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Your security comes from knowing that no one can take from you what you have earned by right of consciousness.  You’ve kept your footing, and your head, while being bombarded with emotions that have derailed many others.  The New Moon Tuesday is a perfect time for you to catalogue the spiritual gains you’ve made, in spite of pulls and tugs to go off course.  You’ve been swimming in of a sea of compassion, with your empathic heart ready to love unconditionally, to experience the full depth of the year’s spiritual growth.  Ideas that have been formless and vague now finds clarity in the light of a fiery Aries warrior who energizes you with persistence and strong desire.  Activities regarding joint finances, taxes and inheritance are favored.   

Libra (September 23-October 22)
You have a gift for looking at both sides, and knowing that the darkest cloud doesn’t have the power to stop the fall of a feather.  Likewise, guilt is blown away simply by withdrawing your belief.  Create a dreamtime moment Monday at noon to move that mountain with your mind.  For the past five weeks you’ve stumbled through efforts to assert yourself, to stand your ground.  But it’s been hard to hold it.  Beginning Tuesday, your initiative and drive is in forward gear again!  You’re mental processes and communications may still be knotted until March 17th, but that just needs patience with do-overs.  

Scorpio ♏  (October 23-November 21)
Tears and fears and feeling proud to say “I love you” right out loud...”  is Joni Mitchell’s words for how you can use the energy of this week to initiate a new beginning.  Your imagination and emotional needs are heavily influencing your love life under the influence of a mysterious New Moon in Pisces this Monday.  It’s a very fertile ground for you.  If you’ve found yourself brooding over wrongs done to you in the past, don’t worry.  Profound changes in your desires, and the drive to take the initiative in new creative endeavors, begin this Tuesday (for the next five weeks) when Warrior Mars throws some fire around in Aries.  Go get ‘em!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
You have the gift of leaving people laughing wherever you go, and you’ll be much appreciated for that right now.  The dizzying swirl of hopes and illusions that Pisces has brought, will begin to sort themselves out this week.  You’re going for the gold of a happy and meaningful home life.  Psychological insights you’ve gained in the past five weeks are ready to be put to the test beginning this Tuesday.  Act on them freely, particularly when it comes to romance.  If the next five weeks of enthusiasm brings too much fire, get out your sporting gear and throw yourself in the competition.  You’ll win.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
Love your vision, your project, and stand behind it.  The recent deluge of Piscean dreams have shown you a few blind spots.  Now you know what holds you back.  Monday’s New Moon is your opportunity to pull old attitudes up by their roots.  Clear your garden.  Keep in mind that your thinking is heavily influenced by your imagination.  Not so much that you delude yourself, but enough to warrant a cautious eye on your emotional biases.  You get to wake up Tuesday morning to a whole new ballgame of directness and honesty for the next five weeks.  

Aquarius (January 20-February 17)
Ice cream castles, even when built in your humanitarian air, begin to melt and break open some delusions that can heal in the sunlight of your take on reality.  You’ve probably been the truth teller all along, but not heard until now.  The need you’ve felt for quiet and solitude (whether you actually got it or not is another story!) gives way now to action.  Take the initiative to deliver the message.  You’ll spark some needed dialogue about news that has been held under wraps for five weeks.  

Pisces ♓  (February 18-March 19)
If anyone could make bows from flows of angel hair, it’s you.  You’re more familiar with both sides of clouds than Joni Mitchell could ever be!  The New Moon in your sign this Monday begins a very auspicious week of new beginnings for you.  But you must watch for certain pitfalls.  You’re marvelously adaptable and a chameleon of moods, but your impressionability is so heightened you could lose sight of your true self.  The oversensitivity that has kept you hesitant about taking action is passing this Monday night when Warrior Mars marches into impulsive Aries.  You may be sitting on some leftover anger, so find some pillows to punch.  You’re ready to take a more empathic look at the people and ideas that have recently bubbled up from your past.

✶ Astrology Wonks
Up close and personal with Neptune’s cloudy illusions and delusions this week.  Joni Mitchell’s creative fame, Both Sides Now, came from her Moon in Pisces.  Monday’s New Moon in Pisces (12:52 PM, PDT) initiates the completion of a year’s journey through the 12 astrological signs.  The Full Moon in Libra that follows on March 27th is the blockbuster of the year!  

The Moon has spring in her step when she heats up in Aries this Tuesday at 4:17 AM, PDT.  She quickly joins Mars (Aries does everything quickly!) at 4:36 AM and then strikes up a lightning bolt or two with urgent Uranus at 6:07 PM.  

Warrior Mars marches from the sea into his Aries homeland this Monday at 11:25 PM, PDT.  He’ll spent five weeks pioneering new projects, new action.

P.S.  Caution.  Mercury is still retrograde, reversing and reviewing your efforts to move forward.  He turns to direct forward motion March 17th.  

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