Sunday, July 31, 2011

Is anyone listening?

Mercury, the god of communications, retreats to his underground cave on August 2nd for 24 days--taking that Virgo clarity and brilliant logic with him. Perhaps our messenger planet's human side has battle fatigue from all the shouting, ignored pleas, and unheard Paul Revere warnings. When Mercury plays caveman, it's time to re-think. Have we been saying what we really mean?

This winged-messenger carries information from the depths of the unknown into the openness of daylight--going to hell and back for us, quite literally. Sometimes known as the trickster, Mercury offers synchronistic slight-of-hand revelations. These are his gifts to us--making conscious an unconscious "knowing."

Just before going retrograde on Tuesday, Mercury has a face-off with universally compassionate Neptune. We see media images of people with nothing left--nothing left to eat, to pay the bills--are scavenging through garbage for recyclables. Old, familiar lyrics come to mind..."freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose." Is rebellious Uranus in Aries showing us what a person with nothing to loose is capable of?

Can Venus and Mars help bring us together? Warrior Mars leaves Gemini on Wednesday, August 3rd. He sheaths his sword for a relaxing sojourn on the homey hearth of Cancer. Rhetoric and filibuster are left outside. But Mars gets a little moody in Cancer after about a day--not enough action. He's likely to pick a fight with Venus, who's relishing the spotlight on the Leo stage. She won't be diverted from her pleasures by his emotional outbursts. Mars needs a do-it-yourself project. Venus, always generous in Leo, might join-in if it beautifies their home. Give Mars some nails to hammer while Venus picks out the new paint colors and at least we have some playful diversions.

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